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Serious Thread: Gungans! Plz Read this Petition.


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Ok, I know I'll probably be flamed by many for this, but my favorite Star Wars race is by far the Gungans. I love many others, Togruta, Zabrak, Nautolans, Rodians, but there's just something about the Gungans, their appearance, the way they speak, that really appeals to me.


I've read many of the discussions on the forums about the current playable races, why they are all so very humanoid, and about SWTOR plans to add more races in future patches and development of the game. I understand the situation, but this will hopefully let the developers know that there are some of us (at least one: me :p) that would love to see this awesome race brought into the game.


I know often these pleas by players are gone unheard, but I would love nothing more than to be able to play a Gungan in this game. This link (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gungan) contains most known information about Gungans, mostly for other forum users benefit, and even shows a minor precedent of a Gungan Sith.


I may be alone in this, but if I am not, please bump or acknowledge this if you also would like to see the Gungans brought into the game. Thx.

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Lore-wise, Bioware absolutely CAN'T use Gunguns because Jar Jar Binks is the ONLY recorded Gungun to ever leave Naboo; in fact they are so unknown to the Galaxy at large that Obi-Wan Kenobi's first comment upon seeing one was "What's this?" (Qui-Gon equally didn't know who or what Jar Jar was, so he simply replied "a local"). The other races, Rodian, Mandalorians, Twi'leks etc are VERY commonplace throughout the galaxy, many of them aren't even born on their home planets.
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That's not true. Although rare they have traveled, see the link I included above, it documents Gungans on other planets, and like I said, even one who became sith. I know they're uncommon, but nevertheless I think Bioware could swing it, seeing as how they don't seem averse to take at least small liberties.
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But like I said the Gungans have been known for a long time. I guess I just love the gungans enough that I'm willing to suffer the lore stretching for the chance to play them. And like you said, there is an opportunity for amazing story there, how the gungan got picked up from a primitive race and brought into the throws of the galactic conflict.
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But like I said the Gungans have been known for a long time. I guess I just love the gungans enough that I'm willing to suffer the lore stretching for the chance to play them. And like you said, there is an opportunity for amazing story there, how the gungan got picked up from a primitive race and brought into the throws of the galactic conflict.


i could see it saying a unknown planet "presumed lifeless" and end up falling in the water and seeing there city.

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Well, it looks like Naboo (and by extension the Gungan civilization) was known of since about 3951BBY (current timeline is somewhere around 3600BBY, so almost 300 years) in the Republic.


Still, I'd vastly prefer other races to get in before the Gungans. :U Togruta, Natolans, Nagai, and so on... Generally, races that had far better representation (as the Gungans didn't get that in the Republic until about 2BBY) in the Republic.


Buuuut, I'm not diametrically opposed to it. Or, I am, but I lack good basis for argument and therefore can't, in good faith, disagree.

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