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Player's afk grinding in Hutball


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Ok, people afk grinding valor in hutball is getting totally out of control. Every game it seems we have someone who sits in the base all game with their bot running.


On our server I can easily name a number of players are in every bg doing this.


Bioware needs some sort of proper reporting system for this type of abuse. Yes I have submitted a report but they seem to have no communication with the player base on these exploit issues.


Is anyone else noticing this getting out of control? It's very demoralizing to have 2 afk bots back in base while you are trying to win a bg.

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This is a major issue. I've reported players for doing this and saw them present in games for nearly a week before they disappeared. These accounts should be banned outright, no passing go, no collecting 200 dollars. Period.
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Wouldn't they get next to no exp considering they didn't kill anyone, do any damage and no healing?


Thought the commedations and exp were based upon your performance.


there is a baseline reward which is quite high (in comparison). That doesn't prevent me from being upset when I am being thrown in a warzone with only 10 seconds on the clock.

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I have seen afker's that sit there and do nothing during the match.... We should be able to report them in a way that they will be kicked and penalized for doing this. Not that they should be auto kicked but have a short time to show that are not afk. I was just in a WZ and someone was afk that whole game.. I should be able to report them and they should have to deal damage, heal someone (not themselves), or take damage from another player (not fire damage from obstacles .ie hutt ball) within 15 sec of being reported before being kicked.


Leaving a WZ should give you a deserter buff for 20 mins (they can't go back into the WZ for that period) to deter them for doing so. It is hard to win when people leave the match over and over again.

Edited by Biohere
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Ok, people afk grinding valor in hutball is getting totally out of control. Every game it seems we have someone who sits in the base all game with their bot running.


On our server I can easily name a number of players are in every bg doing this.


Bioware needs some sort of proper reporting system for this type of abuse. Yes I have submitted a report but they seem to have no communication with the player base on these exploit issues.


Is anyone else noticing this getting out of control? It's very demoralizing to have 2 afk bots back in base while you are trying to win a bg.


I dont even notice cause every game we play is huttball and if your paying attention to other players and not where the ball is going your doing it wrong 2 people can win a huttball game lol maybe even 1 and most the time u have 7 people cause soon as other team score them lvl 50s leave kek

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I dont even notice cause every game we play is huttball and if your paying attention to other players and not where the ball is going your doing it wrong 2 people can win a huttball game lol maybe even 1 and most the time u have 7 people cause soon as other team score them lvl 50s leave kek


when you re-spawn from dying and some dude is standing there twitching every time, its pretty easy to notice he's afk botting...................

Edited by Alphastrike
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Made a ticket about a guy leeching as well.


Their response : we do not current have a policy about partipating in warzones and i regret to inform we cannot aprehend this person




Seriously? thats beyond terrible. So we can all just set up a mouse macro and afk till we are max valor?


Great idea Bioware, total and absolute fail.

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Witnessed it since last night also.Sent in tickets * like pointless really * no response yet although its a very serious problem.1 guy has been afk all night and all day i guess using some form of auto clicker or some bot thing.He must have racked up loads of valor and exp/commendations so far for just standing in 1 spot and not moving for over 18 hours now ruining the game for all of us will post his name publicly soon.
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Shouldn't they be auto removed after 60s if they stand in the spawn area O_O


They have the mouse set to 'move' their character enough that they escape this method of detection.


I would be very happy to see a report system to get afkers out of matches. If I recall - does WoW have a system where if you are reported afk you have to click somewhere on the screen or else you're booted? Would something like that be a good idea?

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P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C — every single one of them.


There has to be an easy solution to this.


If you don't step out into the arena (meaning, beyond the spawn point and in harms way) after 30s, you're removed from the Warzone, AND, you're barred from joining another one for 15 min.


Punish and penalize these ******* to the max.

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I don't condone afking in a warzone but if Bioware made level brackets then maybe people would be more inclined to play instead of going afk. It's no fun being a level 15 or so in a warzone when many of the opposition are 35 or 45


Imagine being a lvl 50 trying to seriously participate but loosing every game because all your team buddies are lvl 15 or below?


Brackets would only work if they are optional and if higher brackets provide more rewards.


What we need most is a fix in the match making system that doesn't put up premade's versus pugs and doesn't allow for one side to have a healer while the other doesn't. That would already give people much less incentive to bot. It's not uncommon to loose 20+ games in a row due to the above.

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I think your in the wrong Forum Scalare this a Afk grinding.


And as a sniper I don't expect healing when I go into pvp. Its not if you die (your going to die) its how you die that matters. If your fighting hard and you lose you still should get rewards. Never lost that many matches in a row myself. My advice would be to find a guild and queue with a healer if you need heals to win.

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According to some notes i saw once * memory sucks * but they were saying something about putting the 10-49's in 1 bracket and the 50's in another.I just don't think they have enough 50's to do that yet.Im 50 and have no problems in game other than the afk scumbags that ruin the whole game for everyone.Last night till today ive had the same afker in every single warzone ive been in and that drives me nuts.I named him but as always you'll always get the " prove it " mobs but its hard to take a screenshot of someone standing there because let's face it,everyone stands still on a screenshot.
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I don't condone afking in a warzone but if Bioware made level brackets then maybe people would be more inclined to play instead of going afk. It's no fun being a level 15 or so in a warzone when many of the opposition are 35 or 45


When I join a game at level 18 and I'm facing a pre-made of level 40-50's I really don't feel like playing so I'll leave, but I understand people wanting to just grab some free XP when this happens.

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