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The Marauder!


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I just want to take the time to make a statement about the Marauder.


Most of the Marauder forum are cluttered of all the multitude of posts on how bad the marauder is. It's not bad at all! It's just that alot of people are incapable of playing one properly, utterly useless in general or juding the class way to early.


Take the annihilation specc for example, it wont come to it's fullest potential until 40+. And to be fair, it takes some practice to get the hang of the class. You cant just charge in, hit ravage and think you'll win! You gotta work for it and prioritize your abilities for any given moment. But If or when you learn to pull it off, it's very rewarding, actually maybe even a bit OP. The Marauder is not a 2 button mashing I win button class.


If you decide to roll one expect to be challanged at first and then rewarded like a true Sith Lord. Either take the time and effort to actually learn how to play a Marauder properly or simply roll an easier, more beginner friendly class and save yourself the trouble. After all, no one is forcing you to play a Marauder!!


Among all the useless posts on the forum there are actually a few goodies which contain useful information about the class. Start to read those if you're new to the Marauder class and start playing with an open mind, BUT! If you dont want to play a challanging class you should probably stop here and turn to another class because, as I said before, if you dont take the effort to learn you might aswell just bang you head repetedly into the wall and get more out of that.


I have played as annihilation from the start and havent tried out the other two trees. But from what I've read and heard the Annihilation tree or the Rage tree seems to be the best alternatives to start with. But dont take my word for it. The talent trees are pretty straight forward, take some time to look thru the different trees, make out what works together and decide for yourself what tree/playstyle you like the most. And remember that you can always respecc if it turns out that you chose the wrong tree.


This is the Build I'm currently using: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMcGzZhM.1


This Build is focused around PVE and getting as much output as possible but works for PVP aswell. If you want to really focus on PVP you should probably specc a bit differently.


I wont turn this into a guide because, tbh, I dont have what it takes to write one. But feel free to ask any questions and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.



Have a good day all you kick-*** Marauders!

To the naysayers, I've only one thing to say! Your inability to comprehend wont stop us!

Edited by Lilleman
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I definitely have fun playing this class. Hell, just figuring out which of my abilities are best to use when is a fun challenge. I would hate to play something else that's simpler. As of now I'm only level 25 and from what I've read from others who enjoy this class it only gets better. I ran 5 WZ's last night when i dinged 25 and other than getting farmed in a 5-0 huttball by a premade (wish this was fixed) I was top 5 in damage all matches and I don't even have my best talents yet. To all that think damage doesn't matter that's fine so I'll tell you that 3/4 remaining huttball matches (I'm empire that's all we get) the teams were relatively even with them all being 2-3 or 3-4 wins or losses, I was averaging 25 kills with 7 deaths or less. The 5th match was completely lop-sided for my team and we won 6-0 in about 5 mins.


As for pve, I really have no idea what is considered good but I'm having no problem killing 2x gold mobs of an equal level as myself without having to use stims. My def CD's are on a short enough timer where one is almost always up and they are dead pretty quickly as far as I'm concerned. I can see the lack of CC being an issue but aside from that the class seems great to me.


I'm sure this will not be heeded but please save this thread for people who actually enjoy this class. There are enough posts about how much you all hate it. If it's not for you it just isn't. This isn't WoW where you've played the same class forever and Blizz screwed your class this patch. This is all new, just find the class that's right for you. To put it simply for people that are thinking of rolling a Marauder, Do not if you are new to MMO's and using a keyboard/mouse to play games. You will most likely not enjoy the class if you do not like to use keybinds or are unwilling to put in the time TO learn how to use multiple keybinds. This is not an L2P post it's just a fact, to play it to it's full potential you will be frustrated clicking 15 different abilities and never looking at you screen and cool world that BW designed.

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I definitely have fun playing this class. Hell, just figuring out which of my abilities are best to use when is a fun challenge. I would hate to play something else that's simpler. As of now I'm only level 25 and from what I've read from others who enjoy this class it only gets better. I ran 5 WZ's last night when i dinged 25 and other than getting farmed in a 5-0 huttball by a premade (wish this was fixed) I was top 5 in damage all matches and I don't even have my best talents yet. To all that think damage doesn't matter that's fine so I'll tell you that 3/4 remaining huttball matches (I'm empire that's all we get) the teams were relatively even with them all being 2-3 or 3-4 wins or losses, I was averaging 25 kills with 7 deaths or less. The 5th match was completely lop-sided for my team and we won 6-0 in about 5 mins.


As for pve, I really have no idea what is considered good but I'm having no problem killing 2x gold mobs of an equal level as myself without having to use stims. My def CD's are on a short enough timer where one is almost always up and they are dead pretty quickly as far as I'm concerned. I can see the lack of CC being an issue but aside from that the class seems great to me.


I'm sure this will not be heeded but please save this thread for people who actually enjoy this class. There are enough posts about how much you all hate it. If it's not for you it just isn't. This isn't WoW where you've played the same class forever and Blizz screwed your class this patch. This is all new, just find the class that's right for you. To put it simply for people that are thinking of rolling a Marauder, Do not if you are new to MMO's and using a keyboard/mouse to play games. You will most likely not enjoy the class if you do not like to use keybinds or are unwilling to put in the time TO learn how to use multiple keybinds. This is not an L2P post it's just a fact, to play it to it's full potential you will be frustrated clicking 15 different abilities and never looking at you screen and cool world that BW designed.




So pretty much, telling people who know the class better to l2p and we should save this thread for people to trash talk with telling us it's not wow? Ok ya no.



There are countless threads explain the problems, I don't need to do it again. Threads like this don't help anything. It's just telling others in a nice way l2p everything is fine. Well the people who are concern with the class know the class better than the ones telling things its fine.

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So pretty much, telling people who know the class better to l2p and we should save this thread for people to trash talk with telling us it's not wow? Ok ya no.



There are countless threads explain the problems, I don't need to do it again. Threads like this don't help anything. It's just telling others in a nice way l2p everything is fine. Well the people who are concern with the class know the class better than the ones telling things its fine.


Well done, yet another "I know more than you do" post. Congratulations on being a jack*****. I applaud you, good sir. The 3 lvl 50 Mars that love it in my guild must be morons like me. I'll be happy that way too. As I said, I enjoy the class, if BW decides to buff it cool, if not, cool. Again, I enjoy the class. Maybe instead of filling every Mar post with the same tired story you should just play a different class, you obviously do not like the class, there were no drastic changes from something you were used to before. It's the class that BW designed. If it's not for you it's with no animosity that I say just re roll and play the game with a toon you WILL enjoy.


And btw, please link the "countless" posts that explain the problems with the class. So far I've seen posts complaining that at level 25 they don't do enough damage. Umm, last I checked there is a talent tree that from what I have seen of it is pretty damn important. As rage I don"t get my best talents untill 30+. Auto crit smash? Force crush? Yes i'm sure that can't have anything to do with it. The only thing I would like to see is deadly throw gain us 2-3 points of rage instead of costing that and go ahead and raise the CD to 15 secs.


Meh, I'm done here. It will surely fall on deaf ears. If you like a challenge play the class, if not don't. Or just listen to Teladis who is an elite gamer extreme quite obviously.

Edited by Madduxx
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