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Does anyone know if your allowed to use addons like in wow, to help heal , move frames around etc? I only ask as wouldnt like to find im banned for trying to install something.


If so is there any addons made for SW yet?

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if as a player you choose not to use addons thats your choice


I want to believe that, I really do. But all too often in WoW I was denied access to raids simply because I did not use any Add Ons. Making it less my "choice" and something the majority of players decided was a necessity.


To answer your question, no add ons yet. But Bioware might add them at a later point.

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NO NO NO NO....... Addons are the single biggest MMO breaker ever. It turns games into single button faceroll games. When RIFT caved and allowed a few addons it marked the beginning of the end. WoW is a lost cause, i dont think 1 single healer on WoW could heal without addons. If WoW were to break all addons they would be out of business ina month. People get dependent on them and forget how to really play their class. :w_mad:
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NO NO NO NO....... Addons are the single biggest MMO breaker ever. It turns games into single button faceroll games. When RIFT caved and allowed a few addons it marked the beginning of the end. WoW is a lost cause, i dont think 1 single healer on WoW could heal without addons. If WoW were to break all addons they would be out of business ina month. People get dependent on them and forget how to really play their class. :w_mad:


Oh and this is from someone who was a Healbot junkie for arenas NOURISH SPAM FTW

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NO NO NO NO....... Addons are the single biggest MMO breaker ever. It turns games into single button faceroll games. When RIFT caved and allowed a few addons it marked the beginning of the end. WoW is a lost cause, i dont think 1 single healer on WoW could heal without addons. If WoW were to break all addons they would be out of business ina month. People get dependent on them and forget how to really play their class. :w_mad:


Ok lets not have addons instead can BW please give us a customisation UI option, a combat log (maybe even a dps tool like skada if possible), sell all greys options, a better GTM and..... Or can they just give addons and let someone else do the work for some of the things that they will never get around to doing and instead fixing more important issues.

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I want to believe that, I really do. But all too often in WoW I was denied access to raids simply because I did not use any Add Ons. Making it less my "choice" and something the majority of players decided was a necessity.


To answer your question, no add ons yet. But Bioware might add them at a later point.


I would have denied you to if you didn't have the correct adds specially if i were doing 25 man... just know you weren't a serious WoW player, which in turn not a very big game player of this sort... anyway didn't want to trash talk but seriously things are needed... maybe i am to new to this game but i can't even use my num lock #'s? is this correct? a simple use of num lock numbers? this is the reason some people want these adds because the game doesn't provide a way of you playing the game in a comfortable position. and on top of that poeple would like to know if they are performing well when killing a boss of some sort to see if they have to step it up or your doing fine... its not to ruin the game it is to make the game comfortable for the player... and beside sorry to say but i believe WoW has like 10 million accounts? so maybe you should stop trash talking and take in some of there success from the past. BC had adds WoTLK had adds so yea... the set up of the UI not being able to use you num lock buttons is a big deal...

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and on top of that poeple would like to know if they are performing well when killing a boss of some sort to see if they have to step it up or your doing fine...


Never really understood this, if you kill the boss why do you need to see if your doing fine? Are you not doing fine if the boss dies? I don't need a chart to tell me that I'm killing a boss.


Yes I know I don't have to download it and blah blah, but what do people do that have these said charts? they post them, why do i need to see this? Yes i know we won the boss is dead i can see his body over there. Did you notice the mob that spawned behind you that I CC'ed? or the AOE that your supposed to run away from? Why not, oh that because you were looking at your bright colorful numbers that don't mean crap.


Sorry for the rant :(


IMO dps charts are just ways for people to flex their epeen.


I do agree with being able to customize your UI, i hope they do allow this down the road.

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Never really understood this, if you kill the boss why do you need to see if your doing fine? Are you not doing fine if the boss dies? I don't need a chart to tell me that I'm killing a boss.


