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Mouse look MODE???


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Is there such a thing in this game?


I have scoured the preferences options for a toggle, but I am either blind or dumb or both.


Has anyone seen / heard or know of this option?


I will otherwise have to visit my rheumatologist soon...

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I assume you mean first person perspective adjustment.


To do that, scroll your mousewheel until you "zoom into" your characters head, upon which it switches to first person view. This allows you to "mouse look" freely without being restricted to a concentric circle around your character in third person view.

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thanks for that tip. I did set my keybind to do that. It helps alot when I'm questing; please let me ask you this tho (bear with me) ... I use the number keys; 4 and 6 for move left and right. I find that I'm not very much in control as far as "movement: I'm "wobbly" all over the place; and having trouble with my camera angles. I use a mouse and "used" to in other games be able to "turn" my character using my mouse. Now I find that I could end up looking at the sky or a wall, or the groung LOL. I've tried going into interface and setting camera angles but hmmmm ..... thanks for any input!!
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