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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Smasher Build


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so.. don't know if someone already posted a build like that one, but i was thinking on making a pvp build like this : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101cMZhGMMR0zZGr0rdbM.1


beeing a 5/16/20 focusing mainly on the smash ability..


i noticed a lot of sinergys between the rage and vengeance tree regarding this ability and at least in theory sounds like it can dish a lot of damage, specially because dominate ensure a critical hit..



pretend to go for soresu form and use a rotation that goes like this:


force charge - sundering assault - force choke - smash - force scream - sundering assault - saber throw - spam some vicious slash/sundering assaults until be able to : obliterate them smash again/ foce push - charge and them smah again ( this is prefered, to obtain more results from unstopable, but it does need some space)


i don't actually plan o using the build for levelling, as i'm doing pretty well with my imorrtal jugg at this moment..


toughts?? am i dreamming something impossible with this build??

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Your build need some tweaks...


The Vengeance list:


-> I think you chose Ruin because you lack of rage to make skills usually... but you dont need that talent, just put one on Shien form and you will have huge amounts of rage built.


-> Pooled Hatred is useless when you have Shien, as you will never lack of rage having it. And the bleeding from Force Screaming is useless, 100 damage/sec is useless...


-> Accuracy is useless, you can spend the talent on better ways.


The Rage list is ok, but with the top tier you get more chances to use Smash, so it will be "better" (remember Force Choke is 1 minute cooldown while Smash is 15).

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Your only way to buff smash in this build is with choke, which is channeled, interruptible, and able to be dispelled/broken. You won't do very well here, you NEED your top tier talent
Are you sure? Unstoppable makes you immune to interruptions for 4 secs, so if he goes Charge > Choke > Smash their should be little issue (or Sunder after the Choke if you like). So the build could work as a one-trick AOE pony. Everything revolves around getting to the next Smash. Perhaps a bit niche, but probably rather effective for big mob PvE.


As for the top-tier Talents... What makes Force Crush or Impale (Rage & Veng respectively) so critically needed? Neither have the base numbers that are gonna beat the damage of auto-crit buffed Smashes. If those top talents crit, they will out-perform, but it's still against only one target. They are great if you are going for the boss-killer, but not so effective against numbers. So please explain why they are so critical.


That being said, probably a few things I'd change in the build.

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Are you sure? Unstoppable makes you immune to interruptions for 4 secs, so if he goes Charge > Choke > Smash their should be little issue (or Sunder after the Choke if you like). So the build could work as a one-trick AOE pony. Everything revolves around getting to the next Smash. Perhaps a bit niche, but probably rather effective for big mob PvE.


As for the top-tier Talents... What makes Force Crush or Impale (Rage & Veng respectively) so critically needed? Neither have the base numbers that are gonna beat the damage of auto-crit buffed Smashes. If those top talents crit, they will out-perform, but it's still against only one target. They are great if you are going for the boss-killer, but not so effective against numbers. So please explain why they are so critical.


That being said, probably a few things I'd change in the build.


You can only choke every 50 seconds or so. that makes the build bad. You focus on smash but only have one way to empower it. You'll hit hard once and then be gimp for the next 40 or so seconds. With force crush you get empowered smashes every 20 seconds or so, or faster if both choke and crush are up.


Impale is vital to vengeance because it a large amount of damage and make scream basically an auto crit.

Edited by Noth
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Are you sure? Unstoppable makes you immune to interruptions for 4 secs, so if he goes Charge > Choke > Smash their should be little issue (or Sunder after the Choke if you like). So the build could work as a one-trick AOE pony. Everything revolves around getting to the next Smash. Perhaps a bit niche, but probably rather effective for big mob PvE.


As for the top-tier Talents... What makes Force Crush or Impale (Rage & Veng respectively) so critically needed? Neither have the base numbers that are gonna beat the damage of auto-crit buffed Smashes. If those top talents crit, they will out-perform, but it's still against only one target. They are great if you are going for the boss-killer, but not so effective against numbers. So please explain why they are so critical.


That being said, probably a few things I'd change in the build.


Having played a good bit of PvP, pretty much as soon as you start choking it'll get broken (their Unleash or whatever) and you get MAYBE 2 stacks. You absolutely need your end-tier talent to be useful

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You can only choke every 50 seconds or so. that makes the build bad. You focus on smash but only have one way to empower it. You'll hit hard once and then be gimp for the next 40 or so seconds. With force crush you get empowered smashes every 20 seconds or so, or faster if both choke and crush are up.


Impale is vital to vengeance because it a large amount of damage and make scream basically an auto crit.

Well I don't know if the build is "gimp". You're still jumping around throwing out auto-crit Smash whenever it cycles - just not at the extra 75-100% damage. And you are doing it for free while in Soresu form. The build doesn't look like it's gonna be a dps monster like pure Shii-Cho Rage or Shien Vengeance. So if that's your focus, I guess you could call it gimp. But this guy's build would also tank quite a bit better than those two.


So it kinda looks like a group PvE build where you are holding aggro and doing AOE damage while your dps guys blast stuff down. It'll never tank as well as Immortal, or dps as much as Rage or Veng. Still it looks kinda interesting. And if you really need a pure tank for something, you can always respec.

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Having played a good bit of PvP, pretty much as soon as you start choking it'll get broken (their Unleash or whatever) and you get MAYBE 2 stacks. You absolutely need your end-tier talent to be useful
Well the Break Stun ability would break the hold/stun, but would it stop the Choke effect or ticks? The Smash should still get buffed. ('Course after the first couple times targets will just learn to break stun and then get out of range. So still a rather questionable use.)


Granted I don't think the build is all that hot for PvP (which is what OP is asking about). Seems more suited to fun casual PvE.

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Well I don't know if the build is "gimp". You're still jumping around throwing out auto-crit Smash whenever it cycles - just not at the extra 75-100% damage. And you are doing it for free while in Soresu form. The build doesn't look like it's gonna be a dps monster like pure Shii-Cho Rage or Shien Vengeance. So if that's your focus, I guess you could call it gimp. But this guy's build would also tank quite a bit better than those two.


So it kinda looks like a group PvE build where you are holding aggro and doing AOE damage while your dps guys blast stuff down. It'll never tank as well as Immortal, or dps as much as Rage or Veng. Still it looks kinda interesting. And if you really need a pure tank for something, you can always respec.


The thing s you can run in soresu in a pure smash build and throw out just as many auto crit smashes that are also empowered. Everything you mention it does can be done in a pure rage smash build simply by switching to soresu.

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The thing s you can run in soresu in a pure smash build and throw out just as many auto crit smashes that are also empowered. Everything you mention it does can be done in a pure rage smash build simply by switching to soresu.
True. Except for the free part (Ruin). Which given the issues in building rage in soresu can be kinda important at times. Plus his build has the benefits of Unstoppable. ... Course those benefits might not be as useful as doing the Crush/Choke buffing more often. So who knows.
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True. Except for the free part (Ruin). Which given the issues in building rage in soresu can be kinda important at times. Plus his build has the benefits of Unstoppable. ... Course those benefits might not be as useful as doing the Crush/Choke buffing more often. So who knows.


Rage smash builds already hit pretty weakly outside of the empowered smash, the build would hit even weaker. I just don't see a real upside to that build.

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