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ATI XFX HD 5770 1GB Dedicated


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My current GFX Card is




ATI XFX HD 5770 1GB Dedicated


Im looking to get ANOTHER one, but im not sure whether you can bridge them together like some others?

Originally when i bought the card, i thought it would look like this, which is supposedly exactly the same, except thats a closed case and mines an open case with internal pipes to cool the GPU.




Does anybody have the same GFX card and has any intel on bridging them?


Current FPS for SWTOR and BF3 is no problem but i'd like that extra boost.

Edited by XolituDe
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k ty, been looking for some info on crossfire for this, i took it out awhile ago and had a quick look for the crossfire connection, which i thought would be a black socket on the card but couldnt find one, just found out that there is no plug on the card, you slide the crossfire plug onto the metal strip on the top of the card :S lol


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The ixbt link is a launch version (AMD had one manufacturer build all the launch cards, then the individual graphics card sellers put their sticker on it and box it as their own) while the first one you linked is a non-reference design (after a launch AMD and nVidia allow graphics card makers to make their own designs, and that's when you get differing cards with possible non-reference specs).


Your Radeon 5770 can be crossfired with a Radeon 5750, 5770, 6750, or 6770.


Since you're unsure about Crossfire, I feel I should remind you that you need a crossfire capable motherboard (one with two PCIe x16 graphics slots) if you want to run a crossfire setup.

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