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Breaking news graphics does not make a game, WoW is living proof but a genious like you would see that aka fanboy.


Graphics? *** are you talking about. Where did I mention graphics?


Second I rated the game an 8 on metacritic. So yes I am a TOTAL fanboy.


Are you implying that all ToR has over Big Rigs is graphics? Oh god please just unsub. I just don't even know what to say. The post I made had nothing to do with your idiotic reply.


Edited by Improv-
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It is EASIER to lower an average rating of something than raise it. It takes basic math skills to realize that and the haters/trolls outweight the fanboys.


Is bioware paying you for this? Hater will out weight the fanboys? Well if it was a good game then there would be no hate right? It's clear you're a fan boy, keep making excusses but money talks and bull$hit walks.

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Is bioware paying you for this? Hater will out weight the fanboys? Well if it was a good game then there would be no hate right? It's clear you're a fan boy, keep making excusses but money talks and bull$hit walks.


Yes because Portal 2 was a 4.0 game.

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