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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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i like the race to the top - the challange in the first days of n mmo.



By the time i am able to login a lvl 50 hero will greet me in allchat and announce his special offers in the galactic market for all the newbs.

When i am questing in a pvp zone some lvl 50 nerd will rule my world.

When queue for a BG with lvl 10 i wont be playing agianst other lvl 10 heroes.


I am happy for all the people who are content with their current situation without beeing able to play - i am certainly not.

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Are you people serious ?


Since 11pm yesterday all servers where empty. I know i stayed on all night.




What server control ? Like 5% is playing maybe atm. This is a joke not a launch. How can you advertise this as one when no one can get in apart from few lucky ones.


I would agree on the whole wave thing if they would follow up with their idea but they basicaly went sleep and dont tell me that technical support is 24/7, that is obvious. But ppl responsible for letting ppl in went sleep.


This is not a worst launch because of instability (its imposible to have not stable servers when they are empty) but because its called an EGS but no one can play it apart from lucky few !!!! and it feels like rubing it when we all stare at the screen all night.


This wont be forgotten for a long time and will be pointed as how not to launch an mmo in the future. Stress test should be done in beta not now. Beta is to test not for marketing primarly. Tho you cant avoid that this days.


PS: Ahkron yes it is screwed. You are light years behind other ppl in terms of rare recipies that are limited in swtor to a certian amount not everyone can get it. People have more gold wich means everything costs more while you get less. Most players are high level with twinked gear and becasue they are, they will gank lower lv unequiped players for fun. Want me to continue ? The list is very long.


You are clearly not an experiance seasoned mmorpg player.


Exactly! If it was up to the people everybody wouldve taken the few game crashes and a 4+h queue instead this where most of us are forced to wait for days.


Not to mention its a well known fact that they got teams working 24/7 in shifts so why do we get an 18h gap?

All ive seen so far is just horrible desicion making on Biowares part.

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i like the race to the top - the challange in the first days of n mmo.



By the time i am able to login a lvl 50 hero will greet me in allchat and announce his special offers in the galactic market for all the newbs.

When i am questing in a pvp zone some lvl 50 nerd will rule my world.

When queue for a BG with lvl 10 i wont be playing agianst other lvl 10 heroes.


I am happy for all the people who are content with their current situation without beeing able to play - i am certainly not.


Well then, my concerned hero, you should have registered in July. You didn't. That opportunity is gone. Learn to cope with it like an adult or cancel sub.

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Well let me start by saying, i'm glad you conceded at the ended that your an arrogant fool. Secondly, elitists refer to the ones telling us we have 'NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN' and to 'SUCK IT UP'. If your an unhappy customer, you complain, thats the way of the world buddy.


You knew what you were purchasing. Any assumptions are your bad. Stop this nonsensical ranting it makes you look immature and ignorant.

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Wow there are a lot of cry babies in this game.


Grow up and wait your turn in line. Your not entitled to squat. Just wait your turn.


You had the same opportunity that everyone else had.


The funny thing is, if you signed up on the first day, you would not be here complaining. You would be playing and probably saying the same thing I am saying to you right now to someone else.

Edited by Davorn
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By our you mean your. And believe it or not, we don't particularly care to hear it. This is a me me me me me thread. You're sad that you didn't get in first day because you were too slow to order. Aw boo. Now you can't exploit the market (which will quickly normalize). You can't be lazy AND expect to get the edge on the competition. Life doesn't work that way, my boy. One day you will find that out.


No, again i'll state it for you in simple word's so you understand, clearly you skipped from page 1 and went to page 7, but i don't wish to be AHEAD of anyone else. I wish we were all in at the same time. Tell me, if you had a friend who was playing right now, who you initially wanted to start the game with together, or a guildmate(s) and so on, except they have access to a powerleveling exploitation that once more people enter the servers, will no longer exist, meaning that all your friends, who are not going to pass up an opportunity to get ahead, have now left you behind to play alone until you catch up, if you even do before they hit level 50, which will be tonight and tomorrow i believe, as there's reports of level 30's to 35 to 40, and not only that during the november weekend beta, i saw someone get from level 1-37 in the time we were given.

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Credits are SWTOR's game currency.

Gold is a typical fantasy games currency.


Keywords - GAME CURRENCY. Pretty sure regardless of what they're labelled.. Their the same thing?


not even close. if real currency was treated the "same" as you say there would be no need for exchange rates... the thought is even less applicable here where ALL the rules of the market are contrived by two 2 separate and distinct 'god-like' entities, in this case BW and Gizzard.


when you say a market is a market is a market, currency is currency is currency, you forget that you are not god...

Edited by catherder
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Wow there are a lot of cry babies in this game.


Grow up and wait your turn in line. Your not entitled to squat. Just wait your turn.


Another person who thinks a customer doesn't have the right to complain. I cant wait for the day you go to have a lolley or a packet of chips or a drink, and find a razorblade mixed in with it. Remember what you said now, because as a customer, by your standards, you have no right to complain.

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Lol all you who QQ really have no idea. Pick a topic and it fails.


1. Pre-order cry cry can't get it. Well game doesn't launch until the 20th so anything else is a bonus

2. I have been at many MMO "Launches" this is by no means a fail.


let me put it in this perspective.


Massive storm is coming so an airline grounds its flights, people QQ about not getting home bla bla why did you ground me complain complain. But 1 airline does take of and hits Massive turbulence and people are like "OMG I am going to sue someone why did they fly in this weather" bla bla.


