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You are paying to Beta Test, no lie.


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Slavery used to be the norm too and I guess there were a few people that must have been "new to slavery" but all it takes is people that don't settle for the norm to make a change.


How droll.....A slavery reference in a video game forum. I suppose Hitler/Nazis are up next...:rolleyes:

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Once again. Blizzard BUIILT everything from the ground up. BW DIDN't so they don't have a excuse for all the bugs.


You know what's funny? You're quick to "make excuses" for Blizzard, but you resent people "making excuses" for Bioware.


The only games you can compare this launch to in this day n age since they are close would be games like Aion,AoC,Rift.


And compared to those. SWTOR STILL had an exceptionally smooth launch.


What's your point?



Quit make excuses for BW


And yet, you STARTED this post by making excuses for Blizzard.


For the third time, if you want WoW, play WoW. Sitting here on the forums lamenting how Bioware isn't your precious Blizzard accomplishes nothing.

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The title says it all, you are paying BW to beta test there game, it is painfully obvious that this game was not ready for primetime. To all the people saying this is the smoothest mmorpg release to date, I say in what aspect? Because I fail to see many.


I would list all the issues but seeing as there are already a **** ton of posts with extensive lists of bugs, short comings, and flat out *** were you and were you not thinkings I will just leave you with this.


Don't pay to be a beta tester cancel your sub, play your first month out and let them fix all these damn issues with the money they made from record pre-orders.


HAHA AMEN BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back in 1 year and I will pay for 1 month... if it doesn't work then I won't ever pay for it again!! :D

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You would rather them make more content then fix the current content they have? So you would rather have the current bugged content we got + new bugged content?




I can deal with the EXTREMELY minor bugs. A Blizzard fanboi like yourself puts them at the same level as WoW's day's long server outages.


Difference of opinion.

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:mad:Still have the problem that my pc is shutting down after a few minutes of gaiming, This is on second day now, never had any problems before.

What is really annoying is that there is no response on te forums from BW, that really pisses me off.

Hope they fix this soon or i will not stay after the free month :mad:


Arghh was going to play this weekend when my wife is away.... guess i got to do something else, Back to Skyrim i guess, while i wait for The Secret World.

Was ok fun while it lasted, goodbye:(


If your PC is shutting down then it sounds more like a hardware problem. Might want to check if your CPU/GPU are being cooled correctly (fans still running? not too much dirt/hair clogging up vents/fans? heatsink still properly attached? power supply ok? etc)

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You know what's funny? You're quick to "make excuses" for Blizzard, but you resent people "making excuses" for Bioware.




And compared to those. SWTOR STILL had an exceptionally smooth launch.


What's your point?





And yet, you STARTED this post by making excuses for Blizzard.


For the third time, if you want WoW, play WoW. Sitting here on the forums lamenting how Bioware isn't your precious Blizzard accomplishes nothing.


First off i'm not making a excuse for Blizzard im stating a FACT.


Blizzard made up for there fail launch by giving the players free game time.


When BW decided to give me free game time for their game being buggy i will back off till then no excuse

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First off i'm not making a excuse for Blizzard im stating a FACT.

Actually no, you didn't. As someone else pointed out, even holy WoW was built on a third party engine.


And when you end a sentence with "they have an excuse"....


Blizzard made up for there fail launch by giving the players free game time.


They gave free play time because their server were COMPLETELY DOWN.


Other than one long maintenance period, how long have SWTOR's servers been COMPLETELY DOWN?


When BW decided to give me free game time for their game being buggy i will back off till then no excuse


Bioware WILL give you free playtime when there servers are down due to bugs for two or three days in a row.


That's what's so funny about your posts. You're equating "I have to occasionally reset a quest" with "why have the servers been down for three days straight".

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The title says it all, you are paying BW to beta test there game, it is painfully obvious that this game was not ready for primetime. To all the people saying this is the smoothest mmorpg release to date, I say in what aspect? Because I fail to see many.


I would list all the issues but seeing as there are already a **** ton of posts with extensive lists of bugs, short comings, and flat out *** were you and were you not thinkings I will just leave you with this.


