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Class Stories timeline?


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There is also a sign in the JK companion story for Doc



One of his companion missions you meet Kaliyo while she is still working for Nem'ro. She had not yet joined the IA as a companion yet because she is still under the employment of Nem'ro while Doc is off healing the Hutt.



This here would place the start of the IA story after the JK one since you acquire Doc on Balmorra.


Actually, I believe that when Doc talks about it he mentions that it's her former employer.


I haven't played the BH storyline but I guess that what happens with Nemro later in Doc's story is in the BH story?

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Actually, I believe that when Doc talks about it he mentions that it's her former employer.


I haven't played the BH storyline but I guess that what happens with Nemro later in Doc's story is in the BH story?





The BH does not kill Nem'ro. No idea who does, but it's a bounty hunter, not the BH.


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If I remember correctly Saresh is not Chancellor untill the end of act 2 on Jedi Consular story but its been a while since I played that story. I do remember her not being the chancellor on tatooine and my character saying "maybe you'll be chancellor some day".


so maybe the Consulary is only one act behind trooper

Edited by mattchanner
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I'm sure someone at Bioware has a powerpoint, etc, detailing how all the stories relate to each other, but that'd be too easy, wouldn't it? :p


I'm kind of surprised no one has put this timeline together, or if they have, no one seems to have made it public.


Because none of the big wigs care about which class did their story first or what happened when. The idea that all classes have a neat place in the game universe is stupid.

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My theory? There is no time line. They just made a bunch of stuff up, had it cross over with parts, then slapped it together. I'm sure they went through and tried to do a little bit of cleaning up, so there weren't glaring contradictions, but....


Well, nice theory but you're wrong. Bioware already stated all of them are tied together by events.


Some are before and after other but there is truly is one, giant continuous story.

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Also, Agent has to take place way before Smuggler. Because Risha's father dies at the end of Smuggler Act 1, yet Agents see him with the Star Cabal in Act 3. This must mean smugglers started much later, and they spend quite a bit of time per planet compared to agents.


Not necessary. That's a recording, IIRC, not eavesdropping on a current conversation, and can surely be backdated to sometime early enough to not make that much of a mess.


Besides, Agent can't happen that much after Smuggler, if at all, because the Smuggler spends time on Taris before it all goes pear-shaped.


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Well, nice theory but you're wrong. Bioware already stated all of them are tied together by events.


Some are before and after other but there is truly is one, giant continuous story.


Bioware stated a lot of things about SWTOR. :)

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Just got my trooper up to 50 and got confused by a lot of what was happening. They really need to put out a timeline of events or even a codex entry. Just enough to tempt players into going through the other class stories.


Trying to put it all together in this Google doc which is free to be edited by anyone with a better understanding of everything.

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The BH does not kill Nem'ro. No idea who does, but it's a bounty hunter, not the BH.



Nem'ro is killed by Skadge, the last companion the BH gets.





Concerning Kaliyo...


Having played the IA storyline twice and having maxed out her affection, I clearly remember there's this one instant where she says she has some personal stuff to do; Hence, I assume this is when she meets up with Doc in the JK's ship.



Also, not sure who said it initially but...



You meet up with Governor(!) Saresh at Taris, not Tattooine. Also, by the time you finish the storyline for the Trooper, which apparently is the class that ends first for the Republic storyline, she just has been appointed as Chancellor.



It should probably be also taken into account that some of the stuff doesn't occur simultaneously. For example...



Trooper ends his class storyline, you receive some high praise from Saresh back at Coruscant, some time passes and then you wrap up the world storyline for Corellia, where - once again - you receive high praise from Saresh. Just like with the Jedi Knight, where you go below the radar for some time, at the end of Act 2.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Play Trooper story=not hearing anything from the other republic classes, or even any of the Imps.


timeline is useless because of how they wrote the game stories.


It's not useless... People are just not trying at all. What has been said here pretty much sums it up...




- - - -


Again, it does help if you play every single storyline.

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It's not useless... People are just not trying at all. What has been said here pretty much sums it up...




- - - -


Again, it does help if you play every single storyline.


Once again, does not matter because the only thing that "ties" any of the classes together is the war, and the events that led up to it, really aren't as big of an issue as stopping the war.


and every single story line? I did not hear about anything from Tython or from the smuggler class story. Saresh is the chancellor but you do not even hear about it unless you play the storyline where she becomes Chancellor.


again, there is no timeline because of how they wrote the stories. If there was more of a timeline IN the game, I would agree that we need it officially set up.

