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I’m all alone… :(


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I got my invite yesterday and I was the only one out of my group to get one! :(


But that’s ok! Because we are all going to wait till we all get in so we can level up together!


So in the meantime I have been playing another class aka ALT while I wait!

We all figure that we have waited 3 years for SW:TOR to come out, what’s another week?


Ohhh 6 more days to release!! WHAT SHALL WE DO!?!?!

Oh wait there are also other games out there to play!! Skyrim, BF3, ECT.



Who else is waiting patiently for their friends to get their invites???



Oh and what do you all think people will be complaining about AFTER launch?


I think it's going to be..... Lag, possible server queues and "your game sucks" qq's!! :D

Edited by MrLeee
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I got my invite yesterday and I was the only one out of my group to get one! :(


But that’s ok! Because we are all going to wait till we all get in so we can level up together!


So in the meantime I have been playing another class aka ALT while I wait!

We all figure that we have waited 3 years for SW:TOR to come out, what’s another week?


Ohhh 6 more days to release!! WHAT SHALL WE DO!?!?!

Oh wait there are also other games out there to play!! Skyrim, BF3, ECT.



Who else is waiting patiently for their friends to get their invites???


Well, since my laptop barely runs the game, I have to wait till feb to play. I get some money and am buying a new rig. One of my friends has kindly said he will wait 6 weeks till feb so we can experience the game together.

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