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EU servers LIGHT status!!


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Blatant lie.


How so?


We're all waiting in line, patiently (or not in some cases) for BW to invite us into the party. We have no idea when, or how many will be let in with us.


At least with queues, you can see how long it'll take till you're in. Not knowing is far worse than sitting in queue.

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M8 all day long yesterday they succeed to send invites till 27.7! What about 4 and a half months till 20th dec?? They will never been able to send all invites with this speed of sending...


Its written somewhere that on the first month of pre-orders there was a huge spike and then less. Its was explained in that place that after that month's invites, which is July, which it is at day 27 atm, the invites would speed up, meaning that for examaple they would need a day or 2 for July but it might take a day for whole novemeber and december pre-orders.


So stay calm.


Not long ago noone were suposed to be playing before 15-Dec, an then just a posibility to get in in a range of 5 days. You may still be able to play even before day 15.


Yes, i know there are people that is playing even sooner but well... good for them, dont despair...


Also, there is a comment earlier about the EU servers in the beta wich I agree with.

When I played it there was only 1 En server and many french and german and even russian I think. Well BW should take in mind that almost only french ppl will play on french servers and same for german etc. I for one am spanish and unless they set up spanish servers I will play on an english one and so does all EU people that are not french or german.


I guess they understood this by the end of the beta since they ended up adding more En servers.


Be cool mates.

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