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[Current Bug List] Crew Skills


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You don't need to run those long missions just to refill the mission window. You can also run the 3 min lowest level missions, works just as well. Or just do a zone transition, anything that gives you the loading screen will work.



wow... really? geeze thats stupid if its that easy to switch the missions. If you can do that might as well just keep everything up in the mission section and just give us the choice on which we want to do all the time, sibce you could just keep loading to get the ones you wanted anyways. Oh well nothings perfect to start haha, thanks Raphael!

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This one has to do with the unbalanced rate of gathering in missions.


Pattern: level 32 reusable absorb adrenal.


Requires 4 inert viruses per attempt.


Missions for inert viruses default to "alien bacterial strain" in almost all cases. If I had to guess, I would suggest an 8 to one ratio of return (seems to be common with many mission skills).


I should have documented this nightmare. It is quite telling, but to keep it simple, I'm estimating my time in days, four levels, and a cost in the 200k to 300k range for this one item, to date, with no success at this time.


Im not worried about exact accuracy of the data as it is so far out of whack that even cutting it by 75% would still indicate a problem. An item such as this, with a life expectancy of 3 levels, should cost in the area of 5k to 10k to make, and yield a retail price (should the crafter decide to do so), in the 10k to 15k range. It should never come close to the time and cost I am experiencing.


No question in my mind, after this latest, that the system requires some immediate and lengthy changes, including fail-safes.

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OP: Sorry if this has been addressed somewhere in the other 7 pages of replies, but do you know if this is the most visible place for devs to see your detailed list of bugs - as opposed to the Customer Service forum? I'm still frustrated that they don't have a Bug or Support forum...or at least not one I can find...but it makes me wonder where they might look - if anyone is even watching.




Also, kudos on keeping bugs and suggestions separate. While I can appreciate the concerns of other players that things aren't working how they want them to, I strongly believe that a list such as this has the best chance of being taken seriously if it only includes critical information. Enhancements & tweaks can come later, bugs need to be fixed now!

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Anyone else notice that if you have multiple different items in the queue, that sometimes one will turn into another?


As an example, I had a purple shield regenerator, energy shield, beam charger, and ship armor in the queue as well as a blue reflex armoring 22. After logging out and checking back on the character, I had a purple energy shield, beam charger, ship armor, and 2 blue reflex armoring 22s crafted.


This has happened to me a few times now (sometimes to my advantage like a blue turning into a purple, but most times to my disadvantage like in the above example). I have not noticed items turning into anything else not in your queue. This seems like it might be related to the bug if you log out and back in, your queue can sometimes be reordered.

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OP: Sorry if this has been addressed somewhere in the other 7 pages of replies, but do you know if this is the most visible place for devs to see your detailed list of bugs - as opposed to the Customer Service forum? I'm still frustrated that they don't have a Bug or Support forum...or at least not one I can find...but it makes me wonder where they might look - if anyone is even watching.


In the past they have responded several times that they are reading all forum sections. So for the developers it shouldn't matter which section it is in.


Players on the other hand hardly ever read the Customer Service forum (at least I never do), so to get this bug list known to players the Crew Skill forum is the most logical place.


So I choose to post it in the Crew Skill forum. At least this way it might stop a few extra unneeded duplicate threads from popping up from people posting bugs, which makes the entire Crew Skill forum better.

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Yeah the filtering of custom items on GTN is a bit strange to say the least. A good work-around is filtering on "all" and pressing the "level" column once or twice. That way all the (unfilled) custom items come to the front. Like I said, it's very strange that this even works because custom items have levels from 10-50 just like other items.
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Vibroknives: I sent in a ticket with many updates, sadly I crafted over 300, yes 300, Vibroknife of Nimble Riposte.


The response was that they could be re'd to superior, but the chances were very low. I don't gamble, and you can see why, but I am stubborn.


Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, for me anyways, have refused to yield a Rich or Bountiful mission for some time. These are tier 6 missions, and yes the Rich UT mission that comes up is Moderate, look at the credits to run it.


I have tried the trick of logging, also of setting companions to missions and logging and when I am back on canceling the missions. It still will not yield a Rich or Bountiful mission.


The Devs Need to Know that the High end materials are needed for the High end crafting, why else are they supposed to be there.


STICKY, please already.

Edited by Esproc
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Another vote for sticky!


When reing to the T2 version of a synthweave pattern, the rating stays the same. Even tho more secondary stats have been added.


