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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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To the OP.


1. The 'exploit' that some have been talking about is still just a rumor. The devs pulled metrics from the game yesterday afternoon and at that time they reported that the highest level character at the time was significantly lower than the 30-40 level range some have been posting about.


2. If you plan on buying loot drop gear from the market, the very same gear you yourself can pick up from just playing the game, then you're an MMO idiot. I have never paid for loot drop gear in my many years of playing MMO's. I typically only pay for high level player crafted gear. Or possibly that elite loot drop gear that is hard to come by.

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to the op.


1. The 'exploit' that some have been talking about is still just a rumor. The devs pulled metrics from the game yesterday afternoon and at that time they reported that the highest level character at the time was significantly lower than the 30-40 level range some have been posting about.


2. If you plan on buying loot drop gear from the market, the very same gear you yourself can pick up from just playing the game, then you're an mmo idiot. I have never paid for loot drop gear in my many years of playing mmo's. I typically only pay for high level player crafted gear. Or possibly that elite loot drop gear that is hard to come by.


this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this

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Hmm, another derailling topic.


Since BW keeps deleting all of the trollololol posts, my interesting questions don't get answered. So since this thread is still alive...


If you throw salt on a troll...


What happens to the salt?


What happens to the troll?

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OP your whining has made my bones hurt.


You have completely and utterly interpreted the world as you see fit.


None of which you said in the OP was remotely right - it was all misconstrued, blatantly wrong, and misinterpreted.


Good day.

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the entire crux of everyone's qq storm is that they did not purchase early enough. Some people accept that and some people just can't live with it and keep coming up with off-the-wall reasons why it's so bloody unfair.


Whatever the reason is really of no consequence. We didn't purchase early enough to get in on the first day's waves. That's it. Period. Kick and scream, think what you will, but the bottom line is bioware made us aware of the criteria and we made our decisions. Live with them. Man up. Blaming everyone but yourself for your decisions is a sign of weakness. We'll all get to play soon and all this foolish crap will be completely forgotten as soon as you hit play for the first time.

thank you, sir

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