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Grab and speed abilities making Huttball CHEAP


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Force Speed isn't some sort of unstoppable scoring tool like Force Leap into a defender but don't shortchange it either. If I get past the the first fire pit with at least half a bar of resolve and full health (so killing me is not an option), I'll almost always score unless I get grappled by someone below. Here's what you do:


Force Speed through the last pit, doesn't matter if it's on fire (though preferably not on fire).


As you run through, active Force Shroud. If someone didn't grapple you right as you go past, you have 5 seconds where nobody can do anything to you with any CC.


Use CC breaker after Force Shroud runs out.


And of course if I start with a full bar of resolve at the start of the pit then even the grapple trick won't work. In this case I might just walk across the last pit instead and use Force Speed to break any root effects instead after Force Shroud is down.


It's not foolproof like charging into a defender but it is definitely very hard to stop.

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The problem I have when I see this as a 35 scoundrel is I have no way to run interference on them. I have two options either use dirty kick and stun for four seconds or attack and hope I can whittle him down. If they get the ball its an insta win :( any suggestions would be appreciated.


Use your OP damage to instagib them in an opener- that's how you counter it.

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Good point. What server are you on? Haven't seen you on the Fatman.


Hedaar Soong or whatever it's called. For whatever reason JKO didn't get imported in with the other B'fin guilds. It's whatever though. Still good PvPz to be had.

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Playing an Operative it is a big problem for me to somehow influence gameplay when against comentent players. I have mostly pvp gear (around 400 expertise) and if enemy is competent, nothing I can do about it. Hell, i made a 12 lvl SI just for fun and i had more influence on hutball game with that char than 50 lvl Operative. It is the ONLY class without any usefull tool for that map (beside having dps). Even Sniper/Gunslinger has pushback, Operative/Scroundrel has no force speed, not bubble, no gap closer or rope-pull. I have stun, but whats the point of useing it, as someone will just use 2 min cc break and enjoy full resolve bar. Easiest to abuse i guees is Assassin/Sorcerer. It's hard to count how many times i saw them use force speed+bubble and just run through first fire unharmed, jum over second and score. What can i do against that? Nothing. I cannot go with ball as well, not with almost every other class having pushbacks or pulls, stuns or roots i can deal with. It is really not a problem with knowing how to play, that class just lack tools for this map. It is great for two other, with stealth and high burst dmg. But on huttball, I feel like team would benefit way more if I would be playing any other class than Operative
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