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Selecting Need for your companion


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No, having BW controlling what drops you can or cannot get should only be the very last thing if nothing else works.


Community should handle this by creating a black list for each specific server and faction.



That's just ridiculous, to much work and maintenance for something that can easily be fixed by just blocking the need option from items someone's character can't equip.


Anyone can put anyone's name a simple list like that, so they will need screenshots as proof. The creator of the list will have to review it multiple times daily, check his emails, deal with disputes. Way to much work.

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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.


If your companion needs gear that badly go to the GTN and pick up some cheap pieces. Im a healer and i use my tank companion. With almost all greens on her she can tank 2 star's at the same time. im lvl 43 w/ that toon btw.

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Screw checking 51 pages of posts myself. But a roll system similar to WoW's current system would work great. Each subclass only prioritizes one stat, right? I'm sure this suggestion has been said already, but it bears repeating.


I would also suggest a "companion" loot option with a higher priority than greed, but it would just be abused.

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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.



Unless no one needed the item, yes, you were wrong. Even if no one needed the item, I find it best to ask in group, but that's just me.

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Players come before companions. Simple as that. Heck when i ran bt for the very first time some gear dropped that my companion could use. I was going to need but I was unsure and i just decided that it would probably start a commotion and just hit greed.


Think of it this way. Generally the rule is mainspec before offspec. So if you're a dps but you also heal (and have a healing set) and you go into the raid to dps, the healers have priority on need rolls over you. If the healers don't need it then go ahead and take it for your offspec I don't mind. But if you take healing gear for you offspec and a healer needs it that's a problem and I'm kicking you out.


Same with a companion if no one needs i don't mind you taking it but if a player needs it for themselves they get it first. Expecially because when it comes down to world bosses, endgame, and operations, you won't be able to use your companion because if your group is 4 or higher it's considered too full for a companion.


Your companion that's decked out in full t1 is going to do jack **** in that t2 raid because he/she can't come along.

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Can't believe this is a 64 pager.


You roll on loot that you can't use immediately you will be remebered and not invited again. If not outright removed from the guild.


The people who state otherwise must be new to mmos or don't pve end game. Taking loot from teammates slows your progression. There is nothing to argue or debate here.

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It blows my mind how many people think that there are no consequences to your actions, socially.


As long as there is no cross server LFD, you're going to have an increasingly harder time getting groups by acting selfishly.


Even if every person that leads groups doesn't know you, there's a decent chance that towards higher levels/endgame, you'll wind up in a group with at least one person that's ignored you for this behavior before. Then they'll either say something in group, or just drop group. Both make it harder to get the Operation/Flashpoint done.


And if their friends and/or guild "blacklist" you, that further increases the chances of the above happening.


And, assuming BioWare never introduces character renames or cross server LFD, eventually you'll either be forced to re-roll or have to hope enough new players come into this game, like the 800 pound gorilla, that you always stay anonymous.

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It blows my mind how many people think that there are no consequences to your actions, socially.


As long as there is no cross server LFD, you're going to have an increasingly harder time getting groups by acting selfishly.



Just an update, a couple more groupings to add, and still not a single person has said a word about me rolling need for my companion.


Again, I keep grouping with people who are nice, and thank me for healing the group the entire time.


I'm trying my best in this experiment to find the consequences to this particular behavior but can't. It seems if you're a healer no one cares what you roll on.


My healer can't seem to get blacklisted no matter how hard he tries. I'll keep grouping with him and see if that changes. But right now, there's been zero complaints in two and a half days of experimentation.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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You roll for a piece of gear.

You lose.

Winner gets gear.

Finaly , Its not yout concern If the winner uses it for companion, sells it,For themselves,Gives to a friend,Leaves it in their inventory to rot.


Basicaly you lost, If you won good for you, you have the choice to to what you will with your loot.


Otherwise this is nothing more than being a poor sport , sore loser and that you think you are more important and some how have a special right to this loot.

The reality is You want something, you didnt win, you lose and your a poor loser.


Moral Relativism at it's finest. Good for you, Randian.


Y'all just need to respect your fellow players and not be so selfish.

Edited by RazielHex
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Just an update, a couple more groupings to add, and still not a single person has said a word about me rolling need for my companion.


Again, I keep grouping with people who are nice, and thank me for healing the group the entire time.


I'm trying my best in this experiment to find the consequences to this particular behavior but can't. It seems if you're a healer no one cares what you roll on.


My healer can't seem to get blacklisted no matter how hard he tries. I'll keep grouping with him and see if that changes. But right now, there's been zero complaints in two and a half days of experimentation.



So you are going with the same people each time or is this random groups with rarely the same people in the group?


If you are are trying to establish any type of conclusion through your testing, you need to write down the names of every person you group with, how many times you have grouped with them.


Simply grouping with random people never or rarely the same is not a relevant control group to establish any type of conclusion.


The fact that nobody says anything doesn't mean they don't find it to be a problem and since there is no specific organization to blacklisting, likely it will take a while before your reputation begins to be a problem. Casual evaluations of such will only elude to "extremes" and it won;t give you any real useful information.

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So you are going with the same people each time or is this random groups with rarely the same people in the group?


If you are are trying to establish any type of conclusion through your testing, you need to write down the names of every person you group with, how many times you have grouped with them.


Simply grouping with random people never or rarely the same is not a relevant control group to establish any type of conclusion.


The fact that nobody says anything doesn't mean they don't find it to be a problem and since there is no specific organization to blacklisting, likely it will take a while before your reputation begins to be a problem. Casual evaluations of such will only elude to "extremes" and it won;t give you any real useful information.


Also worth considering- is it something other people are rolling need on? Healer or no, if I rolled on some heavy gear and someone with light armor did the same and took it, you bet I'd let you know I was unhappy.


Being a tank or healer doesn't mean we're immune from ignore lists.

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Needing on a companion item that someone else needs on their main makes you a massive a-hole... that's just fact. You don't use your companion in flash points, operations, or war zones. You only use them when soloing and they are not as important as a main.
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Needing on a companion item that someone else needs on their main makes you a massive a-hole... that's just fact. You don't use your companion in flash points, operations, or war zones. You only use them when soloing and they are not as important as a main.


In this game your companion is an extension of you so it is just as import.

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In this game your companion is an extension of you so it is just as import.


When will people stop with this terrible argument? Your companion is a crappy "extension." It doesn't get nearly as much of a boost from the gear as a player does. Much of the time it's not even out, "extending" your abilities.


It is INHERENTLY not as important as another player.

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When will people stop with this terrible argument? Your companion is a crappy "extension." It doesn't get nearly as much of a boost from the gear as a player does. Much of the time it's not even out, "extending" your abilities.


It is INHERENTLY not as important as another player.


I disagree. This game is different then others. You use your companion like another person so yes it is just as important.

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I disagree. This game is different then others. You use your companion like another person so yes it is just as important.


100% agree. I will roll need for my companion in pugs but with friends and guilies I will defer to their needs first. Maybe I am running pug flashpoints just to gear my companions?

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