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Question about SI Story Ending {spoilers inside}


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Spoiler question below seriously looking for an answer:




I am lvl 48 and just finished killing Darth Thanaton and assumed his role on the council.. It then sends me to go to Dromund Kaas to see my people. At the end of this sequence it gives me an option to ask the force ghosts why they can't ascend and my character offers to help them. They reply.. no you are too dark to redeem us.


So my question is. If I was light side or neutral. Could I save them? If so what is the lowest score you were able to save them with? I hit escape to cancel it out and see what the answer is as I started my character dark as a slave and over time she grew to become more light so I will probably end up going light side all the way before the end.


Should I wait for this step until I reach light side so I can redeem them or is it too late or not even possible at all?



Thanks :)

Edited by Aethyrprime
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