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Glaring pvp issue, bug or intended.


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So, I've noticed in pvp in this game, if you mash a button, say slash because you're dumping focus, or any abiity really. It will never go, I mean it will eventually, but your character will sit there and derp out first, like your animation will keep reseting and the attack will never actually go off. Anyone else notice this? I come from WoW of 7 years as a rogue, where spamming a button was fine because it would go off once you got energy.


Any ideas, or am I just losing my mind?

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So, I've noticed in pvp in this game, if you mash a button, say slash because you're dumping focus, or any abiity really. It will never go, I mean it will eventually, but your character will sit there and derp out first, like your animation will keep reseting and the attack will never actually go off. Anyone else notice this? I come from WoW of 7 years as a rogue, where spamming a button was fine because it would go off once you got energy.


Any ideas, or am I just losing my mind?


You're using something that's off GCD or otherwise instant cast which derps up the rest of your abilities. This is a major issue for everyone, especially healers that have nature-swiftness like abilities.


Pop next cast is instant, derp derp derp... **** would've been faster to just cast it.

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The game is currently broken , please reroll a class that uses only 3 buttons . Currently the 12 you have to hit being a sentinel , 8/12 don't go off , come back later once the game is fixed . I have parked my 50 rank 42 sentinel until they fix this piece of **** class , after the latest patch , they made this MUCH WORSE . I now can't even attempt to compete because my abilities get so backlogged , that nothing even goes off . Also after I die (since I can't kill people anymore) I keep getting hit with abilities after my toon has respawned .


GG Bioware .


I rerolled as an sith sorc , I have died twice in 17 warzones , I consistently pump out 180k + dps , we always win the fights so i'm progressing much faster . Not only that I get healing (which allows me to win more medals) and shields (even more medals) . What the **** were you thinking bioware , this is pure insanity please fix this broken pile of **** .


Edit: I just went 62-0 kills vs deaths in voidstar on the good ole sorc . My best on my sentinel is 37-3 , while working my *** off .


Edit #2: Also I should mention my sorc is level 36 with average gear and my sentinel has 2/5 champion peices , both relics and the cent earring .

Edited by Hernathil
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Without a doubt the most frustrating experience I've ever had in any MMO ever. Half my stuff doesnt work untill 5 seconds after I've pressed the bind, I'm almost always at 90 or less MS so lag is not the issue. I'd say 40% of the time I use an ability in PvP, the animation goes off, the ability does no damage and doesnt go on CD. The rest of the stuff I may be able to use, gives me a SELF ROOT, who in their right godamned mind designed such a shotty bassakwards system?


On what planet do you have to hail from to think that every single melee ability needs to wind up for 2 seconds before it really does anything at it, thats if it works at all in the first place. I have 2, suppossedly instant use abilities that when used requires me to be standing still, they take up to 3 seconds to do damage.


Your telling me that in a game so set on story, someone thought it was a good idea, that a class that is supposed to be super proficient in the use of 2 lightsabers, cannot move while using them?


Nice dynamic combat system there guys!:eek:

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