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Lord Angral... *gulp*


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As I'm standing on the bridge of Lord Angral's battle cruiser looking at him awaiting me, I reflected back on all the posts I'd read on this forum about various encounters with him - the pain, the 20 deaths, the frustrations and gnashing of teeth. I was actually very nervous about the impending fight, particularly since I never play with Kira and had to adjust my play style.... a lot. Not to mention she wasn't exactly well equipped. In fact, I had to use a med patch while fighting my way through the peons enroute to the bridge.... this was not looking good! I want my droid!!


Finally, deciding to get my first death over with so I can gleam some insight into what I will have done wrong, I charge. About 30 seconds later I'm standing over his corpse with 3/4 of my health left, and even Kira survived with half her health intact. You guys scared the hell out of me over that?! :p


I can only assume that most people having trouble with the encounter are not using their interrupts against Angral. He got lucky and got one of his skills off, but the rest I interrupted. I never once had to use a med patch, and think I used only one defensive skill the entire fight. I had, however, popped a strength stim prior to the fight.


As long as you are equipped well (really, you're wearing 9th level bracers still?), and Kira is just adequately equipped, you should do fine. Just make sure you're interrupting his skills, watching your health and hitting him with everything you've got and you'll do just peachy, mates. :)

Edited by jaimieeb
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I had no issues as Combat spec. My death came in the after fight as I continued the conversation without resting and didn't have enough health (even using a field pack and Defensive cooldowns) to finish the aftermath.


Yes, I wasn't expecting that fight either and didn't bother to rest beforehand, but managed to make it through while only losing about another quarter of health.

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I just assume I'm going to rip him limb from limb. I'm currently 33 and I'm still finishing the Tatooine bonus series, am planning to go back to do the Nar Shadaa bonus series and then still have all of Alderaan to do. (Assuming that Angral is after the Alderaan series is complete.)


I seriously wouldn't be surprised if I'm in the upper 30s or nearly 40 by the time I hit that fight - WAY overleveled. I almost feel bad for him.

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