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PVP is Ridiculous


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A lot of these (legit) complaints will die down once the 50s-only bracket is implemented.


PvE players are allowed to form premade groups to tackle content.


Why so much hate against premade PvP groups?


People want to play with their friends! Why is that such a crime?!


Becuse premades with ts3 agaisnt casual players is like kindergarden kids against professional army and very often they end up figthing PUG`s and i m pretty sure this what they want to get faster gear and feel realy pro.


I wonder how much of player base solo que and how much are premades...the answer is obvious and BW should realy think smart about this and stop protecting elitist players that are much louder and leave very fast becuse they are bored or go for other game like gw2 etc....

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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Well, it's hard to play vs premades, but I'm used to since World of Warcraft. And WoW had back to then a concurent honor system, you know. While SWTOR doesn't have it. So you'll get your battlemaster title just a little bit later than those premades. I mean they will get bored and leave the game, and you will still have your reason to play. So be happy and stop whining please!
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Becuse premades with ts3 agaisnt casual players is like kindergarden kids against professional army and very often they end up figthing PUG`s and i m pretty sure this what they want to get faster gear and feel realy pro.


I wonder how much of player base solo que and how much are premades...the answer is obvious and BW should realy think smart about this and stop protecting elitist players that are much louder and leave very fast becuse they are bored or go for other game like gw2 etc....


Lol, and what way "elitist players" are worse than you PUGs? I mean they are paid customers after all, aren't they? And have the full right to play the game, don't they?

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Well, it's hard to play vs premades, but I'm used to since World of Warcraft. And WoW had back to then a concurent honor system, you know. While SWTOR doesn't have it. So you'll get your battlemaster title just a little bit later than those premades. I mean they will get bored and leave the game, and you will still have your reason to play. So be happy and stop whining please!


Try not to center yourself (but I'm used to since World of Warcraft) and understand the difference btw whining and what many others consider legit complaints.

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Lol, and what way "elitist players" are worse than you PUGs? I mean they are paid customers after all, aren't they? And have the full right to play the game, don't they?


You missing the point, i m not against premades vs premades. Just bw makes 2 viable options to play solo que against solo que and group que against group que

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You missing the point, i m not against premades vs premades. Just bw makes 2 viable options to play solo que against solo que and group que against group que


And people already said it'd be impossible to play in group vs group brackets because there wouldn't be enough groups. Blizzard implemented this feature only after they implemented x-server bgs, and if you ask here, I bet most people would be against x-server pvp because it destroys community.

Edited by Kshahdoo
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And people already said it'd be impossible to play in group vs group brackets because there wouldn't be enough groups. Blizzard implemented this feature only after they implemented x-server bgs, and if you ask here, I bet most people would be against x-server pvp because it destroys community.


Server comunity applies in my opinion, if as realm, i have something to gain in orvr (illum is a joke) or if i win wz, but wz`s as it is right now, it has zero impact if i win or lose for my side and by the way you can make republic or empire char in same server, trust me this destroy comunnity.

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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So people who show better co-ordination, organisations and strategies are to be considered lame? Personally, I enjoy the challenge of re-oganising a team of PUGs to beat a coordinated team. Sorry, but if you don't like your opponents, you leave and queue again.


No, it shows true skill to have to be up against another premade.


How is yelling "We got 3 on our left side, focus their healer!" over vent while playing people who are just joining the game fair?



When premades get ranked, half these guys won't even use the premade system anymore lol.

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Well 1 cure for it if you dont like the premades is if you see its one at the start, just log out and log back in and requeue. Simple as that.


On some servers, there are so many premades rolling that you are likely to get another one in the next WZ.



OT: People think that "hurr just make your own premade". This simply adds to the problem that more solo or "casual" players have, they face more premades and get rolled even more.


Even more so, being FORCED to play in premades just to win is the most pathetic way to solve the problem. This will end up as an escalating problem where premades keep growing and the random players keep facing more premades and finally, it will end premade vs premade or premade vs random.


- BW could merge servers into a battlegroup of around 4-5 servers, still keeping a decent community of PvPers but also allowing more options for randoms and better chance of Alderran and Void Star.


- They could also simply make a ranked, grouped system like RBGs in WoW.


- Allow 2 separate queues, one for random and one for teamed. Teamed rewards more valor and commendations for winning.


- Change the weekly/daily quests to WZs played rather than won.


Reason why WoW is at its sub count for the past few years is because of its refined and accessible gameplay. Anyone can play BGs in that game and still win games occasionally and in most BGs, premades have less of an impact as 1/3 of the team is co-ordinated. In TOR, 1/2 of the team is co-ordinated, making a greater impact. Just having 1 healer 1 tank 1 knockback/cc can carry the entire game in Huttball.

Edited by KrankShank
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I dont think you played wow lately my friend or something changed since I left.


At wow pvp was always horrible past vanilla.


1. Premades steamroll randoms in BG´s. I have no idea why you think that premades would only play ranked. They dont, they still steamroll randoms all day with their gear that they got from Arena or ranked BG´s.


2. Arena and ranked pvp does give the best rewards. To play there, you must create a team. Pretty much you must form a premade.



I hope we never get such a bad pvp system in Tor :), as access is something else.


What they need to adress at Tor is definately the problem that 4men can queue and then get in to a Wz vs. 8 strangers. It should be 2 people max, everything else will go into a group queue. It does work at other games too, so I dont know why it should not also work on Tor.

Then make ladders for solo and duo queue and for the premades. In that way premades can still shine in their own ladder and all those "noobs" who play solo, can shine in their ladder. Everyone is happy, except those that want to slaughter noobs all day, but they are not really a kind of player anyone should support.

Edited by RachelAnne
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They did this in Rift. Queues for premades became so long that everyone gave up and queued solo and tried to get in the same warfront anyway. Basically it didn't work.


It does not work because most if not all pre mades team up to get faster and easier credits or whatever you get. If there is another way, which is faster/easier, players take that road.


Unfortunately there are only a few pre mades who play for fun and glory, most play for personal gain and faster/easier rewards.


Get rid of the rewards and gear check in PvP and make team based PvP competative and you would see it flourish.

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You could try and get some friends, use voice communication and superior tactics to achieve your goals instead.


Won't matter. The premades that have been farming lowbies since a week after release have superior gear. No amount of "tactics" (LoL) will help. Saw the exact same thing happen in Rift and TOR is following the MMOs for Dummies PvP Edition script to the letter.

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It does not work because most if not all pre mades team up to get faster and easier credits or whatever you get. If there is another way, which is faster/easier, players take that road.


Unfortunately there are only a few pre mades who play for fun and glory, most play for personal gain and faster/easier rewards.


Get rid of the rewards and gear check in PvP and make team based PvP competative and you would see it flourish.


I liked DAoC for that reason. Anyone could get a set of gear with max stats/resist with minimal effort. Your rewards were Realm Points which you used to buy more abilities. Sadly, there are few MMO gamers who can handle getting their asses handed to them so they have to play this <insert kids voices from Subway commercials> "Hey guys, let's get together with even sides and fight pansy style in a little confined space?" instanced PvP simpleton mode crap we've been seeing in MMOs for years now. Tailor fit for fragile minds I guess. Video game death is serious business for some.


Imaging if our military played that pansy way.


"Sir, the Iranians only have 10,000 troops. What do we do?"

"Sgt, Tell the other 50,000 troops to stand down. Send in B Company. Their gear will ensure the win but keep the fight limited to a 1 block radius."

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