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I'm a woman and these are my opinions.


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Needless to say, but this forum is full of idiots.


Star Wars has been in development for the last 3+ years and was in creation during the release of Wrath and Cataclysm (WoW). So by now they would know what to do and what not. If you ever played on WoW when Wrath and/or Cataclysm came out you would remember the constant disconnection, lag, awful game play and total pownage placed upon oneself. The queues were endless and the servers crashed daily.


So then SWTOR comes along... and they not only give people 5 days early access but 7 days to not only ensure a smooth release but to create a comfortable and more enjoyable game play for the million players that bought a pre-order for release.


And people complain?


I'm on my rags and I don't even whinge that much.


To those "keyboard warriors" out there, have fun waiting for your emails ;)

While I realize I don't get access until the later days, I will be enjoying my life while still casually checking my emails without raging.


Inb4 trolls (>^_^)>



NOT tryign to sound liek a moron :D but you got *******, and i do not, so you actualy got somethign to do on you spare time, i got no life so meh :/


But yo uare right anyways, i wont get untiil the later days my self, so im glad i didnt take a week of work to end up at home beeing annoyed by my cat and watching my 4 year old paint dry :D

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