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Feedback on this PvP (Warzone) Buil please.


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Hello everyone,


I just wanted to run this Warzone-PvP lvl 50 Build through you guys in order to get feedback from other points of view aswell as more skilled players than me, considering I'm definitely not one of the more skilled ones out there nor high lvl.


Anyway, here's the build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301ZrsrMobckzZfhrbzh.1


My reasons for this build are:


Overall =>


* Fun build with DPS and other useful abilities in different ranges ( 30-10-4m )

* A build that didn't rely on getting focused on/targeted and soaking up dmg by both being a target and shielding a carrier/healer/dps. So imo, a more fun build considering you are (Sort of!) a one-trick pony with a PvP build that focuses mainly on Ion Cilinder & Guarding/Tanking.

* In PuGs there aren't usually any dedicated healers nor alot of teamwork. (Usually)


( Note: These are just my opinions and experiences from lvl 25-27 Warzone'ing )


Individual Skill-Choice Reasons =>


PYRO TREE: ( Pretty basic spec for a DPS PT that doesn't go high into Pyro )


Bursting Flame = Permanent DoT on target because of CGC ((Combustible Gas Cilinder) Does a fair bit of dmg but the DoT is the main reason since that gives us a near constant ability to fire off our Rail Shots!)

Iron Fist = More dmg on Rocket Punch ( Preferred over 3% endurance anytime )

Superheated Gas = More dmg on your nearly permanent CGC (CGC should be on your target nearly permanently, so why not increase its dmg by a sizeable amount?)

Sweltering Heat = 100% chance to slow target for 2 sec when applying CGC (Makes for easier kiting and stalling)

Gyroscopic Alignement Jets[ = 100% chance to vent 8 heat whenever incapacitated/stunned/knocked-down/etc. ( You might break out fast out of stuns and such in PvP, but before you do so, the venting has taken place so it's IMO preferred over the Energy Shield Movement Impair Removing-Skill ... Mainly because you can't use that skill when knocked down or stunned, only when slowed. So I prefer the quite often used 100% chance to vent 8 heat considering I sorta have trouble controlling my heat all the time in the Warzones. )

Superheated Rail = One of the core skills in the Pyro Tree ( 30% armor reduction when using Rail Shot + 100% chance to vent 8 heat when striking a burning target + Resetting the duration of CGC! = Self-explanatory why this skill is very good. )

Incendiary Missile = Spammable (Although ill-advised) 30m attack with small impact-dmg but a long burning dot, good for Warzones in order to not let opposition take turrets/plant bombs/defuse + it's a good opener for Rail Shot considering the previous skill: Superheated Rail)

Prototype Particle Accelerator = 30% on Flame Bust + 45% on Rocket Punch to reset Rail Shot - Cooldown & make it free of heatcost ( Self-explanatory really, but Flame Burst is in theory spammable and Rocket Punch is nearly always used when on CD so = Lots of free Rail Shots = Good! )


Core Abilities of the Pyro Tree: Superheated Rail + Incendiary Missile + Prototype Particle Accelerator



Adv Prototype Tree: ( I'll explain later why I choose to hybrid-DPS over going high into Pyro )


Prototype Burn Enhancers =Added 6% Crit Chance on all fire effects ( Which I assume is CGC / Flame Burst / Incen Missile = Good! )

Prototype Electro Suge = 10 CDR on Electro Dart ( Not spectacular but it adds more/faster utility from one of our few non-dps skills that are good for WZ. + In order to get so high into Adv Pro I didn't have much choice what to put my skills in since I'm only going to use CGC and not High Speed Cilinder. So this one seemed like a good filler-skill. ) Puncture = 60% Armor Reduction on Rail Shot ( Very good skill for us since we use Rail Shot often + it already has a 30% Armor Reduction from the Pyro Skill = 90% Armor Reduction! = Good! )

Prototype Cilinders = 3% Tech Crit Chance when using CGC ( For 1 point = Good! ) Hot Iron = 6% dmg increase on 2 skills of our rotation, Flame Burst & Retr Blade ( = Good! )

Power Armor = 2% Dmg Reduction ( Filler-skill, but 2% permanent dmg reduction is never "that" bad.)

