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My thoughts on this whole EGA and the poor community reaction!!


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Everyone else is voicing their negative opinion on the EGA, so here is my opinion on those people!


BioWare gives you people 2 extra days for EGA and all you do is SPIT in BioWare's faces with all these negative posts??


Why not wait until the 15th or 16th and see if you are in by then! The 15th was supposed to be the first day of EGA but instead BioWare changed it to the 13th! And who knows, most of you “might” get in on the 14th but those people are too damn impatient to even wait one more day before flipping out on the forums!


Seriously this will all be moot in a week! Just ONE MORE WEEK!! But people act like the world is going to end in the next few days and they won’t ever get in!


STOP acting like impatient children!! The SW:TOR community is better than this!!


(Sorry if you have to close this thread Mods, it's just sickening how people are behaving because they didn't get in on day one of EGA!)


Inc flames of hate!!

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Considering how they're handling the invites, I'm expecting those who pre-order in December only get around 2 days.


Well considering that when we pre-ordered it says "you MAY get into EGA", that's 2 days they should be thankful for! Right?

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STOP acting like impatient children!! The SW:TOR community is better than this!!



The SW:TOR community is 90% ex-WoW tards. Im genuinely amused that you didnt expect this kind of reaction.


it wil be worse from now on. this community has jumped the shark and the game hasnt even started officially yet. accept it.

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I like spending all day for a week staring at my phone checking to see if I can play a game.

I like the fact that my friends who I preordered with can't all play together because we get our keys at different times

I like the fact that successful marketting ploy to ramp up preorders was so very successful and every mmo after this one will do it. People will get mad that they can't play, but the chance to play soon keeps them from cancelling and people on the fence about it get tipped over into preordering

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Everyone else is voicing their negative opinion on the EGA, so here is my opinion on those people!


BioWare gives you people 2 extra days for EGA and all you do is SPIT in BioWare's faces with all these negative posts??


Why not wait until the 15th or 16th and see if you are in by then! The 15th was supposed to be the first day of EGA but instead BioWare changed it to the 13th! And who knows, most of you “might” get in on the 14th but those people are too damn impatient to even wait one more day before flipping out on the forums!


Seriously this will all be moot in a week! Just ONE MORE WEEK!! But people act like the world is going to end in the next few days and they won’t ever get in!


STOP acting like impatient children!! The SW:TOR community is better than this!!


(Sorry if you have to close this thread Mods, it's just sickening how people are behaving because they didn't get in on day one of EGA!)


Inc flames of hate!!



Edited by Englisheart
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I expect that most, maybe all of the pre-orders will be granted Early Access by Friday or Saturday. Then, a lot of people who can't seem to maintain the perspective that this IS NOT launch but just an Early Access will stop complaining. I suspect that none or few of them will find the time to apologize here for their ranting with an inflated sense of entitlement to play a game BEFORE launch.
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I pre-ordered in October, so I already knew I wasn't going to be in today, or tomorrow. Because I had no shot might have tempered my reaction, who knows?


I think the only thing that has gone poorly is the lack of information about when people may be accepted. People are going to go back to work tomorrow and the rest of the week. Stats will be delayed after that point, Bioware will have no idea how the populations are going to react until 5 or 6pm in the evening after everyone gets home - pretty hard to actively monitor a situation like that. I'd have said giving people an estimated date would probably have been the better way to handle this.

Edited by Docmon
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Everyone else is voicing their negative opinion on the EGA, so here is my opinion on those people!


BioWare gives you people 2 extra days for EGA and all you do is SPIT in BioWare's faces with all these negative posts??


Why not wait until the 15th or 16th and see if you are in by then! The 15th was supposed to be the first day of EGA but instead BioWare changed it to the 13th! And who knows, most of you “might” get in on the 14th but those people are too damn impatient to even wait one more day before flipping out on the forums!


Seriously this will all be moot in a week! Just ONE MORE WEEK!! But people act like the world is going to end in the next few days and they won’t ever get in!


STOP acting like impatient children!! The SW:TOR community is better than this!!


(Sorry if you have to close this thread Mods, it's just sickening how people are behaving because they didn't get in on day one of EGA!)


Inc flames of hate!!


Except your fail argument is directly contradicted by BW itself.

Recall "we're wiping all beta toons since it would be unfair to give certain players a head start".

