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Thank you Bioware for an amazing class.


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The pics that they post prove that the marauder is capable of fulfilling it's role as a damage dealing class. I am sorry you do not have the patience to learn how to reproduce the same results. Yes, bounty hunters and sorcs will produce similar results.... are marauders the only class that is supposed to put out damage? No. We get it, those classes can put out similar damage easier, that's fine but some of us prefer the skill required for this class. People like you want some crazy buff to marauders to make them 2 button easy mode. People like me, do not want that at all. Obviously those that say l2p are better at playing this class than you are. They have found ways to produce amazing results with the marauder class and you have not. How can you claim to be a better player when you would rather complain about a class than learn it. You have proven to be nothing other than a lazy player. Minor tweaks may be needed for this class, but in no way are they broken or ineffective. Play your BH and sorc if you want, but unless you have a constant pocket healer backing you up, don't be upset when I destroy you in every WZ we step in together because unlike you, I have learned to play this class.

A very positive and to the point post thank you :)

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But hey, since most of the people who play marauders are terrible at playing them but say the fault is on the class, eventually bioware might just end up boosting the class anyway to make it easier for those people.

So in a sense it's just a win win situation for those who already know how to play the class.

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But hey, since most of the people who play marauders are terrible at playing them but say the fault is on the class, eventually bioware might just end up boosting the class anyway to make it easier for those people.

So in a sense it's just a win win situation for those who already know how to play the class.


Yes, let the cry-babies who can't play this class cry even more. That way BW will buff it, even though it doesn't need much, and I will become even more powerful. Muahahaha!


So too everyone who knows for a fact this class isn't broken, be quite so that way in the future we can have an overpowered class. Occupy Marauder starts now!

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The maurader is perfectly fine imo, just some speccs lacks stuns, i.e Annihilation (im only 41 so I dont know if more is to come).


I do not often die in 1v1, but ofcourse I can get overpowered in 2v1 or 3v1 but 1v1 isnt a problem at all.


The fact is, that you need to understand the mechanics of the cass to unleash its potential.


I've never even considered rage as my main purpose is to do OPS at level 85, but still, I could solo a Heroic 2 man quest as Annihilation at level 41 pulling 2 strong mobs and 1 elite. How is that for a "weak" class?


The L2P posts are highly valuable, because it really requires that of this class.

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I have scrolled through a lot of these posts about marauder.

A lot of them people complaining about the class being broken etc..

Currently im using Carnage.

The Carnage tree for Marauder is more worthy of the Assassin title IMO,

People who know how to play this tree will understand what i mean.

I would share my tactics but the key is in the secret or else others would be doing it and

it wouldnt be so fun.

But heres a clue



I do pretty dam well in PVP and only at lvl 35 ATM.

I guess it depends on if you know how to use the class properly or not (no offence).

With this class you have to keep an eye on everything constantly and be hot-keying tonnes of skills all the time.

The only thing holding me back atm is gear and final skills etc


I have rolled 2 other classes and i just feel marauder is for me.

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I really dont get why people think this class is broken?


is it that the abilities are difficult to understand in terms of what goes with what? there are a lot of abilities that work off other abilities.


e.g. berzerk for annihilation spec. It relies on you knowing what to do with rupture and deadly saber.


We have 2 saber throws, especially one that acts as an execute. It hits like a truck.


Here is my top tip... find yourself swamped in a 1v3 situation but still want to kill that healer/ball carrier/guy who has annoyed you thus far?


Hit camoflage, run back and charge back in. Hit undying rage. Now, you got 6 seconds to kill that guy and go out in a blaze of glory!


I actually managed to kill 2 guys (they were both low'ish on health) who were chain stunning me. Managed to hit camo, charged one guy down killing with a brutal annihilation crit and then dropped the other guy with saber throws.


It was half luck, half knowing what abilities are at my disposal but luck is often all you need....


And one for the e-peen catalogue 2012, I scored twice in hutball, got the most objective points of anyone and still scored 100k more damage than 2nd place. The trick? always be where the ball is... it's where bad guys hang out.

Edited by McRuffles
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Well when he posts things that hinder the progress of a GIMP class then i am going to refute it. Dont settle for mediocre when everyone else is getting first class.


And how do i know?? Because i have other high lvls and from experience i can tell you Marauder is a joke. Now thats actually a valid argument.


Um, no it's actually not even close to an "argument." All you have done is say "I have other high levels and in my opinion, they are more powerful." You haven't proven that you even HAVE other high levels, or a high level marauder for that matter, but even if we assume you are telling the truth there, you haven't proven that you have skill with any class, let alone marauder. Then, even after all that initial stuff, you haven't set up a method of comparing the relative weights of the classes, setting up controls, allowing for some error, pointing out the things that cannot be controlled for. It's called real theorycraft, and it is not strong with you. You have not made an argument, you have spouted opinion, and named it fact.

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Agreed. I just hit 41, ad this class is indeed a late bloomer. I'm Carnage spec and the later talents like Massacre really make this class shine. Silver mobs I can now burst down very quickly, Battering assault>massacre>force scream is indeed a mean burst of murder, with force scream critting for 1.6k (at lvl 40) strong mobs don't stand a chance.


The Marauder is a class worth waiting for.

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In PvE the class is fine, Im 45 atm


However PvP wise the class lacks alots, compair with the other classes it does less damage and has less utility


Being a damage only class the utility thing I can live with.


BH's, Inquis, and Agents will out DPS you and do it from range and have greater utility

Edited by Atalantia
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In PvE the class is fine, Im 45 atm


However PvP wise the class lacks alots, compair with the other classes it does less damage and has less utility


Being a damage only class the utility thing I can live with.


BH's, Inquis, and Agents will out DPS you and do it from range and have greater utility


That's not entirely true, most matches I play I typically have one of the highest ranking damage scores. A particular reason why I like rage is because it's strongest attack is an AoE so it helps with my score.

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Played my Mauri to 41 so far and just love it.


I dunno what other classes can do and thb, i dont care. My Mauri gets teh job done wo much hassle, but tons of style. Freaking love the animations, massacre spamming opposition into the ground looks fantastic. I even go out of the line for Pommel Strike just to hear the bonecracking nosebleeder sound. No pew pew here, just some serious sushi skills at work.


Other classes are uber? Doenst matter for PvE and Pvp is a group effort so, who cares.

Worst class in the game? I doubt it, but really, who cares.

Hard to get some performance out of it? no

Hard to be efficient? yes.

Fun to play? oh yes! And its all about that, at least for me.


The tweaks i like to see are


no input lag

make ravage instant 1 hit high damage

make our mezzbreaker a low CD

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