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Spoken emotes? Worth idea?


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Hello all,


I would like to ask about an idea that i got during enjoing this game :)


What about spoken emotes? Like if u meet a player, he help you with a NPC to beet it, and u want to thanks him. U write /thanks naturaly, but this is a bit, lets say, stony for this game. The dialogues in the game are awesome, it takes the game definetly to another dimension comparing the other games. So why not the emotes too?


I guess for devs will be this "feature" an easy task I presume. Lets say that your character will thank with the same voice hes using during dialogues.


Same as /salute with something like "Understood", or /wave with "Hello!" or for example /flee or /fear with a fearfull screaming :)


It would be surely on devs how they take it, but i guess it has a possible dangerous side on troll spamming, but it can be treated by some "cooldown" to use the voice emotes or so.


Whats your opinion? Me personaly - this could make this awesome game little bit more social or funny w/e u call it :)


feel free to share your angle of view :)

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I could see it being an alright idea, but I don't think I'd like it all that much. I mean, we're lacking animations for speaking (outside of cutscenes) as it is, I'd much rather have them implement that (along with animations for some of the other emotes) before they start trying to add sound to them.

And if there needs to be sound, I'd prefer if it was only you yourself that could hear it (kind of like how WoW had it with their /silly etc.)

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A small animation/expression/emote panel which can be brought up or down would be wonderful, with the ability to not only change expression and longer term mood but also a character's stance and sits poses.


This is quite prominent in Second Life and not that hard to do.


The verbal aspect would be wonderful as long as it were limited to a reasonable sound range, say of 10-15' feet.


If lag from expressions is a concern, a max render of 30 feet or so away would be reasonable. Can't really see that well beyond it, anyway.


I agree that as wonderful as this game is, it could use a lot to make it more social.

Edited by Bonedriver
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