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3 Nights of Maint in a row?


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All that is beside the point, the point is I showed proof that yes... They did compensate time. Against the claims of others saying that no MMo has ever compensated time. When infact... Its common practice to compensate time.. Also the same down times was happening in march as the previous months... (Why do you think they gave me the free time) I obviously remember more clearly then you because that was the first few days on my own actual account making the moment more memorable.


And you are missing the point that others have been making.


WoW compensated the time they were unexpectedly down for almost a day's worth of game time.


Can you tell the difference between planned maintenance and unexpected server crashes and down time? Please get this into your head, because it doesn't get much clearer than this.


I was there, and I was compensated time as well, but that's only because of the times I couldn't play for one or two days straight and they acknowledged they were trying to fix unknown server issues that crashed their servers.


No where, in any MMO were you compensated for MAINTENANCE times or scheduled short down times, even if they were a couple of hours, a couple days in a row. Do you get that?


I'm trying to be civil here, but you're making it difficult when basic logic is missed.

Edited by Lazorous
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And thats why they was still giving regular free days credit during 07 and 06. Long after the start when it was due to massive outages and such?


Because they kept having massive outages and such, long after the game went live. The first few months were just the WORST of those.


There were times when the game was down for an entire weekend. 30+ hours at a stretch. So they would offer people a free day to make up for it.


But they never gave people free time for their "regular maintenance" windows of 8-12 hours every week.

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I repeat... People will never be happy.


They could throw out a big patch next week and shut down for 12 hours to fix the FPS problem. yet still, people will complain about the PVP, or ability delay, or any other bug/ feature. Bioware is doing what they need to do on their own schedule and priorities. Not our's, your's, or any other specific customer's.



Which is why many MMOs fail. People aren't interested in paying $15 a month to play a buggy, beta-level game. And while you may think SWG, er, SWTOR won't fail because it's StarWars/BioWare... I'm not so sure. I've seen a lot of 'big name/big franchise' games go nowhere...


Plus this isn't really much of an MMO. It's really more like a bunch of 40-hour single-player games bundled together in a giant LAN party. And while each side has four classes, they really only have four-stories each.


So, it's true I'm enjoying the story. But this is a very short-term MMO for me. Once you're done with the story, there's nothing there... Lousy crafting, over-powered slicing, second-rate PVP and the whole raiding thing is a joke.


And it's not just me. In the Guild I'm in we've already lost a good 20% of people. It's buggy. It's boring. There's no end game. The classes are unbalanced and many (like both Jedi Knight classes) are flat-out broken/worthless.


And the bugs... I could be playing right now... But I just get tired of memorly leaks, the flashing-green video errors, the lip-synching bugs, broken quests, etc., etc., etc...

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Sure, let those 7 hours be during the time you like to play. Let's see you come back with that same snarky attitude.


Been there, done that.


If you're letting the fact that a game is down for a couple hours a week get to you that much, you need to go outside more.

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Because they kept having massive outages and such, long after the game went live. The first few months were just the WORST of those.


There were times when the game was down for an entire weekend. 30+ hours at a stretch. So they would offer people a free day to make up for it.


But they never gave people free time for their "regular maintenance" windows of 8-12 hours every week.


So your saying that the regular maintwindow of this game is tuesday - thursday. And the only days we can expect to not have maint is Sat, sun, Mon, and Firday? How are you comparing regular maint to this abomination?

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Sure, let those 7 hours be during the time you like to play. Let's see you come back with that same snarky attitude.


Also been there and done that. Was pretty frustrated at the beginning, but then I was new to MMO's at the time and once I figured out that's how things work (in the real world), you get past it and find other things to do with your free time.

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what about your downtime on the forum, in which you could be playing. stupid is as stupid does


Uhm, because there is other means of using the forum other then a PC? Welcome to the age of technology where you can play on the forum using other devices that don't allow you to play the game with.

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If they need to patch the game the fine, but their customer service is poor.


It is well known that 2am PST is considered the "slow" time for American servers, so that is when they should patch. Patching at Midnight PST is a slap in the face of west coast players.


If the patches are truly "emergency patches" then they should bring the servers down ASAP instead of waiting until midnight.


EU patching should also be done at a different time as the American servers. Bioware is showing once again they don't value customer service.


These critical bugs are Bioware's fault so the least they could do is have 2 patch times (American and EU) and bring the servers down 2 hours later.


Also I love how they shutdown the forums during the downtime because they knew people were upset and would express themselves on the forums.

Edited by Zerrius
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So your saying that the regular maintwindow of this game is tuesday - thursday. And the only days we can expect to not have maint is Sat, sun, Mon, and Firday? How are you comparing regular maint to this abomination?


Where are you getting the idea that Tuesday - Thursday is a normal maintenance schedule? Why are you mixing up quick fixes that happened this week, and assuming they will happen every week?


Are you just making things up to push your point? Cuz that's essentially what you're doing.


Either that, or you really don't understand what the recent down time was about.


Or both...

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So your saying that the regular maintwindow of this game is tuesday - thursday. And the only days we can expect to not have maint is Sat, sun, Mon, and Firday? How are you comparing regular maint to this abomination?


