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Force Lightning, project slows/stuns etc.


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Does anyone else feel that force lightning... is annoying? Especially when you have 4 sorcerers in a war zone? Ya there are plunty of annoying things about each class. I think lightning and projects range on soc/sages distance or range of use needs to be decreased or the cool down needs to be extended.


Justification is simple, any melee prof has to run at you from distance to get close to attack. The problem is when multiple people are the same class it essentially removes the use of playing melee. Consular/Inquistor, Smug/Agent don't have an action that allows them to leap at the player. Atleast agent can do more ranged damage than shadow/assassin. Point being there needs to be better balance.


Also- when you hit 50, I think the same thing for every player character should go - stuns, slows etc shouldn't have a 100% success chance of landing in pvp. This should be factored through EXP level as a PVP bonus. Its annoying to get stunned by a lvl 10 then have to chase them all around.


Then again I don't know. I am sure everyone else's opinion will be interesting to read.

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the amount of CC in this game is crazy. not only force lightning but every class has some form of slow or disable which can perma pin someone in place in a 3 on 1 situation. and the force lightning youre referring to is the STOCK attack of a sorc lol. so if youre going to run head long into battle youre going to be hit endlessly with them as they can be configured with no cooldown. Edited by eldrjth
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So your abilities shouldnt work untill you are valor rank 50?


Yeeah thats not gonna simply destroy pvp balance, nope not at all :p

I can agree with you taht some sort of resistance needs to be in place. But gaining better abilties per valor rank only ensures no lifers owns you even more than tehy are doing now lol..


Where does these incredible Roleplaying ideas come from ? is there like a whole player base of roleplayers from some odd game i dont know about that has invaded SWTOR ?


Remind of another person saying that bosses and missions shouldnt give gear as reward, they should give mats so you could make them through crafting :D whats up with these HCR ideas :D

Edited by Ivpiv
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...Point being there needs to be better balance.


Also- when you hit 50, I think the same thing for every player character should go - stuns, slows etc shouldn't have a 100% success chance of landing in pvp. This should be factored through EXP level as a PVP bonus. Its annoying to get stunned by a lvl 10 then have to chase them all around.


LULZ - I would agree with most of what you say but you completely contradict yourself here. In one line, you say there needs to be balance. The VERY next line you say that level 50's should be able to dodge stuns from level 10's. How exactly is this balance???


I'm sorry but if you put 50's with 10's in Warzones, you absolutely cannot give 50's MORE of an edge than they already have. I can see this a viable request in open world pvp, in which case a level 10 has the option of not pvp'ing in that area, but this cannot be done in warzones. 50's are already specced out in champion gear and pwn any level 10 they come across so this is a ridiculous request.


That being said, I think this game's class balance is better than most MMO's out there. IDC what anyone says, every mmo that has listened to it's player base on class balance (mostly just qq'ers I'm talking here) has just made the balance issues worse in their game.

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So your abilities shouldnt work untill you are valor rank 50?


Yeeah thats not gonna simply destroy pvp balance, nope not at all :p

I can agree with you taht some sort of resistance needs to be in place. But gaining better abilties per valor rank only ensures no lifers owns you even more than tehy are doing now lol..


Where does these incredible Roleplaying ideas come from ? is there like a whole player base of roleplayers from some odd game i dont know about that has invaded SWTOR ?


Remind of another person saying that bosses and missions shouldnt give gear as reward, they should give mats so you could make them through crafting :D whats up with these HCR ideas :D



Its not roleplaying its called balancing. Its been this way since beta 6 months ago - they didn't change the right things to ensure that balance was permitted from certain standpoints. And incentives for players who reached 50 other than armor is limited. However, if they fix the system to be bracketed - having warzones where players are matched related to level/valor then incentives such as reduced stuns/slows makes sense.


Let me put it to you this way. If your a boxer whos won 5 world title belts the odds of you being knocked out by a ten year old that can only jab shouldn't phase you... unless your fighting someone equivalent to yourself. This is why bolstering is a failure.


There needs to be better balance so talents permitted not spamming the same attack like it was originally ment to be.

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LULZ - I would agree with most of what you say but you completely contradict yourself here. In one line, you say there needs to be balance. The VERY next line you say that level 50's should be able to dodge stuns from level 10's. How exactly is this balance???


I'm sorry but if you put 50's with 10's in Warzones, you absolutely cannot give 50's MORE of an edge than they already have. I can see this a viable request in open world pvp, in which case a level 10 has the option of not pvp'ing in that area, but this cannot be done in warzones. 50's are already specced out in champion gear and pwn any level 10 they come across so this is a ridiculous request.


That being said, I think this game's class balance is better than most MMO's out there. IDC what anyone says, every mmo that has listened to it's player base on class balance (mostly just qq'ers I'm talking here) has just made the balance issues worse in their game.


lol yes. contraindication indeed. However, where are any incentives to level if you can't have those abilities or benefits over someone of a lower level? They only apply in open world, unless your equipped with pvp armor. otherwise your talent can only go so far.

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I dont think they should remove or change them but I do think they should add diminishing returns chain cc from 3 people of the same type is bs I think it should lower the time and eventually make you imune to that cc type stun or whatever when it comes to pvp.
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BW you need to fix the sap in PVP, I should not be sapped for 60 sec...really?! Then get *********** 2 shotted by an Operative/Scoundrel.....you are gong to lose LOTS of players if this game isn't balanced out for PVP.
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