Advanced Tools = CDR on Flame Thrower by 3 sec. & Grapple by 10 sec. ( The Flame Thrower CDR is near-useless considering the skill is pretty damn useless in PvP (Stationary Channel + relatively low dmg + often too much lag to pull it off without a perfect setting like a nearby Electro Dart'd target, but more often than not there are better skills to use than Flame Thrower, which imo should nearly only be used when defending turrets/gates from multiple targets who are occupied with taking over the turret/planting;defusing the bomb. And even then Death From Above is often preferred...But anyway, this is a filler-skill but the 10 sec CDR on Grapple/Crapple (Buggy) isn't halfbad, just like the filler-skill for Electro Dart, it's not COMPLETELY useless you know? ^^)

Retractable Blade = A 4m-range hit that does mediocre impact-dmg and mediocre bleed-dmg but combined and specced in, it's definitely a hurtful skill in our rotation. (Does decent dmg on impact and decent dmg over-time with its bleed-DoT. Which is good for several reasons: Bleed dmg isn't bypasses armor, annoys targets by not letting them take over turrets/plant;defuse bombs and is yet another way of setting up Rail Shot, this is all in addition to it's nice dmg = Good!)

Flame Barrage = Flame Burst has a 30% chance to make your Rocket Punch Free (If you haven't noticed by now, we got alot of Heat-management skills at this moment; Such as: Superheated Rail / Flame Barrage / Gyroscopic Alignement Jets & ofc Vent Heat = Good! Not to mention Flame Burst is often used so the chance to proc isn't too shabby. )Serrated Blades = 15% dmg increase in Retr Blade's bleed effect. (Not too bad since the dmg bypasses armor and 15% isn't a particularly low percentage.)

Hydraulic Overrides = 8 sec of all movement impairement-immunity + 30% movement increase ( Very good for alot of situations but mainly when carrying hutball near endzone and you notice 3-4 opponents eagerly awaiting your arrival from the spawn-deck, locked and loaded to kill you and stop you every way possible => Pop this baby and unless you got low hp, you'll score a point for the team! )

Charged Gauntlets = Rocket Punch & Retr Blade both have a 25% chance to make your Rail Shot crit hit!.( I can see the potential in this once clearly considering we use both these skills in our rotation and it automaticly makes our highest damaging ability that ignores 90% armor and has alot of other benefits, Rail Shot, critically hit! Considering there are many ways we could take advantage of this skill, I think I'm going to love having this skill.-


Lucky/Most beneficial situation:

- Incen Missile ( fire DoT )

- Flame burst ( CGC apply + Makes Rail Shot free and off CD)

- Retr blade (proc)

- Rail Shot ( vents 8 heat, refreshes CGC & ignores 90% armor & CRITS! )


But we're not done just yet!


- Rocket Punch ( double proc = Refreshes Rail Shot's CD & makes it free + procs to make Rail Shot crit automaticly! )

- Flame Burst to reapply CGC & apply the burning effect

- Rail shot ( vents another 8 heat, refreshes CGC yet again & ignores 90 armor + CRITS! )


Now the added bonus to this, besides the obvious HUGE bursts of dmg is that, but I don't know this for sure, that when resetting the CD of CGC the 50% movement speed might be re-applied aswell, not sure though. But if it does this, then this situation allows for a rather long snare, 4 sec is usually enough for the carrier to die if focused and when slowed = easier to do so. But ofc, this can also be accomplished by using Flame Burst often, but this rotation/situation is ofc much more beneficial in burst damage.


I realize this is a seldomly occuring situation/rotation but when it happens, you'll smile and you know it! ^^ Ok, moving on to the last chosen skill in Adv Pro tree:


Kolto Vents = 7% health regen over 10 sec when using the skill Vent Heat. ( Filler skill but not too shabby to have when in a PuG and nowhere near a health boost - tome or when still in combat. )


Ok so that's it for the individual skill-choice reasons:


I pretty much explained my opinion/reasons for choosing this build by explaining the individual skills, but I just want to add that I prefer this build MAINLY because I believe it has the potential to be on par DPS-wise with high-end Pyro specs, but ALSO because it adds certain utility to the team in Warzones:


Hutball = Movement-impairing Immunity + Speed boost / Lower CD on grapple & Electro Dart

Alderaan = DoTs from Incen Missile / CGC / Retr Blade to keep opponents from taking turrets until reinforcements arrive + Grapple & Electro Dart CDR to interrupt more often aswell.

Voidstar = Same as Alderaan really but also Movement-impairing immunity + speed boost because often after blowing up or defending a gate, the 2 teams are intertwined in the corridors and the first to reach the other side to interrupt attackers or avoid defenders = good imo.


