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Biowares first mmo = massive failure


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High end systems are reporting problems running this terribly deployed game, and to top it all off major fixes that are going out are tuned to a /getdown emote. rly! Warhammer all over again, you would think with Blizzard paving the way for so many years new mmo's like this one could have learned something, back to the real mmo kings for me.
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Lets see maybe fix the fact that 70% of the playerbase with more than adequate system requirements could actually play the game. The fact that a simple patch is starting to cause ppls hardware to overheat. The fact the game was released to early. What could Bioware have done? hire decent game developers? The argument always is well look at other mmo's on release they had major bugs too, yea well the last time a decent mmo was released it was called world of warcraft and that was nearly a decade ago. with all the advances in technology in the time blizzard came onto the mmo scene other companies have learned nothing. i mean for gods sake my melle juggernaught has a 3 sec channeled melle ability, where was the boss at when they decided to add something like that into a melle role. idk the game is def not what i nor many were expecting and ill be honest ill be unsubbed if this game isnt in a playable state by mid feb. Edited by Paralassa
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I think you'll find out that 95% of players are playing fine. It's a vocal minority on these forums that are having valid issues.


However they're not helping anyone when they refuse to troubleshoot any issues on their own machines, preferring to throw around abuse instead.

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ok well call it a guess, id be willing to bet they have less than 300k subscribers come the end of feb cause of a poorly optimized game engine. Judging by the sheer number of forum post about performance issues id say its closer to 80% of the playerbase having problems, nothing about a choppy unresponsive combat mmo is fun or enjoyable.

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I think you'll find out that 95% of players are playing fine. It's a vocal minority on these forums that are having valid issues.


However they're not helping anyone when they refuse to troubleshoot any issues on their own machines, preferring to throw around abuse instead.


If thats true then id like to know what hardware these guys are running, u think ppl that play these type of computer games dont understand or realize how to optimize their own rigs for online gaming? Whens the last post u saw somone with a bad pc cryin about performance? they know their pc is bad thats why they dont complain and prob arent subscribed, the problem is ppl with good pc's cant play the game.

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ok well call it a guess, id be willing to bet they have less than 300k subscribers come the end of feb cause of a poorly optimized game engine. Judging by the sheer number of forum post about performance issues id say its closer to 80% of the playerbase having problems, nothing about a choppy unresponsive combat mmo is fun or enjoyable.


just because a very small number of players are having issues doesn't mean the hundreds of thousands of players that are ingame do too.


You'd also do well not to exaggerate every point you make as it gives less validity to anything you say.

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I troubleshooted by running the game at good ol' 1024x768, for a whopping fps of ~38 at the best of times. Is that what you wanted to hear?


Meanwhile I'm enjoying other games such as Skyrim, Deus EX, and Batman on hi-res. Thankyou for coming, Bioware.


Still, I enjoy this game also.

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I troubleshooted by running the game at good ol' 1024x768, for a whopping fps of ~38 at the best of times. Is that what you wanted to hear?


Meanwhile I'm enjoying other games such as Skyrim, Deus EX, and Batman on hi-res. Thankyou for coming, Bioware.


Still, I enjoy this game also.


i get nearly the same fps at 1900x1024 as i do at 800x600, their console gamers they had no idea what they were getting into when they decided to start this "project". They wont even aknowledge that thier is a major game engine issue.

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I think you'll find out that 95% of players are playing fine. It's a vocal minority on these forums that are having valid issues.


However they're not helping anyone when they refuse to troubleshoot any issues on their own machines, preferring to throw around abuse instead.


I've spent 2weeks troubleshooting and I wont spend anymore time doing so. the games a shambles nuff said.

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Interesting that you are complaining so strenuously but yet you just joined the forums last month. I have a mid-range system and I am AVERAGING 60fps everywhere except the fleets.


Just spouting off random numbers like you did and not providing a hint of actionable feedback that will help Bioware, that typically makes me think you're a troll. As you speak about WoW, I was there when WoW first opened. Do you know how long it took them to fix things so the game was actually playable??? It was over a MONTH! Nowhere did I see people there saying "Well, EQ did this right so why can't you?"


Yes, there are issues that Bioware needs to fix. There will always be issues. As for the level of subscribers, WoW is not liking the numbers they are hearing, which point to a tired gamerbase heading to TOR to check it out. Most of those people I have talked to myself have loved the game.

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I think you'll find out that 95% of players are playing fine. It's a vocal minority on these forums that are having valid issues.


However they're not helping anyone when they refuse to troubleshoot any issues on their own machines, preferring to throw around abuse instead.


Minimizing the people who are having issues might just be causing them to be abusive? I know for me it pisses me off when people just assume we havent done anything but sit at our keyboards and gripe. Your not helping the situation.

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It's really hilarious to read these posts by people who can't even speak English. As if they have a clue about anything...