Now MMO, I want in I want my early access QQ this is stupid bla bla. Let everyone in then you cry more WHAT dam queues 3 hours to get on, now that I am on the start area is so full I cant complete a mission "WHAT a FAIL launch"


Cry cry the end.


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I just want to put in my little thoughts. SAy an Addvert for Credits for sale. This was before ANYONE got in.


Every MMO I have played, the cost of new items is high. In time it settles down to what the market will pay. Sorry you cant get your credit farming in.

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not even close. if real currency was treated the "same" as you say there would be no need for exchange rates... fin/econ isn't your thing.


You're talking nonsense mate, that makes absolutely no sense, and does not fit into the context of what i said at all.


The 'value' of 1 World of warcraft gold coin and the value of 1 Star Wars Credit, has absolutely nothing to do with exchange rates... Care to make a statement that makes sense please ?

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i like the race to the top - the challange in the first days of n mmo.



By the time i am able to login a lvl 50 hero will greet me in allchat and announce his special offers in the galactic market for all the newbs.

When i am questing in a pvp zone some lvl 50 nerd will rule my world.

When queue for a BG with lvl 10 i wont be playing agianst other lvl 10 heroes.


I am happy for all the people who are content with their current situation without beeing able to play - i am certainly not.

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No, again i'll state it for you in simple word's so you understand, clearly you skipped from page 1 and went to page 7, but i don't wish to be AHEAD of anyone else. I wish we were all in at the same time. Tell me, if you had a friend who was playing right now, who you initially wanted to start the game with together, or a guildmate(s) and so on, except they have access to a powerleveling exploitation that once more people enter the servers, will no longer exist, meaning that all your friends, who are not going to pass up an opportunity to get ahead, have now left you behind to play alone until you catch up, if you even do before they hit level 50, which will be tonight and tomorrow i believe, as there's reports of level 30's to 35 to 40, and not only that during the november weekend beta, i saw someone get from level 1-37 in the time we were given.


Who cares. I do have friends who are playing now. I was dumb and waited until November, which AS AN ADULT and NOT A CHILD I accept as my fault. You can't seem to grasp that. They'll level, when I get on I'll level. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, my little impatient one, this game is going to last beyond the EGA period. The problem is you see someone else with a shiny new toy and you want to play with it, even though it's not your turn. Could have been your turn, but you missed the boat and now you want to blame it on everyone else.


Growing up is hard, eh?

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I just want to put in my little thoughts. SAy an Addvert for Credits for sale. This was before ANYONE got in.


Every MMO I have played, the cost of new items is high. In time it settles down to what the market will pay. Sorry you cant get your credit farming in.


Hah, again, i don't wish to be credit farming, and if i did, EVERYONE ELSE WHO PAID FOR THE GAME SHOULD BE DOING IT WITH ME. I love how people try and simplify a persons arguement, in order to make it seem like they've disarmed it completely.

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Hah, again, i don't wish to be credit farming, and if i did, EVERYONE ELSE WHO PAID FOR THE GAME SHOULD BE DOING IT WITH ME. I love how people try and simplify a persons arguement, in order to make it seem like they've disarmed it completely.


See, there's that child mentality again. "If I can't have it no one should!" If helps if you picture a crying baby holding a shaker.

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Lol all you who QQ really have no idea. Pick a topic and it fails.


1. Pre-order cry cry can't get it. Well game doesn't launch until the 20th so anything else is a bonus

2. I have been at many MMO "Launches" this is by no means a fail.


let me put it in this perspective.


Massive storm is coming so an airline grounds its flights, people QQ about not getting home bla bla why did you ground me complain complain. But 1 airline does take of and hits Massive turbulence and people are like "OMG I am going to sue someone why did they fly in this weather" bla bla.


Now MMO, I want in I want my early access QQ this is stupid bla bla. Let everyone in then you cry more WHAT dam queues 3 hours to get on, now that I am on the start area is so full I cant complete a mission "WHAT a FAIL launch"


Cry cry the end.




Game launch was december 13th. Hence why Bioware themselves repeatably have referred to it as a launch, do i need to start getting quotes off their sticky threads and print screening the game launcher?

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So if they go ahead and let us all in at the same time, we crash the servers and NO ONE plays. That is fun. Just wait, be patient. You have obviously been waiting since 2009 for this game. What is another day or two?


Economically the game will right itself if some 50's start farming, because guess what? you will make 50 too at some point. Probably not long after them. Then you can do the same thing.

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Of course its my 10th thread, bioware is intent on covering up all customer complaints by deleting threads. Have to get our voice heard somehow ay.


No, you are a troll, get it right...and come out and admit it...they are deleting your threads because of the manner in which you are "trying to get attention"


Troll on troll /thread

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See, there's that child mentality again. "If I can't have it no one should!" If helps if you picture a crying baby holding a shaker.


Haha, it's a child's mentality that i feel that for paying for the game, i should recieve all the same rights of that as someone else who paid the same price. We all ordered the same product, we should all recieve the same services.


Again, peoples ability to simplify ones arguement in order to try and disarm it, is amusing as hell. If telling yourself that we're all children/or acting like children, is whats helping you get through your EGA wait, then good for you, whatever makes you feel better ay.

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You're talking nonsense mate, that makes absolutely no sense, and does not fit into the context of what i said at all.


The 'value' of 1 World of warcraft gold coin and the value of 1 Star Wars Credit, has absolutely nothing to do with exchange rates... Care to make a statement that makes sense please ?


you quoted me a bit too quickly there buddy. go back and look or don't... whatever. :)

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