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Once again, does not matter because the only thing that "ties" any of the classes together is the war, and the events that led up to it, really aren't as big of an issue as stopping the war.


Not really, since there are cameos and / or references here and there, that help tying the storylines together, when it comes to continuity. Again...




and every single story line? I did not hear about anything from Tython or from the smuggler class story. Saresh is the chancellor but you do not even hear about it unless you play the storyline where she becomes Chancellor.


There's no storyline that follows her rise to the position of Chancellor, nor you know what happened to the previous one for obvious reasons, as in, to AVOID spoilers before people play any given class storyline.



Why would you want to know that the former Chancellor can be killed? Why would you want to know that a former Crime Lord now turned Imperial Admiral would want to unify the Underworld against the Republic? Why would you want to know that the Bastion was taken?


Need I go on?


I mean, seriously, why would you want to know about details pertaining the storyline for other classes, before you played said storylines? Makes no sense to me.


again, there is no timeline because of how they wrote the stories. If there was more of a timeline IN the game, I would agree that we need it officially set up.


You may choose to IGNORE there is a timeline, despite the fact there is one. If you check my previous post, at least one person has already done an attempt to do so.

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Not really, since there are cameos and / or references here and there, that help tying the storylines together, when it comes to continuity. Again...






There's no storyline that follows her rise to the position of Chancellor, nor you know what happened to the previous one for obvious reasons, as in, to AVOID spoilers before people play any given class storyline.



Why would you want to know that the former Chancellor can be killed? Why would you want to know that a former Crime Lord now turned Imperial Admiral would want to unify the Underworld against the Republic? Why would you want to know that the Bastion was taken?


Need I go on?


I mean, seriously, why would you want to know about details pertaining the storyline for other classes, before you played said storylines? Makes no sense to me.




You may choose to IGNORE there is a timeline, despite the fact there is one. If you check my previous post, at least one person has already done an attempt to do so.


you have to play all the classes to find out what happens. If you do not play the trooper, you would not know that



Rakton declared war on the republic



and I am not ignoring the fact that there is a timeline, I just do not see any reason to have to know about it, due to the game design makes it so you HAVE to play all the storylines and factions to find out all the information.


This, and the fact that the war itself is barely even a focus of most of the classes. I only see the knight and Trooper having the war as the primary focus.

Edited by stormdrakelord
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  • 4 months later...
Let's see what we got thus far:



- Trooper is the first to class to finish Act 2 / start Act 3 because General Rakton formally declares war against the Republic in the aftermath of the Gauntlet mission.


Would it be safe to say the the Jedi Knight finished Act 2 before the Trooper? There is no mention of open war during JK's Act 2, so he would have to be captured by the Emperor (finishing his Act 2), then the Trooper finishes Act 2 (War is declared), then the Jedi Knight is freed sometime later, once open war is old hat. Right?

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I dunno about that. There's really no change in the magnitude of the conflict after Rakton's much-ballyhooed declaration of war. The attack on Taris and the liberation of Balmorra both happen long before that. So do the epic battles in the Maelstrom Nebula and at the Foundry. You go from the grinding war for Hoth to the grinding war for Belsavis.


Personally, I think that it had the same meaning as the Japanese declaration of war on China in 1941, namely: very little. It only recognized a state of affairs that already existed (in the Japanese case, for nearly four years), and didn't even really mark an amplification of the conflict in any real sense.


So using the declaration of war to try to work out a timeline of class stories is probably a fool's errand.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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i dont know the order of when each class story ended but i do know that the SW stary and the JK story end around the same time as stated in a letter written by servant 1 and that the SW story ended before the SI story did cuz thanaton was one of the counsel members who watched SW fight baras
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  • 9 months later...

Lets make it Simple Its an MMO = You meet other people

therefore Can the Class Storyline Still Happen Differently

i will Refer to Fluffyninjallama on Youtube Which has all Convos with companions Recorded So i will Close Argument With MMORPG Means you can other players but still have different internal timelines & thats a thing you discuss about which if i would be one of many that would fell kinda "Lonely In-game" So what i am saying "internal timeline which only relates to you not others great we got that Added & Subtracted"

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