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Idea for Bioware regarding party chat options and companions affection


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Hey Folks,


Let me start off by congratulating Bioware on making what (so far) is one heck of an MMO. For the most part I enjoy the game quite a bit at the moment. I, like many of you, have had my fair share of bugs and glitches in the game, but those have been far outweighed by the positive experience and fresh feel of this MMO.


Before I begin, let me preface this post by stating that I'm only level 22. I don't have a 50. I don't have a ton of time to play the game, maybe an hour or two at most a night, but I'm finding that taking the game in small installments has been great for enjoying the content. I'm in no rush to hit max level, I read all the quests in their entirety, and I like to occasionally RP as well. With that being said....


One of the main frustrations that I have right now with the game is when I'm partying with another member and speaking with an NPC while either picking up or handing in a quest. I enjoy the group dynamic, and I understand that grouping up is completely necessary, especially with flashpoints and heroics. However, I do get somewhat aggravated when I continuously lose rolls while grouped. Not for the social points, either. It is because I'm in the midst of trying to build up affection with my companion, and when a party member wins a roll, even if they select the same option that I did but just had a higher party "roll" I gain no affection from my companion.


Would is be possible for a player to gain affection points, even if they lose a party chat "roll"? Again, it isn't for the social points. I don't mind those too much. I just find that gaining affection is a somewhat lengthy and drawn-out process in this game (especially with 5 different companions). So, here is an example of my proposed solution:


Player A and B go to hand in a quest. A chat option is presented where Player A knows that he would win +15 affection points if he answers it in a certain way. He selects that option. Player B selects another option and wins the roll. Player B still wins the 4 social points and Player A only the 2, but since he selected the chat option which WOULD HAVE resulted in a +15 affection gain, he still gets the affection points.


Again, just something to consider since right now I find that grouping to complete quests, although faster, comes with a detriment to gaining affection.

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