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Combat Medic PvP Agressive


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I am lvl 50 will full champion gear and have been healing all the way to 50. In PvP i have found that unless I roll with my guildies (and not always then). Defending myself have been a challenge.

This is the build I have been using:



It is more of a PvE healing spec and I have the last couple of days been testing build for PvP.



I have had quite some success with the following build:



It gives up some healing but I can still easily keep people alive and keep defenses up. Further more I can keep myself alive to heal more by scaring people away with some big damage numbers.


I wonder if any of you 50 pvp healers can comment on the build?

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I can't help but think using the 2 points you put into charged barrier would be better spent in heavy trooper. 2% extra endurance, and 6% bigger self heals 100% of the time, seems more valuable for survivability, than a few percent of damage mitigation. Particularly since if you're a pvp healer, you're only going to be mixing in dps, and should probably be healing most of the time, thus will only occasionally get the buff, and rarely for more than a few seconds.


I also think the two points you spent in kolto residue would be better spent in treated wound dressings, efficient conversions, or combat shield. 5% additional healing for 15 seconds is fairly useless in PVP, especially since again, it's a conditional bonus, ie: you have to use a kolto bomb, and it doesn't help your own survivability at all. Treated Wound Dressings is just straight up 4% damage mitigation. Twice what you were getting out of charged barrier when i proc'd, for the same amount of skill points. I'm of course assuming, as a healer, you're going to have combat support cell up.

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I will test it out and see if it fits my playstyle. Thanks for the notes. It is always hard to comment on builds as u can't really take my playstyle and guildies in to account. But I appriciate the advice and will respec to try it out.
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Yeah, just some thoughts, play style is very important. In past games as a healer, I generally focus on lasting as long as possible, letting my dps do the damage, and getting off as many heals as I can. You seem like you want to do some dps as well, and frankly, in this game it seems like there may be a roll for a ranged DPS that can also toss out some heals.


If that's what you're planning to try out, I think we might really only need 11 points in the combat medic tree.


Something like this is a build I'm planning to experiment with.




That said, I still need to mess with it quite a bit, because I'm not a huge fan of putting so much investment into full auto as an ability, and especially if I can't get cell charger. I

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Combat medics are very team oriented. If you want to live, you need a baby sitter for when people jump on you. With a guardian pet that guards and taunts people, you can pretty much heal until you get bored.


Without your guardian pet though.... going to need some fancy footwork and a lot of sitting up on ledges in Alderaan or pillar humping in The Pit or Voidstar.


Also, not getting combat shield (1 point, immunity to interupts) is absolutely asinine. No offense but that's just giving up the single reason why everyone hates fighting combat medics. You shield yourself and you're pretty much unkillable for the 15 (12+3 from set bonus) seconds your shield is on you. On top of that, you're skipping the 20% healing on yourself in favour of 2 extra ammo. They're both large cooldowns, but the 20% healing when your shield is up is a must for PvP. That 2 extra ammo every 2 minutes won't help.


To the above post, if you're going to go for healing utility, go all the way to trauma probes otherwise you're just nerfing yourself. You trade out damage by going for trauma but you make up for it with much more healing power than you do by doing the build you posted. Honestly, a geared combat medic with full spec deals enough damage with nades, hammershot and charged bolts with supercharge that you really don't need to go hybrid spec anyways.


http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/commando/#::ef2ef6ef5ef4e7fefe4fe4f12ef6 is what I use when I play healer, you can float the points from Heavy Trooper for the improved field aid but I find I don't use it in PvP as I'm pressed to be healing multiple people, not removing a debuff that will wear off quickly anyways. Maybe in rated or in small-number duels it'll have more usefulness.


The reason I don't use the +2 ammo on recharge is I rarely drop low enough to need that extra 2 ammo and the 20% healing on myself when I'm shielded is far more important.

Edited by LordKivlov
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