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Things we learned from EGA


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I thought I'd just sum up the things we can actually take away from the EGA(i.e. not that it was all a coporate conspiracy, Bioware hate kittens, etc)


1) A lot of people (me included) desperately want to play this game. If we didn't trust Bioware to make this an awesome game that wouldn't be the case.


2) Bioware learned a few too many lessons from Warhammer Online. Mythic opened loads and loads of servers on launch day, and despite Warhammer being quite a fun game, it ended up looking like a bit of a failure because of the huge drop in server numbers.


3) People are tantrum throwing babies when they don't get their toys when they want them.

4) Bioware lacks experience with MMOs, which shows by the fact that they have split guilds in this otherwise smart staggered release.
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I think you are missing the point ,,, while there are some who are miffed about the whole not playing on day one of EGA ... the vast majority of us who still arent in are miffed by the way this has been handled by BW/EA ... there was a better way to handle this than to only have 5 waves on day one of EGA .... which didn't even clear the July preorders ,,, then tell eveyone else "patience soon soon ... watch your email" ... while we all watched server population stay at standard to low .....


In my humble opinion they should have truly monitered server population and stability and as population dropped let more waves in ... this could have been done throughout the night ....


I sorry if you disagree with me and feel Im just QQing .... I get we weren't "promised" anything and am not upset or put off by not getting in ,.. just dont like the way BW has handle this situation.


I will give you this much: an E-Mail sent yesterday letting me know the exact day I can play, between now and the 20th, would have been nice.


But the raw sense of self-entitlement people feel beyond that simple request is astounding. The 13th and 14th is a gift. 15th-19th is Bioware honoring their deal. Only people who may not get early access AT ALL have a legit beef, small as it may be.

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