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looking for advice on tanking specs

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Hi All


well first off I'm not new to mmos, but am fairly new to tanking and have been playing my juggernaut for a while now and love it, but looking at the talent trees wondering just how effective crushing blow is, and if its actually worth the 31 point in the immortal tree.


I have been looking at the talents and have created this which i believe has all the important tanking defenses that you will need to be an effective tank, but also offers a bit more dps which in my understanding will help keep aggro from those pesky dpser....




this is what i have come up with, a 2/28/11 build and would like some comments and thoughts on the build. for now I will continue going full immortal but will look at respecing at some point, and would like the ideas and comments you guys and gals have.


thanks in advance.

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thanks all, but can anyone offer an explanation why, as it seems to just be mainly stacking the Armour debuff, which should be up more or less anyway, and if it is adds extra damage, so why not use instead the damage from the other tree. im new to tanking (or will be lol) but not mmos - previously a healer so very different!



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The main reason is that you need that damage since in the Operations your "normal" damage abilities like Backhand will be greyed out against the bosses so you really struggle to with threat generation without Crushing Blow. Its also one of the best skills in general for threat & damage.
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thanks all, but can anyone offer an explanation why, as it seems to just be mainly stacking the Armour debuff, which should be up more or less anyway, and if it is adds extra damage, so why not use instead the damage from the other tree. im new to tanking (or will be lol) but not mmos - previously a healer so very different!




It is mainly for stacking Sunder Armor (and being your most damaging attack). But you need to do damage to hold hate, and Crushing Blow is fantastic.

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The main reason is that you need that damage since in the Operations your "normal" damage abilities like Backhand will be greyed out against the bosses so you really struggle to with threat generation without Crushing Blow. Its also one of the best skills in general for threat & damage.


Backhand certainly does work vs bosses, pommel strike and kick however do not. You also don't need crushing blow to keep threat if you do your doing it wrong. This is the spec I run at 50 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101dMGcubrodMZhGM0M.1 works great in flashpoints. Now I would consider crushing blow in operations since your likely to be more static and not able to utilize unstoppable as much.

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Thanks all for your replies it has definitely been interesting however, special thanks to Yori for providing an alternative that doesn't use crushing blow, i might try running with that one in mind then as its something a little different and just feel everyone is "you need crushing blow" and yet from my reading don't see anything that special...only the Armour stacks which can be got using sundering assault AND give you rage.


well will continue to go pure immortal til 50 then respec and have a look probably and and go for a bit of a split tree


though whats with the lack of love for rage tree as non channeled force choke with lower cool down for cc and then there is obliterate for stabbing those fleeing mobs, but i suppose thats up against the unstoppable which might be more use tanking i suppose.


Still anyone who can provide alternative talent trees that dont use crushing blow and are successfully tanking i would be really interested.


thanks all

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Well, it all depends on what you're trying to do with your tanking. If you want to do just normal flashpoints and heroic quests, go with pretty much any spec you want. If you're looking to do heroic flashpoints and operations, you need to go full immortal. The biggest helper in immortal spec comes with Sweeping Fury, a t6 talent that enables you to gain 1 rage per second from Soresu form instead of 1 rage per 4 seconds. This is a HUGE boost in rage and allows you to almost spam your rage consuming abilities, meaning you can put out much more dps than you normally would with immortal. Since you're already that high in the tree, there's absolutely no reason not to pick up crushing blow because it will do a high amount of damage on a fairly regular basis and reduce the need for you to spam sunder.
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