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PvE healing - Specifically Hard Modes


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So I'm looking for some PvE feedback for CM Healing. As a tank healer I think we rock, nuff said. In EV/Hutt, solo healing is even possible on normal.


Enter....hard mode fp's.


Any boss that has an aoe ability I find makes me severely gimped. Take Esseles 2nd boss, Ironfist.


If interupts all go off and no dps pulls aggro(cause I'm pretty sure tank aggro atm is retarded) I still can't heal the boss to a death. Kolto hits only 3 people and for nothing really. AMP has a 9 sec cd and Bacta a 21 sec cd. So even if we survive the missle barrage, (with the help of a dps sage's shields) I can't top everyone up before someone gets punched in the face.


Our Trauma probe also seems terrible. Not only is it gone in no time, wasting yet another GCD, it doesn't heal for shyte either.


I've seen Smugglers heal this, with difficulty, but get through it. I've seen sages go to sleep while resting a paper weight on their shield button and coast through it.



Trauma probe hits for nothing and is gone way to soon.

Bacta Infusion hits for nothing especially as a 21 second cooldown.

AMP is good but is also on a 9 second cooldown which in most cases means MP spam.

Kolto hits for nothing and not even the whole party.


Oh and Hammer shot. Great as a filler but who really has time to be ahead to use it unless to refresh it. Supercharge cells is a great cd, but having to restack CSC is a pipe dream.


Again I'm more focusing on Hard mode fp's.

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Ironfist should be do-able if the boss is interrupted properly. You dont necessarily have a hurry to top everyone off, it's just a matter of keeping everyone alive without wasting too much ammo.


Tech Override is a great cooldown as well as Reserve Powercell, you can use them to get a free or instant AMP on the tank and then MP on another player, changing between targets and keeping your Trauma Probe on the tank which is actually very good.


TP might not heal for much with every tick, but it doesn't cost anything and is very efficient from a total healing per GCD point of view.


Gearing for alacrity helps a lot with controlling boss fights like this one, around 20% with first responder up should definitely be enough.


A supercharged kolto bomb may help with controlling the damage from the missile storm, or buffing the tank so you dont have to heal him as much while keeping the rest of the group alive, because of the 10% damage reduction and 5% healing received buffs with supercharged cells up.


Kolto Bomb isn't really about raw healing as much as it is the healing buff, I generally keep it on the tank if I bother keeping it at all. Still, it's very efficient, potentially doing 4-6k+ total healing across the group with a low cost, short CD and instant cast. Which isn't something to scoff at.


I would aim for 400+ bonus healing and 17%+ haste with first responder up if I was you, if you havent already. Then see if it goes any better. It also lets you use hammer shot more often, making it easier to build CSC.


Or just tell the DPS people to stop being silly and use their defensive cooldowns and medpacs when they need to.

Edited by Ellie_
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