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Voss had a really, REALLY stupid story. (Voss Spoilers)


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I wanted to title this "bad" story but it really wasn't bad (in fact it was pretty interesting with some fun twists), it was just silly. So many plot holes created for the sole reason of making it another neutral planet.


The first gripe may not be with the story, but it's simply something I don't understand:

After you finish the quest chain, why in the world would peace with the Gormaks end all possibility of an Alliance with either faction? Did I miss something? That seems like it would just be one less problem for the Voss and they could therefore focus on the galaxy at large.


If someone understands the reasoning behind this please explain it.




Now, what is stupid is that fact that it IS a neutral planet. The Voss are intelligent, and they are no strangers to war.


So, why do they lump all outsiders into the same group? One side tried to wipe them out (and continues to try to) and the other side is seeking their aid against the conquering side. Somehow, however, they see them as equals.


If this were a species living in some Utopia, having little to no understanding of War and both factions came in PEACE this would make sense. One side tried to conquer them, and after they failed the Voss just said "Well, we can still be friends."


Now that that's over, the Sith are still taking youth and training them to be sith, and (Trooper spoiler) trying to bomb the entire city of Voss Ka into oblivion. Yet, the Voss see them as no different from the Republic. It's stupid.


If an empire player wants to enlighten me on Republic sneakiness that would help them feel this way, please do so


Finally, if the Voss were able to see the Sith attack years ahead of time and plan for it, can they not see what will happen if they align with one or the other? Their visions seem pretty freaking specific, so the fact that they suddenly can't make up their mind also boggles me.




TLDR: Voss are smart, yet see Sith and Republic as the same, despite the Sith's continuous efforts to destroy them. The whole storyline is full of plot holes.

Edited by Duradel
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I'd guess the unspoken Voss's motivation is something along the lines of, "Let's wait for someone to have a vision telling us who is going to win the war and then jump to their side." The Sith might have attacked them before, but siding with the Republic if the Republic is goign to lose anyways would make their lot in the universe that much worse. They are just waiting for a sign on what will help them the most.


As for the peace preventing them from helping, they first have to get the Gormaks to listen to them which will be a slow process and they will have to keep their defenses high. After that they are going to have to completely restructure their society to account for their new brethren creating high political and social instability. They just won't be in an optimal position to provide any help in the short term.

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Imperial agent here. Part of my class storyline (spoilers) tells exactly why the Voss are neutral. A secret organization has been manipulating the Empire and Republic into annihilating each other. They even manufactured incidents to push the Republic back into war (the Empire didn't need incentive). Then they forged a prophecy and used it to get the Three to agree to neutrality for 3000 days, at the end of which there would be no Republic OR Empire. The Three were happy to take a wait-and-see approach.


Furthermore (more spoilers) the Jedi are hardly innocent in Voss history. They were chasing down the Sith, and found them on Voss. They made a deal with some of the Gormak, offering them power in exchange for aid in exterminating the Sith. Those that agreed became Voss. The exact process wasn't revealed, but apparently it amounts to genetic tinkering of some sort.


I don't know what you're talking about with a bomb. I know I defused a bomb that was made of parts salvaged from an Imperial dump, but we were never trying to blow up Voss-ka. We want them as allies; why would we blow up their city? The only think I can think of is that we would manufacture a bomb threat that we could pin on the Gormak or Republic, and come in to save the day and be heroes.

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