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Codex Improvement Suggestions


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1) For Force using classes the Codex should be renamed to "Holocron". This makes much more sense lore wise. "Codex" is perfect for the non Force using classes, but "Holocron" fits Force users perfectly.


2) Stats Page - A lot of games track your stats so that you can see what you've done through all your time playing. Things like monsters killed, times I have been incapacitated and had to be revived, food eaten, number of total quests completed, etc. One that is lacking is being able to tell how many PvP kills I have. I currently cannot do this, and its a major letdown. Every other MMO I have ever played that had PvP tracked my kill total. At the very least this needs to be added.


3) Completed Quest Tracker - I would like to go back and see exactly which quests I have already completed. This is good for completionists so we can cross check against any quests that we may have missed. It is also fun to review the lore associated with each quest.


4) Personal Biography Page - For the RP enthusiast, this is very important. A page where the player can write a couple of paragraphs of text for their character's background is a great addition to any fantasy based game. I have spent considerable time both writing my own, and reading the biographies of other players' characters in games like DDO and STO.


The lack of these are not deal breakers for me personally. Just some wish list stuff that would be an improvement in my opinion, and none of them would be difficult to code. The PvP kill total tracker is the most important of the lot in my opinion.

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