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[Guide] Juggernaut Guide to PVP, PVE, Leveling - Updated for 1.2


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Really surprised that you don't even mention Rage for leveling...


I've tried all the spec's as much as I can at 31, and Rage, hands down, has me leveling waaay faster now that I have 2 points in Dominate and 2 points in Shockwave... even with just Force Choke to give me the shockwave buff, groups of mobs die soooo much faster with me dpsing and quinn healing, then if I was immortal and tanking with vette killing...


Easily hitting a group of same level mobs for 1.5k aoe dmg over and over again means I leave most fights, even with a gold at 2/3's health or more...


I really don't know why people would level in any other spec...


This is a good point, and really the guide should say "what you want to level as" for 31+, with a preference to Rage. I;m in the process of cleaning up the guide just a tad and adding a few nuanced points now that we've had more time to iron out any little details.


So what adrenal (Biochem) should I use as rage spec juggernaut for PVP? Do I want a power adrenal or surge adrenal?


It would all depend on your DR from which stat is higher and a whole host of other things. Personally its my belief that using power trinket + adrenal will result in the highest numbers, but I don't know for 100% certain as I haven't personally been able to test that yet as my alt Biochem is only at 300's.

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I noticed I haven't been using shockwave (force choke + force crush) properly in my rotation.


Does the actual tick of each damage during these moves add the increase?



What is your opening rotation may I ask?

Edited by Calipso
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I noticed I haven't been using shockwave (force choke + force crush) properly in my rotation.


Does the actual tick of each damage during these moves add the increase?



What is your opening rotation may I ask?


i thought it was posted here somewhere but i looked real quick and couldnt find it. for every tick of damage that force crush or force choke does, it increases your smash damage by 25%. So here is the basic Rage rotation once your lvl 40.


if there is 3 mobs, throw saber at #1, charge #2, and force crush #3. now use sundering assault on #4 if there is one, or on one of the previous mobs youve attacked. Now that will have given your force crush enough time to build up the 4 stacks of smash buff. Next you cast Smash and it should have killed all but a strong mob.


Now if you are fighting a Elite, do same as above= saber throw, charge, force crush, sundering assault, smash, obliterate (this will make your next smash crit), (basic strike here for rage if need be), force choke, sundering assault (may need this while smash is on cooldown), smash, force push (to push mob away from you), charge, force crush, sundering assualt, smash...hopefully you get the idea now.


In essence you are setting up charge/obliterate with force crush/chokes into powerful smashes.

Edited by Agang
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Oh its so obvious you we're / are a WoW player lol. Think "Shield Wall" and "Trinkets" gave you away .


Good guide anyway.



Not sure how vengeance/rage fare as leveling specs but I am currently on Immortal (level 40) and can do pretty much anything I want. PvP is fine ( tanked the huttball past the line with like 5 guys on me lol ) , dungeons are fine aswell (obviously im MT ) and leveling goes quite smooth. Can do even gold mobs if I blow some CDs.

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Thanks for this, I'm really trying to find some good tips. I'm all tank and I love it, but I'm lacking in medals even when using threatening scream and most 1v1 fights end badly. I try to use strategy and work with the team, though some dis me cuz of my current valor rank and that I don't do high level damage (mostly Marauders which is kind of a No S!*t statement). I average 4 to 5 medals, most from threatening scream but I really want to know what I can do to do better for myself and my team.
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I just have a quick question then...


I'm about to hit level 30 and have followed this guide as my tool for leveling my character. I was wondering though, as I don't do group quests and almost never run an "instance," would it be best to me to change over to Rage now or use Immortal to level up to 50? I will keep Jaesa as my companion mainly for RP reasons and her one-lines are just funny.


Also, outside of solo questing, I spend most of my time doing PvP.


What do you all suggest?

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I just have a quick question then...


I'm about to hit level 30 and have followed this guide as my tool for leveling my character. I was wondering though, as I don't do group quests and almost never run an "instance," would it be best to me to change over to Rage now or use Immortal to level up to 50? I will keep Jaesa as my companion mainly for RP reasons and her one-lines are just funny.


