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Question about Stats/Comparison - DPS/Survivability


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I'm sure this is likely asked a million times in this forum.. BUT, I still consider myself a noob to SWTOR even though I've been playing since EA Day 1... I am still a noob :p


My main is a Sentinel (Watchman). I enjoy playing him immensely. My wife also plays, and we pretty much exclusively duo everything except Heroics/Flashpoints. (She plays a Sage, so having built-in support is also quite nice.)


My question is... I see other classes with what I think is comparable gear to what I have, and I feel like my survivability and DPS is still lacking in comparison.


I know it would be very cumbersome to post ALL of my equipment, so I'll just give a summary and see where it goes....


I appreciate any advice!!!



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I don't use companions all THAT much. My wife and I are always teamed, and there are two guildmates of mine who are at the same level as we are, and we typically have 3 to 4-person teams for everything we do. (And when it's a 3 person team, usually my wife uses her scoundrel healing companion.)


My companions are usually out doing crew skills missions for me......


That said, when I DO use companions, I typically use Kira, and her gear is decent. (Not great, but also not subpar.)

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