And to add even more to why I like this build personally, atm, is the pretty great heat management skills we have with this build + ofc, the great burst damage with, in good situations, increases even more so!




But enough yammering and rambling, please let me know some feedback and input from you guys. Everyone and anyone is encouraged to post here with their own builds, advice, constructive) criticism, etc. etc.



Looking forward to reading your replies, cheers!


PS: If this build sucks, has many flaws, PLEASE don't just type " you suck/it sucks/blablabla, type something that I can use to improve my build/gameplay with, thank you in advance!!!! ^^


Now, it's 7.44 AM ... Good time to sleep, sweet dreams all xD

Edited by kwmarien
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Damage: subject to a lot of RNG (more than pyro since you have another proc), damage is more sustained given the ability to stay on top of the target. Deep Pyro build will still win out on burst damage.


Mobility: Hydraulic Override is not that great of a gap closer. You can be stunned while having it. Enemies can wait til it fades before popping their knock back/snare/root etc... or just use a different cool down (force speed to outrun you for example). If you use it after a knock back (for the sprint to catch up) then eat a stun, you're forced to use your cc break or waste it entirely.


Survivability: here's the weak part of the build. You have nothing to offer from both AP and pyro tree in this category. Deep pyro build has shortened cd of Kolto Overload and Energy Shield. Deep AP has Stabilized Armor. Shield tech or ST/Pyro uses Ion for the massive boost to survivability.


Heat: still gonna be like Pyro, very RNGish (maybe a little bit better with the free Rocket Punch).


Overall: This feels more like a PvE build (I think one guy made a build like this with High Energy Gas instead and feel it's up to par with Pyro if not better). You can make it work ,but this is just my opinions.

Edited by Trungalung
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I appreciate your input and opinion, but tbh the Deep Pyro & Adv Prototype "defensive" skills are nowhere near important enough imo to change this build.


Besides, I'm not speccing for survival, I'm speccing for DPS/Utility, so while I do agree that those are certainly flaws in my spec, I don't find them critical enough to change the current build.


The heat management I think will be fine once I got all the appropriate skills and I do *think* (Not being certain, I'm just under the impression that...) this build could potentially provide more dps than a deep Pyro spec.


And I'm also under the impression that this build has more utility in several aspects:


More DoTs

Better gap closers than Deep Pyro Spec

CDR on our useful but limited CC skills (I love grappling someone into the acid tub of Hutball. Not that that's the only fun thing to do with Grapple, IF it works. ^^)


And with the skills in Adv Proto & Pyro, I really think this build has alot of potential for seriously high damage.



But then again, I'm a newb so I'm not going to pretend I'm right about this without even being lvl 50 to test this theory. :D


So please, more input/advice, will be greatly appreciated...And rewarded with *space* brownies!


( See what I did thar? ... Star Wars ... Space ... No ? ... Ok then just have some damn regular brownies! :( ) xD

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I appreciate your input and opinion, but tbh the Deep Pyro & Adv Prototype "defensive" skills are nowhere near important enough imo to change this build.


Besides, I'm not speccing for survival, I'm speccing for DPS/Utility, so while I do agree that those are certainly flaws in my spec, I don't find them critical enough to change the current build.


The heat management I think will be fine once I got all the appropriate skills and I do *think* (Not being certain, I'm just under the impression that...) this build could potentially provide more dps than a deep Pyro spec.


And I'm also under the impression that this build has more utility in several aspects:


More DoTs

Better gap closers than Deep Pyro Spec

CDR on our useful but limited CC skills (I love grappling someone into the acid tub of Hutball. Not that that's the only fun thing to do with Grapple, IF it works. ^^)


And with the skills in Adv Proto & Pyro, I really think this build has alot of potential for seriously high damage.



But then again, I'm a newb so I'm not going to pretend I'm right about this without even being lvl 50 to test this theory. :D


So please, more input/advice, will be greatly appreciated...And rewarded with *space* brownies!


( See what I did thar? ... Star Wars ... Space ... No ? ... Ok then just have some damn regular brownies! :( ) xD


One of the thing about Pyro is the ability to fight at range (sure, it's not optimal but still doable) which lower the need for gap closer (mobility is a different thing since they still suck at it). So with smart positioning (Zombieland Rule# 22: When in doubt Know your way out), your survivability will increase tremendously especially on maps like Alderaan and Voidstar. This build will requires you up close to the target for melee so positioning is out of the question. And the reduction on Energy Shield is a lifesaver for Pyro, it makes up for the loss of passive survivability.

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