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Character too large to reach datacron.. seriously.


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So I made a large Jedi knight. The tall He-Man like dude. Entering Castle Panteer on Alderaan, I can't go through the crack to take the great stairs. Girlfriend plays a slender sage, she can go through no problem. And I just can't, because apparently I'm too damn large for the freaking crack (yeah, I know, taken out of context this sentence is incredibly funny).


How long did beta last again ? Can't these kinds of things be FREAKING tested before launching ? This is completely retarded. Along with the Aim datacron bugged, and bonus quests that you can't finish because the stupid disappeared entirely, i'm starting to think they didn't really test past Nar Shaddaa, cause that's where the game started being buggy as hell.

But this bug takes the whole freaking cake, I've never seen anything like this since Trolls could get stuck in EQ's houses, and that was 15 god forsaken years ago.


I'm so damn disappointed right now.


/end rant

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Find another player, body size 1 or 2


Have them go in, if it's a vanguard, duel them and have them harpoon you through. If it's a sage, they can pull you through, else, duel them and force leap through.


Creativity worked for me, it can for you too

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I went with a small powertech, and a large Juggernaut (i myself am a large merc).


The powertech fit through, and the Juggernaut was able to force leap through the crack.


for me though, no amount of grapple hooks, force throws, knockbacks, /stuck's or anything were able to get me through.


I understand it's a big game, but seriously, how much of an oversight was this? If you place objectives around the world for players to hunt for, you should at least make sure that all body types can access those items. This would seriously take a map designer 10 minutes to shift the door a few centimeters so that everyone can fit through, How was this not caught in the beta?

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It was....Oh, how it was....




I've done Beta testing for this game and others, and after live release, it's so painful to see comments about why wasn't this caught in Beta or didn't the Beta players let anyone know that this idea would not be received well when I know full well there were pages and pages of discussion about it in the Beta.


I've just decided that either some things are too small (no pun intended) to deal with before launch and will be fixed later so the Devs can work on literally game-breaking bugs, or something is exactly like the Devs want it to be even though they now know it will annoy players when it goes Live.


The codex (I hope) falls into the former category and was released with lots of known bugs which are slated to be fixed later. I will be one of the very annoyed players if I find out the codex is actually WAI and it's not meant to be completable by any player. As far as I know there's not even a planet whose entire codex is completable at this time.

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sorry, i knew it was caught in the beta, i meant why wasn't it resolved?


Probably though, they're waiting until they have enough data from thousands of /stuck commands before they re-open the map for editing so that they can squash all the bugs at once.

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There is another Datacron on Corellia with the same issue. You can cheese your way past the obstruction on Alderaan; there is no way around the obstruction on Corellia.


Actually you can, though it's a little more fiddly than just getting rezzed from the other side of the gap. You need to drop off a ledge to your death and get a friend with pull ability to grab you in mid-air on the way down and drag you on to the pipes where he is standing!

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