Don't pay to be a beta tester cancel your sub, play your first month out and let them fix all these damn issues with the money they made from record pre-orders.


hey remember when WoW had thousands of bugs? oh wait, that's RIGHT NOW. Welcome to your first MMO. Enjoy the ride.

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We eventually have to stop putting up with it.


I also don't know why people keep saying this was better than WoW's launch. I was there for WoW's launch so don't try to ******** me on that score.


I was there for WOW launch as well, and don't try to ******** me on how "smooth" their launch was.


As other's have said, I have yet to run into a "game-breaking" bug in TOR. Little annoyances, sure...but nothing to prevent me from playing.


WOW launch was crippled by horrible lag (anyone there remembers the loot lag issues), server crashes, and just generally NOT being able to play due to the problem.


TOR is leaps and bounds ahead in comparison.

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Once again. Blizzard BUIILT everything from the ground up. BW DIDN't so they don't have a excuse for all the bugs.


The only games you can compare this launch to in this day n age since they are close would be games like Aion,AoC,Rift.


Where is Aion now? Where is AoC now?


Rift had a BETTER launch and they are a NO NAME company.


Quit make excuses for BW


obviously you weren't apart of Rifts launch. Not horrible, but nowhere near as good as SWTOR. And I don't even like swtor that much. lol. Rift had queues for months, bugs up the ***, broken pvp.... good lord how quickly people forget.

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Actually no, you didn't. As someone else pointed out, even holy WoW was built on a third party engine.


And when you end a sentence with "they have an excuse"....




They gave free play time because their server were COMPLETELY DOWN.


Other than one long maintenance period, how long have SWTOR's servers been COMPLETELY DOWN?




Bioware WILL give you free playtime when there servers are down due to bugs for two or three days in a row.


That's what's so funny about your posts. You're equating "I have to occasionally reset a quest" with "why have the servers been down for three days straight".


This game has been brought down where is my free game time? Bugs are just as bad as the game bot being up. yes blizzard did build everything from the ground up.


Keep making excuses.

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obviously you weren't apart of Rifts launch. Not horrible, but nowhere near as good as SWTOR. And I don't even like swtor that much. lol. Rift had queues for months, bugs up the ***, broken pvp.... good lord how quickly people forget.


You obviously didn't play launch.


move along.

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:mad:Still have the problem that my pc is shutting down after a few minutes of gaiming, This is on second day now, never had any problems before.

What is really annoying is that there is no response on te forums from BW, that really pisses me off.

Hope they fix this soon or i will not stay after the free month :mad:


Arghh was going to play this weekend when my wife is away.... guess i got to do something else, Back to Skyrim i guess, while i wait for The Secret World.

Was ok fun while it lasted, goodbye:(


get a better computer dood. seriously.

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First off i'm not making a excuse for Blizzard im stating a FACT.


Blizzard made up for there fail launch by giving the players free game time.


When BW decided to give me free game time for their game being buggy i will back off till then no excuse


lol you're a delusional idiot. You're comparing OUTAGES to MINOR (and I mean SUPER minor) bugs. Go play wow you *****.

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lol you're a delusional idiot. You're comparing OUTAGES to MINOR (and I mean SUPER minor) bugs. Go play wow you *****.


I'm not the one comparing WoW launch to SWTOR launch you people on these forums always do. Which is dumb.


A bug is a BUG. Anything that inconveniences you should be fixed.

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This game has been brought down where is my free game time? Bugs are just as bad as the game bot being up. yes blizzard did build everything from the ground up.


Keep making excuses.


you're the one making excuses bud. Sorry to point out but the majority (probably close to 90%) have no issues with the bugs, because we play mmos. You obviously haven't before except for joining WoW a year ago. You WEREN'T there for WoW's launch. You have ZERO idea what an mmo launch is like.


Or mmos for that matter. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to eliminate all the bugs. IMPOSSIBLE.

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get a better computer dood. seriously.


I hate this kind of post, it's retarded. Getting a new computer for ONE game pushes the price from me paying $60 for it to me paying $760 for it. Now honestly, if SWTOR posted their price at $760 would you pay? Not me! And I see two people on this thread saying the game is fine, and a zillion others that say it's a BETA test. So guess what, it's a BETA test and I totally agree and SO want my money back.

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