Guildy's say it's due to armor staying the same. However it gives a false impression that the ilvl stays the same...


T1 = 126 rated

T2 = 126 rated (Possibly should be in the 130's)


Why doesn't the armor increase anyway? As a suggestion it should! Especially important on the synthweave redoubt patterns for shadow tanks. A small increase in armor is a major increase for us..



I also noticed the build queue randomising - but only if you run space missions while crafting

Edited by Raesty
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Incase it has not been mentioned, the imbalance in missions.


The representes underworld trading missions. Sample taken from last round of attempts.




First toon from grade 1 to grade 3.


13 missions available overall


10 companion

3 underworld fabrics

1 (grade three) underworld metal




Second Toon Grade 1 to Grade 4


17 missions available overall


11 Companion

3 Fabric

3 Metal (one each, grade 1,2,3.) (Grade 4 consisted of 5 companion gifts).



This has not been found by me to be an oddity, but the norm. I've been noting this for 1 week. The rarity is 3 viable metal missions. The norm is an over abundant number of companion gift missions.



It is random and resets/reshuffles frequently.

I am at 400/400/400 Armormech working on REing me a full purple set, which means I need lots of Grade6 Underworld Metal.

Sometimes I got not a single Mission in my list and sometimes I can send 4 companions at once for the u metal.


The list of available missions is random and resets after a certain time (maybe half an hour?) or whenever a mission for the skill finishes. Thus you should check for wanted missions right before and right after a companion finishes one. At times, when I got lucky, I got all 5 companions out hunting for the u metal.


I can cope with this randomized system.



What annoys me is that at 400 skill there are no "abundant" or "rich" missions for grade6 available....

(Why on earth didnt BW make crafting levels more synchronized with char lvls? eg crafting skill 500 = lvl50 gear)

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Vibroknives: I sent in a ticket with many updates, sadly I crafted over 300, yes 300, Vibroknife of Nimble Riposte.


The response was that they could be re'd to superior, but the chances were very low. I don't gamble, and you can see why, but I am stubborn.


Well apparently Customer Service doesn't know about all the bugs either lol.


Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting, for me anyways, have refused to yield a Rich or Bountiful mission for some time. These are tier 6 missions, and yes the Rich UT mission that comes up is Moderate, look at the credits to run it.


I have tried the trick of logging, also of setting companions to missions and logging and when I am back on canceling the missions. It still will not yield a Rich or Bountiful mission.


The Devs Need to Know that the High end materials are needed for the High end crafting, why else are they supposed to be there.

Rich and Bountiful simply don't exist for T6, no amount of refreshing the list will fix this. This is the case with all missions that yield crafting mats.

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When reing to the T2 version of a synthweave pattern, the rating stays the same. Even tho more secondary stats have been added.


Guildy's say it's due to armor staying the same. However it gives a false impression that the ilvl stays the same...


T1 = 126 rated

T2 = 126 rated (Possibly should be in the 130's)


Why doesn't the armor increase anyway? As a suggestion it should! Especially important on the synthweave redoubt patterns for shadow tanks. A small increase in armor is a major increase for us..


Rating (armor and weapon) only increases on a color change. So green->blue and blue->purple. RE'ing a T1 purple to a T2 purple never yields a rating increase. No idea why but this is working as intended.

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Crew Skills



Crafting Skills

Non-stackable crafting materials are now refunded if the crafting assignment is canceled.

The number of non-stackable crafting materials a player has is now correctly reflected in the crafting UI.



Exotech schematics will now function properly.

Crafting Exotech consumables now results in three items with a chance of one additional item on a crafting critical.




This is all that's listed. Really? I understand 110% that everything in this post's list cannot be addressed as quickly as this patch. But to have no BW response, no sticky, no acknowledgment after 27 pages (when viewing as a guest/default page limit) is really making me wonder. Crafting is not as important as crash related, quest-breaking bugs - but for many of us, it is one of the primary motivations for choosing an MMO. If I can't effectively participate in the economy of an MMO, it kills most of the reason for playing a game with more than just a few friends. And I can find plenty of games to play with a few friends without paying a monthly subscription...

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Lack for Rich missions for tiers 2,4,6 for any crew skill


Variance in Diplomacy missions, to frequently I have one light side Companion gift and 4 dark side abundant medical. (Not critical but annoying to say the least)


The same 5 (Or 6) missions are up for grade 6 every time all the time. Whereas previous tiers were a slot machine of which ones were available. Which one is correct or lazy


No Dev crafts or takes it seriously to stay on top of it.

