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Thank You BioWare - For Reelz


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Love this game. Needs a few things here and there, but really enjoying it. Noticed some major animation and sfx improvements in this game and the graphics definitely got some work.


Very much appreciate you guys letting us in 2 days earlier than you had originally stated. Very cool of you. I've never seen a company do that.


To the ;; folks:


This has been a solid MMO release. And consider that they may have stepped up their gradual uptake 2 days early because they may be trying to get everyone in by the 15th so that everyone gets a full 5 days early access. Only a few folks will have an extra day or two. Two months from now, that extra couple of hourse won't mean anything.


The only people who seem to be complaining are people who aren't in the game. Therefore they haven't actually experienced it to have any valid complaints as to whether the in game launch is going smoothly or not.


Everyone was promised up to 5 days early access. They launched the game 2 days early and everyone complains...


Talking about amazing customer service! Hell, FFXIV screwed up the official launch date and told everyone they could get online a day before the game came out in the stores and then wouldn't released the game a day early so no one even got into the game till the day after launch.


I cannot understand for the life of me how a company says that early access starts on DECEMBER 15th, and out of the goodness of their hearts they decided to open it up 2 DAYS EARLIER and people are mad. Heck... If you took off work or school without knowing with absolute certainty that you would get the game today then you're a total fool. And really if you skipped school, that was super stupid because those that did that have zero reading comprehension. "...up to 5 days" does not guarantee you get in 7 days early, so you really, really need to get back to class.


Flame away haters because I won't give a crap because:

1) I'm right; and,

2) I'll be in the game playing so I won't be able to read your ;;

Edited by Dawginole
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Love this game. Needs a few things here and there, but really enjoying it. Noticed some major animation and sfx improvements in this game and the graphics definitely got some work.


Very much appreciate you guys letting us in 2 days earlier than you had originally stated. Very cool of you. I've never seen a company do that.


To the ;; folks:


This has been a solid MMO release. And consider that they may have stepped up their gradual uptake 2 days early because they may be trying to get everyone in by the 15th so that everyone gets a full 5 days early access. Only a few folks will have an extra day or two. Two months from now, that extra couple of hourse won't mean anything.


The only people who seems to be complaining are people who aren't in the game. Therefore they haven't actually experienced it to have any valid complaints as to whether the in game launch is going smoothly or not.


Everyone was promised up to 5 days early access. They launched the game 2 days early and everyone complains...


Talking about amazing customer service! Hell, FFXIV screwed up the official launch date and told everyone they could get online a day before the game came out in the stores and then wouldn't released the game a day early so no one even got into the game till the day after launch.


I cannot understand for the life of me how a company says that early access starts on DECEMBER 15th, and out of the goodness of their hearts they decided to open it up 2 DAYS EARLIER and people are mad. ***... If you took off work or school without knowing with absolute certainty that you would get the game today then you're a total fool. And really if you skipped school, that was super stupid because those that did that have zero reading comprehension. "...up to 5 days" does not guarantee you get in 7 days early, so you really, really need to get back to class.


Flame away hates because I won't give a crap because:

1) I'm right; and,

2) I'll be in the game playing so I won't be able to read your ;;



yup, and don`t forget it was the best spectator event in years

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