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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

question about obtaining quest for datacron in voss


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Hi, I was trying to obtain the quest "roadblock" from suva-rak at pilgrims retreat. however, the npc does not have the quest available to pick up I was wondering which quest line you have to do to get this quest to become available. I did a search and found nothing on this. Any help would be great.


The guide explains this is what you have to do to obtain the quest:


The second Datacron is located in The Old Paths at the Shrine of Healing. You have to complete the Trials quest line at the Shrine of Healing to be able to meditate at the Datacron and unlock it. The quest line starts with Suva-Rak at -1770, -854 with the quest Roadblock

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  • 2 years later...
I talked to Fadith-Ki at Pilgrim's Retreat and completed his quest to destroy the Gormak batteries. He then said I was worthy to enter the Shrine of Healing and do The Trials. He sent me to Dalga-Wo in the Shrine, and then I could do the Trials.
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The question was asked almost two years ago. I hope by now the OP had an answer.




NO. The OP has been diligently searching every square inch of Voss for two years in order to find the datacron! Thank God somebody finally helped him. XD

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