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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SW:TOR is now officially number 1!


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I agree with RIFT being the best mmo currently on the market, if they could just sort out the gear inflation in pvp it'd be a clear winner in my opinion.

Not sure if you have played recently, but warfronts are bracketed by prestige rank now, which helps with the gear inflation problem. (unless you go up against a p1 with HK gear i guess)

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That's hype. That game isn't out yet, so it doesn't count because it's not a rating.

Did they reset SWTOR's rating to 0 once the game came out or just average it into its "hype rating"? I dont see any information about how the figures are gathered.

Edited by BluePlatypus
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Isn't mmorpg.com the same site that fanboys absolutely trashed as a completely worthless fringe site when they said there were some questionable issues with TOR a few months ago?


Yes, I'm quite sure that's it...


Tip of the day, people are all different. Because one person said the site was bad doesn't mean 'everyone who likes the game' felt that way.



Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Did they reset SWTOR's rating to 0 once the game came out or just average it into its "hype rating"? I dont see any information about how the figures are gathered.


Read the article linked. Each section has a rating that is then calculated into the final rating. The previous hype rating was based on their previous beta review.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Tip of the day, people are all different. Because one person said the site was bad doesn't mean 'everyone who likes the game' felt that way.




Tip of the day: Look up "confirmation bias." For the vast majority of people, the credibility of a source is directly proportional to how much that source agrees with their own preconceptions, and inversely proportional to whether the source says something that goes contrary to their preconceptions.

Edited by Mannic
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-Ea payed off the site.


-thats just sales people are leaving every day


-soon they will all regret it


-wait till mass exodus


did i miss any?


ya missed the forum trolls causing the mass exodus by getting everything nerfed to hell thus causing the mass exodus


oh and everyone claiming they will leave when their 30 days is up.

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