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Lord Tarnis


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How can Lord Tarnis be defeated if only 1 player and his companion are allowed into the instance? Once my companion's down, I'm dead even though Tarnis is low on health.


Don't know who Lord Tarnis is, but I assume you are talking about a class quest?


Just so you know, other players *can* help you with your class quest.


Couple things to make it work:


- You have to be grouped.


- *You* have to go through the green "door" first.


- If the other player helping you is the same class, you have to enable a button in your options that says, "Enable Same Class Quest Help" or some such.

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How can Lord Tarnis be defeated if only 1 player and his companion are allowed into the instance? Once my companion's down, I'm dead even though Tarnis is low on health.


Med Pack, but I had my Wife's Consular and Qyzen with me, was easy.

Edited by NaimiIflya
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What level are you? It always pays to be at least one to 2 levels higher than your class boss. I believe Tarnis is 14-16 so you should be in that range or above. Since you haven't posted anything I'm assuming you beat him already. If so Congrats. He was hard when I beta tested but easier this last time around.
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What level are you? It always pays to be at least one to 2 levels higher than your class boss. I believe Tarnis is 14-16 so you should be in that range or above. Since you haven't posted anything I'm assuming you beat him already. If so Congrats. He was hard when I beta tested but easier this last time around.
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