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Does this Game...


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You can say I don't have a clue, notice you're getting defensive and attacking me while I'm simply presenting facts and expressing the consensus of the games' player population right now (aka: the majority).


Neither of us have a clue where the game will be in 6 months or a year, but we can both make an educated, SUBJECTIVE guess.. can't we? By the way, this isn't something new.. for the record. I don't believe you even believe yourself when you say that. This game has been dozens of times in the last 10 years, and much better, mind you, with way more features and more heart / soul.


Facts? I love when people claim to be providing "facts" when not referencing one piece of evidence.

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I must admit to feeling some fear though about SWTOR. (and it's effects on people).


The other night I got home and my wife (sith warrior level 27 Darkside 3) gave me a gift wrapped in shiny red foil paper. I asked her what it was and she said "I think it will look good on you. Go ahead open it"


I did


Whats a "shock collar"??

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You were all up in arms about how your feeling was proof of its inevitable, quick, and total failure. Hence the strong backlash of defense for the game.


I know what I wrote good sir. It took place by these very hands like an hour ago. I told you I was over it..

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I must admit to feeling some fear though about SWTOR. (and it's effects on people).


The other night I got home and my wife (sith warrior level 27 Darkside 3) gave me a gift wrapped in shiny red foil paper. I asked her what it was and she said "I think it will look good on you. Go ahead open it"


I did


Whats a "shock collar"??



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Bugs aside, what are they missing in this game from other MMO's? Don't even think of saying a combat long or DF, because both of those kill the community in an MMO. Just look at WoW, the community has sucked donkey since they incorporated the DF, and combat logs just make it so people can't play the way they want, because every spec will have a cookie-cutter spec that people will HAVE to use or not get into a raid.


MMO's are about variety and teamwork, and both of those kill it.


Also, if they added an LFG channel, it would just turn into a global general chat, which would suck really really bad.


I could go on, but SWTOR has all the things you want in an MMO and left out all the things that has made other MMO's suck donkey and made people leave them for SWTOR, because they wanted something different.


you act like this community doesnt suck just as much.


only gearscore could bring this community down any farther.

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