Also, outside of solo questing, I spend most of my time doing PvP.


What do you all suggest?


Personally at that point then I'd spec Rage. You won't be nearly as effective as you would with the 31 point talent in the Rage tree, but you aren't really going to be an effective tank until you have some champ gear with expertise and are rocking 19k+ health as a tank class.

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Personally at that point then I'd spec Rage. You won't be nearly as effective as you would with the 31 point talent in the Rage tree, but you aren't really going to be an effective tank until you have some champ gear with expertise and are rocking 19k+ health as a tank class.



Sweet! I figured that was what you were going to say but it's nice to have to have confirmation from someone who knows more about the class.

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I am starting to pre buy the lvl 40 PvP gear for Rage and I would like to know what to buy.

The Savagery or the Assault.

Both are heavy with same armor.

I know to buy the ones with power witch is mostly Savagery but on some of the choices its between Surge and Defense or Crit and Accuracy.

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So I am fully tank spec on my jug and got full 126 tanking gear along with a piece of Columni right now. Doing HM's dude was complaining that I wasn't doing enough damage and when we ran EV the other night, both tanks of similar spec took on the same enemy, but it took me far longer to bring down my opponent on the infernal council fight. Is there some trick to squeezing more juice out of your damage as tank spec jug that I'm mising. Should I be using trinkets that increase my power instead of stuff like defense? Since I have close to 18k hp already, should I just be using str stims as well?


Any good rotations of abilities I should concentrate on for max damage dealing while tanking? DPS players are very important for beating those enrage timers, I just don't want to feel like I'm dragging the group down or something by me being the one lacking in DPS even though I'm supposed to be tanking

Edited by PanzerKraken
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So I am fully tank spec on my jug and got full 126 tanking gear along with a piece of Columni right now. Doing HM's dude was complaining that I wasn't doing enough damage and when we ran EV the other night, both tanks of similar spec took on the same enemy, but it took me far longer to bring down my opponent on the infernal council fight. Is there some trick to squeezing more juice out of your damage as tank spec jug that I'm mising. Should I be using trinkets that increase my power instead of stuff like defense? Since I have close to 18k hp already, should I just be using str stims as well?


Any good rotations of abilities I should concentrate on for max damage dealing while tanking? DPS players are very important for beating those enrage timers, I just don't want to feel like I'm dragging the group down or something by me being the one lacking in DPS even though I'm supposed to be tanking


I think this can be a valid concern, it does seem like assassins\powertechs do more damage than Immortal Juggs. I will say though that if you are on the highest health mob (meant for DPS) you should really be in every single piece of DPS gear that you can be, and really focus on using high damage abilities. These mobs hit for nothing and typically on NM even without cooldowns used I'm at ~40% health when the mob dies in my dps gear.


If you are on the medium health mob (meant for tanks\tankyish classes) keeping your tank gear on and dpsing it down, even if you're last, is the best policy. In our NM 8 man, our powertech tank is nearly always the last person to kill the mob.


As for specifics beyond this, I haven't actually tanked in over a month as we're usually short on DPS not on Tanks. I will say that any class properly specd can tank any current content, and not a single tank will hold aggro off a DPS class that really knows what it is doing and is getting crits, they simply didn't design the game that way.


If at any point your group doesn't meet a DPS check, well that is a problem with the DPS (unless you miss a slump phase on Soa due to bad tank positioning or something of that ilk). People have preconceived notions about a lot of things, and if reasonable explanation on your part won't change their mind, there is not a lot you can do about it. You could point someone to this guide, but even then I feel it would do very little because the person in question is predisposed to just go with what they psychologically are comfortable with.


I was a flame tank (I was DPS the rest of the instance) on Illidan in WoW, and if either of the Flame Tanks were not there, even IF we had someone with more experience who could absolutely perform the role (say a transfer), the guild was loathe to change it, because it worked this other time so why mess with it. I know most every single MT reading this thread could chime in a time when you did something exactly the way someone else did, but that other person was 'known' so if they screwed up it was oh a booboo we just healed him more this time (even if it's every time) but if you as opposed to them have any problems well you just don't do it right\geared right\bad player and etc.