Well, some people feel good knowing that they are dealing major damage to the boss and some want to know if they are soaking up all the damage/ healing the most (i.e. the addon Recount). I was an excellent tank when I played WoW and I always made sure that I was taking in 90% of the damage but I also took some pride and joy in realizing that I also had the top Damage Don/DPS rate out of (almost) all of my dungeons! And, I don't mean to brag, at around 15-40, my Damage Doing was better than those who had BoA which is completely off topic so anyway, I take pride and joy into knowing how much damage I am doing and I know there are people just like me. Sorry!


~Mozaic :cool:

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I would have denied you to if you didn't have the correct adds specially if i were doing 25 man...


So you're saying Blizzard's product that millions of people pay monthly for works so badly you Need third party programs to even have a remote chance of success at end game content?


just know you weren't a serious WoW player, which in turn not a very big game player of this sort...


I was actually quite serious when I played. My definition of serisous however clearly differs from yours.

I like to take on a challenge myself, without add ons. I'd rather take on a new boss, and learn the fight from scratch by using my senses to know where to stand, who to heal, and what to hit. I don't enjoy programs playing the game for me.

Everything i did accomplish in WoW, I'm proud to say, was all me.


maybe i am to new to this game but i can't even use my num lock #'s? is this correct? a simple use of num lock numbers?


Esc - Preferences - Key Bindings (It's near the bottom, as a tab)


this is the reason some people want these adds because the game doesn't provide a way of you playing the game in a comfortable position.


They couldn't be bothered to look for Key Bindings? Really? Give 'em a little credit.


and on top of that poeple would like to know if they are performing well when killing a boss of some sort to see if they have to step it up or your doing fine... its not to ruin the game it is to make the game comfortable for the player...


By all means, players can do that. Wanna know how hard you hit? Fiiine, go ahead. Wanna know how much aggro you're pulling? Okidoki. The problem arises when these players drag their selected Add On functions on to the other players who don't care about it.

This makes it less a choice, and more a necessity.


and beside sorry to say but i believe WoW has like 10 million accounts? so maybe you should stop trash talking and take in some of there success from the past. BC had adds WoTLK had adds so yea... the set up of the UI not being able to use you num lock buttons is a big deal...


I was never, ever trash talking Add Ons. And like i mentioned above, just use the friggin' Key Bindings. You can use aaaall the buttons on your keyboard.


And, WoW is now 7 years old. When It launched it did not have 10 million accounts, It didn't even have half that. Nor does TOR right now, because TOR launched 15 days ago. The 10 million accounts is not a valid argument because It assumes WoW was an instant success. WoW was not the "perfect" game Add on fans like yourself make it out to be when it first came out. It has had 7 years to grow, do everyone a favor and give TOR the same amount of time to grow from a good game, to an incredible game.


If Bioware introduces add ons, fine. I'm sure there's a huge player base who'll be squeeeking with joy. I won't be one of them but that Is my problem.

For all i care people can use all the add ons in the world If that makes them happy. They can paint their UI Green, cover it in Ewok Fur, and have a computer tell them everything going on around them. Whatever makes them happy.

My issue Is when these people drag their Add Ons onto all those who might not want, or see an immediate need for them. Like what has happened in WoW, bringing me back to the beggining of my post (Is like a time machine in here)


I would have denied you to if you didn't have the correct adds specially if i were doing 25 man...


I was not denied entry to raids because of my performance, my gear, or even my personality (I'm pretty awesome). I was denied beforehand because i simply, did not utilize any Add Ons. That's the problem with add ons. They tend to become a necessity rather than an optional extra.

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main reason addons became a must have for raids is the players skills.


u might be just fine without any addons, but once WOTLK came out and all the casual players and all the new players who never raided before were all pushed by blizzard to attempt raiding some players turned out to be good, ALOT turned out to be horrible.


i was in a couple of top end guilds on a couple different servers and i cant think of one that forced recount as a addon must have.


stuff like omen, DBM, decursive, some sort of healing program was a must have.


and these were pretty much addons that helped u ingame, pretty much make it easier for u to make those split second decisions.


raid leaders usually had recount but that was to make sure people werent just auto attacking.


and all this was necessary cause u wouldnt believe the number of players that would pug, think there the crap. apply to the top guilds of the server, get in on luck or good fronting skills then show up for raid and not no what the hell they are doing...


this here is the story of what WOTLK did to wow, imo wow's greatest moments were during BC. dont get me wrong i loved WOTLK but as a progression raider all through BC,WOTLK, and CATA.


