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Good Merc Pyro build for PvP?


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I switched to Pyro a few days ago, here is my build...

I'm currently BM at level 62 valor, missing a few BM parts still, 12% PvP bonus, 18600HP.




I have a very hard time vs. melee with this; especially Operatives, for some reason I can't kite them, is Degauss broken, I seem to walk slower than everyone else on the field?


I start off on all targets with Incendiary Missile, Rail Shot, Thermal Detonator, Unload, Rail Shot... etc as needed... I really miss my 15s CD Jet Boost from Arsenal build (the only semi-interrupt we have). What am I doing wrong? We have no interrupts so I cannot take a heal spec class down solo, it's really kind of sad.


Think I am going back to Arsenal build until I figure this out, I like the mobility and the long dots on people in voidstar is nice, but just getting pwned atm vs any melee class. Any ideas?

Edited by NevesNET
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No idea if degauss is broken or not, i just dont take the talent (2% crit and reduced heat cost on power shot is better imo).


As for operatives they move 15% faster from talents, so you need to kite them with rapid shots and gas cylinder after you break the opener and jet boost them away, just throw up your instants (power surge fusion missile too) and then start runnin, if they ever get on you then pop energy shield and just try to get rail shot resets with unload.


Honestly operatives are the easiest melee to fight for me, the ones that rip me up hard are geared maurauders.

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I love my PYRO merc. He is the SUPRISE your dead kind of dps and if you now how to play him he has AMAZING burst.


I always start off with a few pot shots to get my proc going, then inced missle, few more pot shots if I'm kiting and if not I'll do an unload, thermal detonator, power shot, railshot.


I found this catches most everyone off guard and gives me a good chance to kill a healer by suprise. The damage you do instantly is crazy because with this combo you are getting your gas cylinder proc, missle proc, a power shot, termal, and rail all hitting at dam near the EXACT same time.


You may sacrifice overall damage by doing this however you will catch people and mow them down more often by using this.

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I switched to Pyro a few days ago, here is my build...

I'm currently BM at level 62 valor, missing a few BM parts still, 12% PvP bonus, 18600HP.




I have a very hard time vs. melee with this; especially Operatives, for some reason I can't kite them, is Degauss broken, I seem to walk slower than everyone else on the field?


I start off on all targets with Incendiary Missile, Rail Shot, Thermal Detonator, Unload, Rail Shot... etc as needed... I really miss my 15s CD Jet Boost from Arsenal build (the only semi-interrupt we have). What am I doing wrong? We have no interrupts so I cannot take a heal spec class down solo, it's really kind of sad.


Think I am going back to Arsenal build until I figure this out, I like the mobility and the long dots on people in voidstar is nice, but just getting pwned atm vs any melee class. Any ideas?


Melees are the easiest for me, but operatives are an issue. Tbf, I think they're a problem to all classes.

Use your blasters more against melees, to get the slow effect. Then just run, throw thermal detonator, incendiary missile, rail shot, blaster blaster blaster, jet boost, stop for an unload, rail shot - rinse and repeat.

But like I said, operatives are an issue regardless of your class.


Against sorcs/sages I use Thermal detonator, incend., rail shot, unload, power shot power shot power shot, rail shot, rince and repeat. It usually takes a while to down them, but that's because they need a nerf. Giggity.

I love pyro. :D

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Did you not see my Pyro guide here on the forums?


I most certainly did, and it has helped me alot :)


I'm low level with my merc so Tracer Missile packs more punch, but Pyro is alot more fun and less static..


I gave up on my sniper even tho I loved it due to standing in one spot all the time.. Arsenal spec was alot like it but with Pyro I'm always on the move.


With more talent points it will get better aswell since at my current level it's really hard to manage heat properly.

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I run with this -




I think some people become too focused on their damage meter and don't pay enough attention to actually winning the objective/match. Who cares if you're doing DoT damage to a target that keeps healing it off. This build gives you some better team options. For example; the reduced CD on Jet Pack along with the PvP set bonus has been way more beneficial to the team. I will assume everyone knows how effectively Jet Pack is for many situations.


I normally open combat with an instant Concussion, followed by IM, Relic, RS, and then 3x Tracers. This puts you in a perfect Unload/PS situation and I've found it to be very flexible pending your environment. Tracer Missile is just too strong to give up when you can set yourself as a turret and this build still gives you the ability to pop out nasty Railshots while still giving you a boost to the lacking Merc survivability.

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  • 10 months later...
Always open up with incendiary missile, if the target is grouped up with other enemies then pop off a power surge / thermal override fusion missile to toss up even more aoe dots.


after that you want to keep rail shot and thermal detonator on cooldown as much as possible, unload should take priority over power shot however if im following up a thermal detonator i like to power shot because it will hit at the exact point that the detonator will explode, throw in a rail shot right after the power shot and you have some HUGE burst for a mainly dot spec.


"after that you want to keep rail shot and thermal detonator on cooldown as much as possible" Does this mean you not use rail shot or thermal detonator much or do you use them a lot?

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I've been playing with a hybrid pyro build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300bc0zZMckZfhRbduhMc.2 for the last couple of weeks and have been having fun with it. I know that I am missing thermal detonator. It is mainly for being able to be a little more mobile. I have been posting good damage 250-300k but more importantly I have been staying alive for longer and have less total deaths per warzone. This is important for your team. I think I have surprised a few players when they try and 1v1 me and I don't die in 6 seconds but hang on throwing out heals and dots until either backup arrives or I kill them. Don't get me wrong I still get killed a lot but I think that it is down by more than 1/3. Many mercs spend half their time respawning and running back out. I will probably keep this build until Bioware does whatever change they are doing for our class.


If you are playing on Jung Ma you may see me running around in my red PvP armor.


Andrunahl lvl 50 Pyro Merc

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