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I have some more:



  • I have a level 50 Sith Marauder. I usually send off most of my companions on crew missions and leave 1 to do crafting. When I get on my ship, it shows several different companions crafting at the crafting table. These companions are also in their default areas at the same time (e,g, Vette is also in the engine area). Opening the Crew window fixes everything immediately, even if I am looking directly at the crafting table. They just vanish and are replaced (correctly) by the one companion that is actually crafting.
  • Sometimes it doesn't select the right companion in the Crew window. Example: If I send Vette off to do a Treasure Hunting mission, and then I select 2V-R8 to do crafting, the crafting window opens, but Vette is still selected (which you can see at the bottom of the window). This makes it look as if I can't craft, because the button is greyed out. I'm pretty sure I didn't accidentally press Vette's crafting button, because when she's on mission, the crafting button disappears. If I press the crafting button beside 2V-R8 again, then it works properly and he gets selected. I'm not sure if this occurs all the time. It might only occur if 2V-R8 is already crafting something and I want to queue up more.



Can anyone confirm these?


Also, the first post says that the missions quotes seem to be reversed. I think that it's just random. Sometimes they say the correct quote, but often it's wrong. There should be 3 quotes: failure, success (normal) and success (critical). The same problem seems to show up in space missions.

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Can anyone confirm that the issues highlighted in green in the OP are truly fixed with this patch? I don't have a character high enough for Ops/HM to which all those issues relate to check for myself.


If they're really fixed I will remove them from the OP. I just don't blindly trust patch notes anymore :).

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I can't check all of them, but on my Armstech, I can un-confirm one:


Biometric Crystal Alloy currently does not register in the crafting window (it shows 0/1 even if you have one). You can still craft the items as long as you have the rest of the required ingredients. NOT FIXED ON PTS



Item still shows as 0 available when I actually have 1 Biometric Crystal Alloy. This is regardless of whether it is in my bank or my inventory, and is not fixed by a UI reset. This crystal was acquired prior to this past Tuesday, for what it's worth.

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Also, the first post says that the missions quotes seem to be reversed. I think that it's just random. Sometimes they say the correct quote, but often it's wrong. There should be 3 quotes: failure, success (normal) and success (critical). The same problem seems to show up in space missions.


I also have thought that it's just random. I'll have a few companions come back in a row (on IA Sniper or SI Assassin), they'll have differing statements (to the effect of "I did terribly", "It went ok", and "I did amazing!"), but they'll all bring back the same quality return (non-fail, non-crit). I don't see a real pattern to it.

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I RE'd a level 45 focus into a Blue without too much trouble; however, after I don't even know how many REs of the blue - been at it 3 days now - not a single purple, of any variety. Is this consistent with the crap rates they're talking about retuning, or are there simply no itemizations for this, like Vibroknives...? :confused:


Edit: why isn't this a sticky? It's broken, there are bugs, everyone knows it. If a new person wanders in here looking for info, shouldn't they be able to find it without making yet another thread on the same topic, and getting yet another copy of the same answers?


People are wasting time and mats on what they have no way of knowing is broken. Not cool.

Edited by spacefiddle
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I can't check all of them, but on my Armstech, I can un-confirm one:

Biometric Crystal Alloy currently does not register in the crafting window (it shows 0/1 even if you have one). You can still craft the items as long as you have the rest of the required ingredients. NOT FIXED ON PTS



Item still shows as 0 available when I actually have 1 Biometric Crystal Alloy. This is regardless of whether it is in my bank or my inventory, and is not fixed by a UI reset. This crystal was acquired prior to this past Tuesday, for what it's worth.


Hmm I was afraid of that :(. Guess I'll keep that in the list then.

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I RE'd a level 45 focus into a Blue without too much trouble; however, after I don't even know how many REs of the blue - been at it 3 days now - not a single purple, of any variety. Is this consistent with the crap rates they're talking about retuning, or are there simply no itemizations for this, like Vibroknives...? :confused:

I'm sorry, but that does indeed sound consistent with the known low RE rates yes. I personally RE'd some focuses/shields into purple schematics so I know it works.

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I also have thought that it's just random. I'll have a few companions come back in a row (on IA Sniper or SI Assassin), they'll have differing statements (to the effect of "I did terribly", "It went ok", and "I did amazing!"), but they'll all bring back the same quality return (non-fail, non-crit). I don't see a real pattern to it.


Ok I adjusted the OP to reflect that the response is random instead of reversed.

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