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So disappointed....


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.....in the immature player base of this game.



I was hoping the player base would be a little more mature considering the game is based on an adult orientated movie francise. Seems I was wrong. If the purile, foot stomping, hair pulling, spoilt little bratz that I see on this forum are anything to go by I don't see it being much fun at all.


Here's an idea BW. Don't split servers by region. Split by QQ'ers and non QQ'ers. I'd rather have latency than have to play with some of the whinging bast*rds on this forum.

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.....in the immature player base of this game.



I was hoping the player base would be a little more mature considering the game is based on an adult orientated movie francise. Seems I was wrong. If the purile, foot stomping, hair pulling, spoilt little bratz that I see on this forum are anything to go by I don't see it being much fun at all.


Here's an idea BW. Don't split servers by region. Split by QQ'ers and non QQ'ers. I'd rather have latency than have to play with some of the whinging bast*rds on this forum.


wanna know why people are immature...


LA put Jar Jar binks in the movies and lowered the required IQ for the franchise by about 1million points. but ya I cant wait till I get access I likely wont be on the forums much at all. lol

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.....in the immature player base of this game.



I was hoping the player base would be a little more mature considering the game is based on an adult orientated movie francise. Seems I was wrong. If the purile, foot stomping, hair pulling, spoilt little bratz that I see on this forum are anything to go by I don't see it being much fun at all.


Here's an idea BW. Don't split servers by region. Split by QQ'ers and non QQ'ers. I'd rather have latency than have to play with some of the whinging bast*rds on this forum.


Don't use the forum then..and stop the QQing or you will end up on the QQ'ers server.

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(1) The forums don't reflect the playerbase, they reflect a very vocal minority.


(2) Playing on a RP server instead of a PVP server means you avoid 75%+ of the QQers. Or at least, in the RP-server forums I've not seen anything like the sort of QQing that is seen here. Strangely enough, people who just want to enjoy the game's story elements don't care so much about a slight perceived edge going to some other people (but y'know, if we wanted first day access we should have pre-ordered sooner... I took a few days deciding on which edition I wanted, so now I wait an extra day... like they made clear I would.)

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Amen. i've never read so many self righteous statements about being "disgusted" and "shocked" at BW for their implementation of a pre-launch system that benefitted the game maker... seriously?! Their efforts to implement a smooth launch benfit everyone. be patient you silly children. And furthermore, we all have been given notice of when we're guaranteed to have access to the game.. december 20th. If you took off work, or lied and called in sick, or dumped your girlfriend in anticipation of spending your entire week holed up in the man cave pwning noobs, that's not BW's fault. They told you you might have early access, not that you would.
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.....in the immature player base of this game.



I was hoping the player base would be a little more mature considering the game is based on an adult orientated movie francise. Seems I was wrong. If the purile, foot stomping, hair pulling, spoilt little bratz that I see on this forum are anything to go by I don't see it being much fun at all.


Here's an idea BW. Don't split servers by region. Split by QQ'ers and non QQ'ers. I'd rather have latency than have to play with some of the whinging bast*rds on this forum.


Sure lets do that! When creating an account have BW put a check box next to "Check this box if your a QQer" lol...seriously? are you just that stupid?

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.....in the immature player base of this game.



I was hoping the player base would be a little more mature considering the game is based on an adult orientated movie francise. Seems I was wrong. If the purile, foot stomping, hair pulling, spoilt little bratz that I see on this forum are anything to go by I don't see it being much fun at all.


Here's an idea BW. Don't split servers by region. Split by QQ'ers and non QQ'ers. I'd rather have latency than have to play with some of the whinging bast*rds on this forum.


Doesnt that make you a QQ'er since your QQ'ing about QQ'ers



Game/Set/Match now **** u scrub, cant wait to own you in game if i ever get in

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.....in the immature player base of this game.



I was hoping the player base would be a little more mature considering the game is based on an adult orientated movie francise. Seems I was wrong. If the purile, foot stomping, hair pulling, spoilt little bratz that I see on this forum are anything to go by I don't see it being much fun at all.


Here's an idea BW. Don't split servers by region. Split by QQ'ers and non QQ'ers. I'd rather have latency than have to play with some of the whinging bast*rds on this forum.


seriously another qq about qq thread? you guys came out late tonite. theres like 7 new ones in the last 5 minutes...


just don't bother. like its going to do anything you intend..

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