You're just really, really dense, aren't you? Either that or you're just trolling, which is probably the more likely scenario.


Emergency patches are not regular maintenance. They are, by their very name, emergency patches. To fix broken things that would otherwise impact the gameplay of a lot of people.


They're not expected to compensate you for that. If they do, it's a courtesy. But you don't "deserve" it.


I don't expect you to really be able to grasp this concept, though. As I said, you're definitely one of the "me me me, now now now" generation.

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Where are you getting the idea that Tuesday - Thursday is a normal maintenance schedule? Why are you mixing up quick fixes that happened this week, and assuming they will happen every week?


Are you just making things up to push your point? Cuz that's essentially what you're doing.


Either that, or you really don't understand what the recent down time was about.


Or both...


No... that was in response to the other person comparing my complaint to that of complaing about regular maint.... Nice try though.

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You're just really, really dense, aren't you? Either that or you're just trolling, which is probably the more likely scenario.


Emergency patches are not regular maintenance. They are, by their very name, emergency patches. To fix broken things that would otherwise impact the gameplay of a lot of people.


They're not expected to compensate you for that. If they do, it's a courtesy. But you don't "deserve" it.


I don't expect you to really be able to grasp this concept, though. As I said, you're definitely one of the "me me me, now now now" generation.


Seriously... people who get so worked up over a couple hours of down time in a day really makes you wonder if anything else important goes on in their lives.

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No... that was in response to the other person comparing my complaint to that of complaing about regular maint.... Nice try though.


But that wasn't what the person was saying. You're just fabricating scenarios to fit your argument... which has been abysmal at best.


And it doesn't take you off the hook for thinking that server crashing down time (which is what you're compensated for) is the same as scheduled or emergency maintenance.


If SWTOR has a server crash that lasts over a day, and they don't compensate you for time, then you actually have a point to make such a post. Until then, there is still not a logic involved in your rebuttals.

Edited by Lazorous
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You're just really, really dense, aren't you? Either that or you're just trolling, which is probably the more likely scenario.


Emergency patches are not regular maintenance. They are, by their very name, emergency patches. To fix broken things that would otherwise impact the gameplay of a lot of people.


They're not expected to compensate you for that. If they do, it's a courtesy. But you don't "deserve" it.


I don't expect you to really be able to grasp this concept, though. As I said, you're definitely one of the "me me me, now now now" generation.


Look, to say I'm me me me because I expect a quality product is just beyond incomprehensible. If you buy something you expect certain things from it. Is that being entitled? Sure maybe but guess what... Your suppose to get what you pay for that is what consumers EXPECT. Are you going to defend the car company when it gives you a vehicle with bad breaks? Are you going to defend the fast food place when they screw up your order or they are slow getting it? Are you going to defend any other company if they mess up the product you paid for? I highly doubt it, you'll likely take it back and say this is trash give me some sort of compensation for this trash your giving me. But god forbid people ask that of a game.... Its unheard of may as well poke the beehive with a stick because it will send all the White Knight sword thrusting defenders out after you for even saying such a silly request as getting what you pay for.

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Right, but they can provide compensation for it. I don't see why you so objected to that matter. Does Bioware pay you to be so defensive? Or are you just that brainwashed?


Ok. You lost 2 hours of gametime for a patch. You pay $15 for 720 hours of gametime. Where would you like your 4 cents sent?

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Ok. You lost 2 hours of gametime for a patch. You pay $15 for 720 hours of gametime. Where would you like your 4 cents sent?


Don't forget he's actually concerned about 3 days of those down times. So he actually wants about 12 cents back.

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Don't forget he's actually concerned about 3 days of those down times. So he actually wants about 12 cents back.


One of them was regularly scheduled downtime though. I'll give you 8 cents.


Of course, anyone that reads his sig quote knows he's just trolling.

Edited by DarthDemens
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The 8 cents thing is a joke, your assuming everyone has the capability of playing 24/7. Hey if that fits your lifestyle Great good for you. But if your taking that out of the time we are capable of playing which most people get to play 4-7 hours a day. Well then lets take that 2-4 hours schedule down time and tack it onto that and you'll see why its befitting to give a free day for 3 days of that. Because thats 6 to 12 hours of downtime... Which is roughly 1 - 2 days of the average players play time that is only able to play during that downtime. Edited by Xukuth
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The 8 cents thing is a joke, your assuming everyone has the capability of playing 24/7. Hey if that fits your lifestyle Great good for you. But if your taking that out of the time we are capable of playing which most people get to play 4-7 hours a day. Well then lets take that 2-4 hours schedule down time and tack it onto that and you'll see why its befitting to give a free day for 3 days of that.


Nope. Its your choice if you choose not to play when the servers are up. Bioware can't be responsible for that.

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The 12 cent argument doesn't make sense. You dont pay for 720 hours of game time. You pay to access the game when its convenient for you.


If my playtime is 11-2am daily, they effectively kept me from playing at all for 6 out of 30 days. (4 weekly scheduled maint, 2 emergency). And that's before the month is even over. How many more emergency maintenance windows are we going to have that will eat up more days?


So for SOME people, 20% downtime is what is making them upset and that's why we feel that a company which cares about customer service would grant some form of compensation.

Edited by Zerrius
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