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I like spending all day for a week staring at my phone checking to see if I can play a game. do something else?

I like the fact that my friends who I preordered with can't all play together because we get our keys at different times get them to wait or roll an alt while they wait. If theyre actually your friends, and they want to level with you, theyll hang back

I like the fact that successful marketting ploy to ramp up preorders was so very successful and every mmo after this one will do it. People will get mad that they can't play, but the chance to play soon keeps them from cancelling and people on the fence about it get tipped over into preordering


And as for this one. Anyone who didnt read the MAY get UP TO 5 days deserves to be shirked. Its not even a scam. Its in the English language and as clear as day. If you thought you were getting 5 days, or that up to 5 means FIVE, you need to get yourself back to school and start hitting those books. Itll give you something to do instead of checking your phone every 5 minutes!

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And as for this one. Anyone who didnt read the MAY get UP TO 5 days deserves to be shirked. Its not even a scam. Its in the English language and as clear as day. If you thought you were getting 5 days, or that up to 5 means FIVE, you need to get yourself back to school and start hitting those books. Itll give you something to do instead of checking your phone every 5 minutes!


I told em not to bother to wait for me. Why? Going on holiday on the 22nd and won't be back in the UK till after the new year. It would be a dick move on my part to make them wait. Also in case it's unclear I object mostly to the lack of a firm ETA. I think it shows a lack of forethought not to take into account that people want to play with one another.

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And as for this one. Anyone who didnt read the MAY get UP TO 5 days deserves to be shirked. Its not even a scam. Its in the English language and as clear as day. If you thought you were getting 5 days, or that up to 5 means FIVE, you need to get yourself back to school and start hitting those books. Itll give you something to do instead of checking your phone every 5 minutes!


Regardless of what the fine print was, how freaking hard would it be for Bioware to just let people know when they can play? 90% of the complaints would be prevented if they weren't encouraging people to sit around checking their e-mail constantly and just growing more pissed off by the hour. Why piss off your customers for no apparent reason when it would be so easy to avoid?

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Regardless of what the fine print was, how freaking hard would it be for Bioware to just let people know when they can play? 90% of the complaints would be prevented if they weren't encouraging people to sit around checking their e-mail constantly and just growing more pissed off by the hour. Why piss off your customers for no apparent reason when it would be so easy to avoid?


Didnt they give the reason that they did this BECAUSE they wanted it to give them flexibility in INCREASING the number of waves. You got a bonus wave today precisely because things were going so swimmingly well. And then they explained that they didnt just keep ramping up the numbers thereafter because they wanted time to get a decent amount of data and see how the servers were doing over a decent period of time. They do have an explanation to all your questions, but only if you actually read what they wrote.


PS. It wasnt FINE PRINT. It was clear as day.

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Go read the dev tracker. They have already explained multiple reason why there is no eta and how they are trying to run EGA, your preorder does not entitle you to act like a child. The OP is right. If you wanted to get in as early as possible you should have preordered as early as possible. If you wanted your friends to get in the same time as you the. You should have gotten them to preorder the sa,e day as you.
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Regardless of what the fine print was, how freaking hard would it be for Bioware to just let people know when they can play? 90% of the complaints would be prevented if they weren't encouraging people to sit around checking their e-mail constantly and just growing more pissed off by the hour. Why piss off your customers for no apparent reason when it would be so easy to avoid?


You are so right. This is the main point of the endless complaints players who pre-ordered have, not the up to 5 then up to 7 days extra playing. A stupid vague timetable would have been enough. EA/Bioware has created artificial frustration among the community and I don't see any valid argument to support such a policy.

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I like spending all day for a week staring at my phone checking to see if I can play a game.

I like the fact that my friends who I preordered with can't all play together because we get our keys at different times

I like the fact that successful marketting ploy to ramp up preorders was so very successful and every mmo after this one will do it. People will get mad that they can't play, but the chance to play soon keeps them from cancelling and people on the fence about it get tipped over into preordering


Or just have everyone start on the 20th??? Is it really that hard??


EA/Bioware is a company, of course they want to try and sell as many pre-orders as they can! It says right in the Pre-Order "MAY be up to 5 days of early access". The keyword there is MAY, no guarantee!!


Start on the 20th problem solved. OR be impatient and play now. No point for people to get all upset on the first day like this!!

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