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master oteg vs. master yoda


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I don't recall Master Vandar really using Yoda-speech... even in the TOR Noetlcron he spoke pretty "forwardly". Maybe it's Yoda's specific planet, or nation/region of that planet that is the origin of his so unique dialogue... or maybe he personally just developed it after contemplating and learning from the Force for so long.
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Yoda didn't use a lot of Yodaspeak in the originals. Maybe Oteg is an ep 4-6 fan.


Yoda went kind of crazy after ep3 so that's why he was using less Yodaspeak in the prequel trilogy.


I think the real question is what's up with the scars on Revan's face and those hole looking spots that outline where his mask was?

Edited by Bionixx
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