Such is the life of a tank in content that you're undergeared\inexperienced for and can sometimes die but don't have the cloak of anonymity of no combat log since there is only one of you.

Edited by Morsexy
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So I've been working on a new Juggernaut build after really noticing Sonic Barrier absorbs like, nothing.


Attributes would be 30/4/7.


In Immortal, no Quake, Intimidation, Unleashed, and Sonic Barrier, 2 points in heavy handed. Everything else maxed.


In Vengeance, 3 Decimate, and 1 Improved Sundering Assault


and in Rage, 2 Ravager, 3 Malice, 2 Payback


Only level 42 right now so won't get to test it for a while

Edited by FalcoLombardi
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Question - are you full BM vindicator(dps)? I noticed a BM yesterday that had 2-3 pieces, specifically earpiece and implant, of war leader (tank) and then the rest vindicator. I also saw another that had rakata wrist and braces with the rest BM. I'm assuming they do it for survivability without losing the set bonuses, what are your thoughts on this kind of mixing for PvP? Edited by Xtrema
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Just checking but point for point for Rage PvP spec, expertise is better than power right?


Oh yea, I should reword that to say "of the main secondary stats".


Given the DR on expertise, there is some point where power is better, ill break out my slide rule and get back to you.

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Say, I was interested in running rage in PVE and I was wondering following;


Could you possibly screenshot the ecuipment you run for PVE and describe the armor pieces mods, etc?


Second, does the same mods on the ecuipment work well in PVP?

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Say, I was interested in running rage in PVE and I was wondering following;


Could you possibly screenshot the ecuipment you run for PVE and describe the armor pieces mods, etc?


Second, does the same mods on the ecuipment work well in PVP?


While I am not Mr Sexy...


In my experience yes, Deft mods and Adept Enhancements are the way to go when itemizing PvE gear (since doing so I burst a lot higher on bosses, new record on Fabricator is 15.8k on Smash and 8k on Force Scream when he is de-buffed; on the other bosses my record is 7k.)


As for the earlier question on Strength me and one of my marauder guildies found that (cannot remember hte exact numbers) but its in the 1500 to 1600 ish region that you really notice the advantage that power offers over strength in relation to Dmg primary and melee/force bonus dmg. Even with the Dreadnaught talent.


When the respec costs reset for me again I'll be playing around with dropping the talent again and seeing if it makes a noticeable difference (spent a lot of money respecing to Immortal for PvE this week and then back again to Rage as all of our Tanks bar 1 seem to have gone awoll).

Edited by Lacedemon
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So I've been working on a new Juggernaut build after really noticing Sonic Barrier absorbs like, nothing.


Attributes would be 30/4/7.


In Immortal, no Quake, Intimidation, Unleashed, and Sonic Barrier, 2 points in heavy handed. Everything else maxed.


In Vengeance, 3 Decimate, and 1 Improved Sundering Assault


and in Rage, 2 Ravager, 3 Malice, 2 Payback


Only level 42 right now so won't get to test it for a while


Forget this, I miscounted my points

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While I am not Mr Sexy...


In my experience yes, Deft mods and Adept Enhancements are the way to go when itemizing PvE gear (since doing so I burst a lot higher on bosses, new record on Fabricator is 15.8k on Smash and 8k on Force Scream when he is de-buffed; on the other bosses my record is 7k.)


As for the earlier question on Strength me and one of my marauder guildies found that (cannot remember hte exact numbers) but its in the 1500 to 1600 ish region that you really notice the advantage that power offers over strength in relation to Dmg primary and melee/force bonus dmg. Even with the Dreadnaught talent.


When the respec costs reset for me again I'll be playing around with dropping the talent again and seeing if it makes a noticeable difference (spent a lot of money respecing to Immortal for PvE this week and then back again to Rage as all of our Tanks bar 1 seem to have gone awoll).


i was curious about that myself. i've been mostly just going with what mods were on the gear. a lot of accuracy on the tier 2. right now my force crit severity is 93% and i i'm not even sure what i should be shooting for surge rating wise.

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