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Merc vs Powertech Pyro: Mercs left behind?


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As the title says im a bit ticked that I picked Merc right now.


First let me start by saying that I am no healer. I went Merc originally because I loved the explosives my BH was using and figured arsenal was all about them, but little did I know that speccing so would turn my mobile BH into a spamming turret.


No problem, I say! Go Pyro!


Then i looked at the powertech's version, and felt like I just got hit by the short end of a stick...


Why do they get a tool that gives them 100% chance to proc their cylinder while we get 3% accuracy?!? Why do they get access to an extra 60% armor ignore on Railshot, the shot around which revolves the entire spec, while we get 3% crit chance?


Powertech Pyro literally blows Merc Pyro out of the water. It makes it look like a bad joke. I enjoy my merc's Pyrotech, but the fact is, its the subpar red-headed stepchild version of this spec.


So really.... what gives?



Merc secondary tree gains:

+ 9% Aim

+ 6% damage to Powershot, Fusion Missile and Incendiary Missile.

+ +7% crit to everything

+ 12 heat vented per Vent Heat

+ 4% alacrity (first tier Pyro)

+ 3% accuracy (first tier Pyro)


Powertech secondary tree gains:

+6% damage to all fire effects

+ 6% damage to Rail Shot

+ 60% armor penetration on Rail Shot

+ 6% crit to all fire effects

+ 3% crit to everything

+ 100% chance to proc gas cylinder and its slow (first tier Pyro)

+ 4% Rocket Punch damage (first tier Pyro)

Edited by Stonedsoul
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Unload has a 15% higher proc rate, so that's nice.


Our DPS rotation also has a higher damage output on paper. Power Shot and Unload do quite a bit more damage than Flame Burst and Falcon Punch. Accuracy and Crit are no joke, either, especially since ticks of our DoTs can crit.


The Flame Burst DoT application I will admit is very nice-- our Rapid Shots only have a 35% chance to apply the DoT.


The bigger point, and the reason that I'm not disappointed with Pyro at all, is that Powertechs have to be in melee to be effective and we don't. That's immensely relevant in PvP, and the snare combined with our range makes us unbelievably difficult to escape.


There's obviously no way to do a controlled comparison of the two classes right now, but I'd bet they're fairly competitive.

Edited by TroglodyteJB
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i am not even close to optimized and have a 30% crit chance with a 1.75 multiplier... it really does kick out sometimes


dont forget that tracer gives you an armor boost, them an armor debuff, resets the cooldown on unload while simotaniously giving unload a dps boost which can be followed by rail shot with a bonus for bursty mcbursting damage


I agree that pt is a bit more than us but we have tools, good tools that do good things. We need a little love but not as much as you imply.


I personally am very happy with the "good class that could be better" in a new game. We are safe from the nerf bat (which always swings in new games) and have potential for dev love. Game balancing will only help us not hurt us.

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Pyro is just a spec designed for powertech. The longer the fight goes on the more in favor it is for said pyro powertech. Mercs are not as durable by a long shot and need to be able to kill things quickly.


I really hate when people toot on and on about how awesome the mobility is in pyro. Its like these people are still fighting warriors who still don't know what their interrupt is. You will NEVER escape a marauder type warrior and operatives pwn you even harder because you dont have your 2nd knock back

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i am not even close to optimized and have a 30% crit chance with a 1.75 multiplier... it really does kick out sometimes


dont forget that tracer gives you an armor boost, them an armor debuff, resets the cooldown on unload while simotaniously giving unload a dps boost which can be followed by rail shot with a bonus for bursty mcbursting damage


I agree that pt is a bit more than us but we have tools, good tools that do good things. We need a little love but not as much as you imply.


I personally am very happy with the "good class that could be better" in a new game. We are safe from the nerf bat (which always swings in new games) and have potential for dev love. Game balancing will only help us not hurt us.


em... tracer is arsenal, this thread is about pyrotech.... If you aint gonna read the original post, at least read the title?


As for the poster above me I have a problem seeing how the spec is not designed WAY better for pyrotechs then for mercs.

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