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Light Side Bounty Hunters


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Main reason why i went Lightside? Because the darkside choices are just stupid.


"Hey, if you let me live, i'll give you lots of credits and supply the empire with weapons so you can win!"


"No way, i'm just going to kill you because i'm a dick, and apparently my brain doesn't work."

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I'll say this about BH in Star Wars. They hunt Wanted Dead or Alive. Greedo hunted Han and y'know what his principles got him? Shot first in a Cantina.[/Quote]


Greedo's principles had nothing to do with it, he got over excited and overconfident which got him shot.


The first Fet was a Principled warrior and y'know what it got him? A son playing with his head in his helmet.


Jango got plot rolled due to random animal trampling his jetpack which put him at a disadvantage against a Jedi Master


Boba listened to Darth Vader when he said "No disintegration." Y'know what it got him? An embarrassing knock down by a blind Mark, the very same Mark that should have been disintegrated, and dropped into the stomach of a Sarlaak.


Okay, lets say Boba Fett didn't listen to Vader and had disintegrated Han and the others. Then Vader would of force choked him to death for being incompetent and not capturing him alive(Like he was contracted to do). And he wouldn't of gotten payed to boot!


Boba even stated himself later on, "What if he doesn't survive? He is no good to me dead." IE Jabba wouldn't of paid him for the bounty on Han if he died during the carbon freezing.


That contract with Vader was fulfilled by the end of Empire Strikes back, Boba was paid in full for completing the contract how his employer wanted. Return of the Jedi he got hasty and jumped in and lost his carbine to Luke's Lightsaber. And then got plot rolled because it was funny seeing a blind han spin around shouting "What was that? WHERE!?" and get a lucky hit.


Had ZERO to do with principles.


You are not Jedi, they don't care about you. You are not Republic, they too don't care about you. You can be an insane monster or a principled monster, but you are still a Monster all the same.


No you don't have to be a monster. You are a 'Bounty Hunter' not a a 'Hunter Monster'. A Monster is a psycho that kills for sheer fun, willy nilly offing anyone he sees. A Bounty Hunter accepts his contracts and fulfills them, he's only a monster if he goes around massacring people or takes certain very unpleasant contracts.


Just cause you're a Bounty Hunter doesn't automatically make you a monster. Your actions dictate that part yourself.


In the end, its about the credits, not the tally of who got saved and who got killed. Yours is not to reason why, yours is to get paid, or die. The Jedi left Twi'leks to the Flesh Raiders and would not help. Their people were dragged away and eaten, and they didn't help until Padawans started getting chomped like an intergalactic Walking Dead episode. They even stand against Love.


You call that Justice or Light Side?


The Republic forced the Jedi to not garner assistance, they didn't like it, and some even went against the Councils orders and helped.


Love is often followed by unrestrained passion, and is also a weakness that can be exploited. IE what happens when a Jedi's lover is killed if they have been entwined in passion? Oh thats right they become a raving psychotic monster due to the corruptive influence of the dark side twisting that passion into the very evil they once stood against.


Me? I'm gonna get my bounty, with the steel in my hand and the woman in my arms, and if I gotta be a Darksider to do it, then that's the life of a Bounty Hunter, isn't it? If you don't thirst for credits, it aint the life for you.


Stay Thirsty my friends. )


Hey guess what, having a woman at your side isn't Dark Side. Want to know what is? Its having that woman at your side caring for her, and then coldly killing her because she is a weakness that can be used against you.





Me, I'm in it for the Credits, and I don't have to be a psychotic monster to get them. I'm not a nice person, I'm not a saint. But I don't butcher needlessly because it only hastens your demise when you don't act like a 'Professional', plus there is just no need for wanton slaughter.

Edited by enigmayshi
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Either way, in this profession (and all in this game, for that matter), you'll be killing a lot of people. I just don't kill when I don't have to.


Not that this really applies in game, but I figure today's mark could be tomorrow's customer -- better to bring 'em in alive. If they want revenge, and come at me guns blazin', well, then I'll kill them and I won't feel bad about it. Either way, I've made my money and I'm still alive.


