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New Warzone Idea


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i had an idea for a free for all warzone that would be a fun alternative to huttball.

Speeder demolition derby

rules are fairly simple everyone is on a speeder equipped with several weapons in a small arena and points are scored by destroying your opponents, highest score wins the match.

every speeder has the same amount of health so regardless your lvl everyone is evenly matched.

you get the same skills while riding a speeder.

first is a blaster mounted to the front. medium damage but good fire rate, the standard weapon during the match.

second are mines you can drop behind you. high damage but long cool down, only remains on the track for 1 minute.

3rd is a charge. high damage but causes your own speeder a small amount of damage in return, when used you cannot turn your speeder. lasts 3 seconds.

4th is a repair over time. when used the speeder loses 30% of its speed and you cannot attack until its canceled.

5th skill is based on class. force users get a aoe push around the speeder, low damage but can knock opponents a fair ways. tech classes get a aoe emp blast that slows the nearby opponents and causes a small amount of damage.


might be fun change from always doing huttball.

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