WOTLK was probally the most stressful and drama filled expansion for raiding guilds.


and idc who u are, but if u want to raid in a progression guild then u should not be surprised when the guild wants u to know the fights and be prepared, with or without addons...


all that aside i hope SWTOR doesnt allow addons, but im hoping the progression part of raiding ends up strong like WOW cause i am loving this game, and i dont want to go back to WOW cause this game dies raid progression wise...

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I agree. Allow addons, what's it going to hurt?


Are you embarrassed that someone will see that you're pulling crap damage numbers and -might- suggest options to you for correcting the problem?


Are you scared of an addon that helps you keep track of enemy cooldowns, your own cooldowns and whether or not something is targeting you?


UI customization aside, the addons that really seem to make people mad help a group or raid to find things that are wrong. It simplifies the learning process and throttles back on sensory overload. Dudes driving race cars at 200 mph have to keep track of less crap than some classes during a boss fight. Complicated priority-based dps rotation going good? Cooldowns cycling? Are you in range of the boss? Do you need to CC something? Are you standing in fire? Is the boss about to make fire? Is he about to spawn adds?


An addon even marginally reducing that sensory input or at least condensing it somehow is just fantastic. See you haters burning under a rocket exhaust nozzle. :p

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Only one that can asnwer you is Bioware...


People seem confused when they talk about addons. Bioware does not have to expose everything Blizzard did to the add on developers. They could lock down the logs (like they have with combat) to make it impossible for boss addons and such. Remember though, raiding/flashpoint addons may have jump started this but there is a lot more than just raid addons now.


I was not denied entry to raids because of my performance, my gear, or even my personality (I'm pretty awesome). I was denied beforehand because i simply, did not utilize any Add Ons. That's the problem with add ons. They tend to become a necessity rather than an optional extra.


Then find another guild/group that didn't require it or make your own. The only thing I have ever required was vent.



Beyond Addons, I would kill to be able to customize the UI. The fact you can actually run out of placement slots for skills/items blows my mind

Edited by DrakeFS
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no addons allowed, and i prefer it that way because right now no one has any advantage over another person.

People with better computers

People without bugs (FPS)

People without bugged classes

People playing certain classes

People with better visual acuity and spatial awareness

People with better connections



I could go on!

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NO NO NO NO....... Addons are the single biggest MMO breaker ever. It turns games into single button faceroll games. When RIFT caved and allowed a few addons it marked the beginning of the end. WoW is a lost cause, i dont think 1 single healer on WoW could heal without addons. If WoW were to break all addons they would be out of business ina month. People get dependent on them and forget how to really play their class. :w_mad:


i healed to glad on paly and druid with no addons

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I'm an Eyefinity player, thats exactly why I want some sort of UI adjustment capability. If it's an add-on so be it, if Bioware happens to get on the ball and recognize they left out a fundamental requirement for Modern MMO's with a lack luster UI thats locked. - You can see who exactly gets the blame for your poor play experience in the credits BTW...


@ 5760x1080 Space missions are the absolute best. The rest of the game feels like a 5 dollar whore after a 20 dollar bill convention, tired and stiff. It's only the UI I have a real ***** about, you know, where I INTERFACE with your game.




A WSG OG from back in the day.

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no addons allowed, and i prefer it that way because right now no one has any advantage over another person.


As long as all addons are free and easily accessible noone will have more of an advantage with addons allowed or supported than without. If someone doesn't want to use addons, they don't have to, but they shouldn't be allowed to decide whether others should be allowed to or not.


Now, I haven't played the game much yet, so I don't really know, but it's quite likely that I won't resubscribe untill the game supports addons. I want Auctionator, VuhDo, DBM, Dominos, ButtonTimers, Recount and all the other addons I depend on in WoW.

Edited by Lebensbaum
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