In reality though, I went light to keep Mako happy. I have a Jugg alt that will be the nastiest SOB that I can make him, so I'm glad my BH is light.

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Just like Mako says it:


I only kill guys that deserve it. Otherwise there would be no difference between me and all the guys I kill - I don't want to become http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeWhoFightsMonsters


Therefore I am light sided.


Also, as others said dark side choices usually are just randomly evil instead of getting you more credits or fame which are the 2 things a bounty hunter should want.

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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My defense of light side bounty hunter came from watching Apocalypse now


"And then I realized they were stronger than we, because they could stand that these were not monsters, these were men... trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love... but they had the strength... the strength... to do that......



You have to have men who are moral... and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling... without passion... without judgment... without judgment! Because it's judgment that defeats us. "

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I got a light V relic that I've been trying to use for tanking. Problem is I'm too occupied with my pvp dailies and HM flashpoints to go out and do a bunch of low level missions for LS Points. Further exacerbating the situation is the fact that you can not earn LS / DS points from HM Flashpoints currently, hopefully Bioware changes that because it is annoying.
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The issue seems to be some people's understanding of "light side" and that it's different for every class.


Jedi light side is what some people think light side is for everyone, but that's not true.


LS agents wish to protect the empires citizens, not hug puppies and preach against love

LS sith wish to reform the empire so they can have an efficient and more rational empire, not a new Jedi order

LS bounty hunters have a code of honor and rules THEY Believe in, not anyone else's.


Honestly light side can really seem to be neutral for some classes, especially for those on the empire..

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still waiting for viable options for neutral characters.


my sith sorc has been making decision based upon how i would actually want to respond, and i'm still not yet dark 1, which means i can't use any of the relics while leveling.


seems like a good way to take the choices out of the player.

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Can't remember the name of the planet, its around level 32, but its the one where the royalty people are and they all talk to you like you are something on the bottom of their shoe.


The on i liked the most was where he said io wasn't good enough to talk to him, so i had the option of punching him in the teeth, or doing a light sided option of grovelling... needless to say i smacked him in the teeth. He didn't like that so ordered 4 of his lackies to take me out... silly, after that he said i should prostrate myself and beg for forgivness or something along them lines. And once again i had 2 fawning options or smack the crap out of him.


Well i can tell you i enjoyed it emmensely when my character laid in to the stuck up little pr*ck, and yes they were both dark side options, but being a bounty hunter and living on my terms, i don't take crap from no one, not even a self important dandy who thinks hes better than anyone else. Most enjoyable.


It was on Alderaan, and that was one of my favorite scenes in the entire thing. I'd been secretly longing to punch all my stuck up employers for a long time. Plus his face was awesome after I did it.


I've finished chapter one, and my BH is either neutral or light one, it varies. She doesn't shy away from killing if the job requires it, and is a professional about doing what the customer wants, but she defiantly isn't into pointless cruelty either. (RP-wise, she saw enough of that growing up) So if it's between not killing random small child an doing it, she won't, but if the random small child is trying to kill her, she wouldn't hesitate, at least not much.


Plus, a good streak of disrespect for authority, an active dislike of sith, and a need to remind the empire that she's not their slave keep her pretty close to no alignment.

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I totally disagree with those that say that punching the noble on Alderaan makes sense for the BH to do. While it's fun to punch the whiny non-working for a living silver spoon NPC's in the head as a player, to me that's not what a BH would do.


In my opinion a BH should be completely 100% emotionally detached from any jobs he's doing. Emotional attachment is his/her worst enemy because it can reduce the efficiency of completing an objective. I chose Mako because of her healing abilities, but in reality she's a good character who wants you to love her. Love is a bad thing for a BH, because it's a weakness that can be used against you. Because this is a game, they want to make an interesting class story that keeps you interested, but in reality there aren't enough truly neutral choices. The best BH would not side with the Empire nor the Republic, and should be only loyal to himself. Finishing the contracted job as quickly and efficiently as possible so that payment is received for services rendered is the only thing that matters.


Boba Fett was more or less like this, but he acted irrationally in RTOJ and it got him ate lol

Edited by roblinb
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