Do you really think there are only english people here? There are also french, dutch, and maybe even spanish people in this forum (I'm french)

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Yes, there are issues that Bioware needs to fix. There will always be issues. As for the level of subscribers, WoW is not liking the numbers they are hearing, which point to a tired gamerbase heading to TOR to check it out. Most of those people I have talked to myself have loved the game.


I'm aware there will always be issues. BUT an MMO to me is PVP. and when I join Warzones, see a steady 60fps get excited, get into battle and my average fps drop to 15. Its just not acceptable for a £45 + £8 odd monthly sub. I Will NOT pay for a game monthly that's unplayable its simple.


IF bioware do what they say and by the end of jan have warzones hopefully ironed out I will stay on, its got the making of a fantastic game


even wow when I had possibly the worst computer playing wow ever, I could manage 30fps+ In battlegrounds.

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Interesting that you are complaining so strenuously but yet you just joined the forums last month. I have a mid-range system and I am AVERAGING 60fps everywhere except the fleets.


Just spouting off random numbers like you did and not providing a hint of actionable feedback that will help Bioware, that typically makes me think you're a troll. As you speak about WoW, I was there when WoW first opened. Do you know how long it took them to fix things so the game was actually playable??? It was over a MONTH! Nowhere did I see people there saying "Well, EQ did this right so why can't you?"


Yes, there are issues that Bioware needs to fix. There will always be issues. As for the level of subscribers, WoW is not liking the numbers they are hearing, which point to a tired gamerbase heading to TOR to check it out. Most of those people I have talked to myself have loved the game.


lmao when u compare vanilla wow in 2004 to vanilla tor in 2012, u just sound like a complete fool. The broken Hero-Engine they use has known problems but they are using it neway. u act like theres a reliable source out there for these "random numbers". its all speculation. which will prob prove to be accurate in the near future. In no way shape or form with the advancements in modern technology should a massive company like bioware be failing when all the groundwork and other problems other mmo;s have had are basically in blueprints for them. Console gamers tryin to get into the mmo scene will and is a major mistake. the playerbase in about 30days will prove it.

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I've heard a lot of the same thoughts, i'd have to disagree on the 95% of people playing this game are not having problems..many thousands of people have been trying to fix the FPS problem in any way they can, turning all settings to low, shadows off, even changing things in Client_settings to beyond the lowest preference you can go IN game. At first, the lag was..bearable, at the least. But as I progress, and keep playing, the lag has become worse running at 5 FPS. I mean, I have a pretty high end system..ran WoW on High with no lag most of the time, but I come to this and can't even run on Low without my game taking a ****. I'd say a good 30-35% of players are definitely having a difficult experience playing this game. PLEASE fix this game! I want to play with a high FPS like I should be.
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Minimizing the people who are having issues might just be causing them to be abusive? I know for me it pisses me off when people just assume we havent done anything but sit at our keyboards and gripe. Your not helping the situation.


Nobody is minimizing anything. Myself and others have been helping players right through beta until now. I can assure you that the amount of players who are having valid issues is nowhere remotely near the amount of people you think are.

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I'm aware there will always be issues. BUT an MMO to me is PVP. and when I join Warzones, see a steady 60fps get excited, get into battle and my average fps drop to 15. Its just not acceptable for a £45 + £8 odd monthly sub. I Will NOT pay for a game monthly that's unplayable its simple.


IF bioware do what they say and by the end of jan have warzones hopefully ironed out I will stay on, its got the making of a fantastic game


even wow when I had possibly the worst computer playing wow ever, I could manage 30fps+ In battlegrounds.


Yes, but in the warzones in WoW, when they first implemented them, they were horrible on FPS. Give them some time to get the Battlegrounds working and optimized. Only two of them were really playable for a large portion of beta, so they haven't exactly had them running for a long time.

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I've heard a lot of the same thoughts, i'd have to disagree on the 95% of people playing this game are not having problems..many thousands of people have been trying to fix the FPS problem in any way they can, turning all settings to low, shadows off, even changing things in Client_settings to beyond the lowest preference you can go IN game. At first, the lag was..bearable, at the least. But as I progress, and keep playing, the lag has become worse running at 5 FPS. I mean, I have a pretty high end system..ran WoW on High with no lag most of the time, but I come to this and can't even run on Low without my game taking a ****. I'd say a good 30-35% of players are definitely having a difficult experience playing this game. PLEASE fix this game! I want to play with a high FPS like I should be.


Nope. Not many thousands at all. Maybe 2-3 thousand ( which is still a lot of players) but definitley not many thousands. If that were the case, this forum would be flooded with player after player complaints. A simple scan proves it isn't, and that a LOT of the threads are made by the same players or the big threads are the same few players having a conversation between themselves.

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Nobody is minimizing anything. Myself and others have been helping players right through beta until now. I can assure you that the amount of players who are having valid issues is nowhere remotely near the amount of people you think are.


Those are incredible force powers ya got there, I mean knowing how many people I think are having problems ! Thats so cool ! I'ma think of a number between 1 and 10,000 and you pick it ! God you are good :)

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